Rising Star
Did Aleister Crowley invent Thelema just for kicks, in the same sense that L. Ron Hubbard invented Scientology just for kicks?
Or was Aleister Crowley truly contacted by a spirit entity named Aiwass?
Here's an interesting tidbit SWIM has been wondering about recently, taken from Rick Strassman, M.D.'s DMT and the Soul of Prophecy: A New Science of Spiritual Revelation in the Hebrew Bible:
"I propose that the common biological denominator is the presence of elevated levels of DMT in the brains of individuals in both states. In prophecy, I hypothesize that DMT levels rise endogenously, and this mediates certain features of the experience. In my New Mexico research subjects, brain levels of DMT rose because I injected into their bloodstream large doses of the pure compound.
The common spiritual or metaphysical mechanisms involve what the medieval Jewish philosophers refer to as the faculties of the mind. One of these is the imaginative faculty, in which emerge the phenomenological contents—visions, voices, emotions, and so forth—of the experience. This is prophecy's form, or "body." The other is the rational faculty, whereby one interprets and communicates the information those contents convey. This message is prophecy's essential nature, its "soul."
This model also adds to the discussion the involvement of God, who is the ultimate arbiter of whether someone attains prophecy. While one may possess through birth or training high-functioning rational and imaginative faculties, these only determine one's qualifications for prophecy, not its attainment. This model is theocentric inasmuch as God is the initiating and organizing principle, rather than brain anatomy and function assuming this role. It proposes that changes in brain function are the means by which God communicates with us, rather than proposing that changes in brain function create the impression of such communication. It is a top-down rather than a bottom-up model."
So what do you guys think? Aleister Crowley = awakened? Or just bored?
Or was Aleister Crowley truly contacted by a spirit entity named Aiwass?
Here's an interesting tidbit SWIM has been wondering about recently, taken from Rick Strassman, M.D.'s DMT and the Soul of Prophecy: A New Science of Spiritual Revelation in the Hebrew Bible:
"I propose that the common biological denominator is the presence of elevated levels of DMT in the brains of individuals in both states. In prophecy, I hypothesize that DMT levels rise endogenously, and this mediates certain features of the experience. In my New Mexico research subjects, brain levels of DMT rose because I injected into their bloodstream large doses of the pure compound.
The common spiritual or metaphysical mechanisms involve what the medieval Jewish philosophers refer to as the faculties of the mind. One of these is the imaginative faculty, in which emerge the phenomenological contents—visions, voices, emotions, and so forth—of the experience. This is prophecy's form, or "body." The other is the rational faculty, whereby one interprets and communicates the information those contents convey. This message is prophecy's essential nature, its "soul."
This model also adds to the discussion the involvement of God, who is the ultimate arbiter of whether someone attains prophecy. While one may possess through birth or training high-functioning rational and imaginative faculties, these only determine one's qualifications for prophecy, not its attainment. This model is theocentric inasmuch as God is the initiating and organizing principle, rather than brain anatomy and function assuming this role. It proposes that changes in brain function are the means by which God communicates with us, rather than proposing that changes in brain function create the impression of such communication. It is a top-down rather than a bottom-up model."
So what do you guys think? Aleister Crowley = awakened? Or just bored?