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this is to all you scientific folk

Migrated topic.


SWIM just took a hit of spice

had a little spice journey..

and then...when he came out..

he saw his cat..his dear cat..the one that scratches him..yet protects him...was trying to kill EVERYTHING...

now this happened without cause..the objects that it was attacking..ANYTHING..

she does NOT act this way..he hasnt touched her..yet she is puffed up..and determined to kill anything remotely alive..

you could call this boredom..but she does NOT act this way..

so..how do you explain this erratic behavoir of animals...in proximity to spice smoking?
does she smell that SWIM is in trouble...or does she actually FEEL the energy output of her human counterpart...

haha you better believe it..if SWIM hadnt..she would have been attacking SWIM!!!

she looked more excited than even THAT picture!
SWIM has had a lot of instances of especially cats getting a contact high. This has happened a lot with lsd. I believe that there is some connection that happens that they can actually get quite tripped from being around someone who is tripping. It's like the spirit descending onto
a group of tribal dancers. There's a connection. SWIM had several instances on lsd where a breakthrough experience would happen. Cruising along at the peak of an lsd experience then all of a sudden SWIM would get blasted into another exponential level and the same thing would happen to his friend at the exact same time and they would simultaneously look at each other and say "Oh shit!! Here we go again!". Well, those same times the cat's would get big dilated pupiled glowing eyes and start behaving as crazy as shit.
I wonder about having my dog in the room during a pharmahuasca experience, cause I might see him morph into some demonic being or something. Though seeing that connection of what he might do would be interesting.
your animal companions are guardians..they will not turn into demonic creatures unless you do something really stupid..
My cats always protect me when I'm on a journey. One of them, who unfortunetly passed away two years ago, saved the day with a little miauw/purr when I was traveling too deep, she got me back.

It's like the cats know hyperspace and they also know how to travel safely into the void.

Anyway, yesterday I recieved my package from my favo supplier (maya) and specially for my cats I also ordered catnip. One of the cats isn't really interested (she's never interested in any food other then her normal hard catfood) but the other got completely happy and was doing crazy stuff like rubbing her head, rolling over the floor, etc. Later on she appeared to be stoned/releaxed.

If you want your cat to be happy and if she has the genes for it, catnip is the way.
Yeah I find cats are always cool to have around when you're experiencing psychedelics. they seem to naturally get it [we'll noticeably more than dogs].
My pet freshwater crayfish also always seems pretty connected at these times, comes up to the front of his tank and waves his one arm around.

but back to the science thingy, and the no cause thing with your cat
you should know that [well if you're on this forum anyway 9i.e. direct experience)] that there doesn't have to be a direct cause for things to happen.
cause and effect [i.e. based around the traditional efficient cause explanation] is, according to lots of fields in science and philosophy pretty limited for our explanations of what's going on in the world.
hopefully science will start to get more of a handle on that in the future coz it's making a lot of confusing results basing experiments on standard causality...haha, serves them right for being smug and thinking they had it down

equally your might have got some vapour or who know's what.

maybe you could try a double blind test with a series of cats and placebos.
Also with and without observers.
alternately it could be the new version of schrodingers cat experiment for the new century?
[cat inside a box, dmt vial with lighter set off by quantum wave/particle/machine elf, is the cat wasted or not wasted or at some unidentifiable state in between.. .hmmm]
if you got it sorted they'd probably name the experiment after you!, [of course you'd probably have problems explaining why you were now famous to your mum and or the cops ; )
Animals are very sensitive to human intoxication. Your eyes and level of excitement are dead give aways. SWIMs dogs knew instantly if SWIM was on any psychedelic as soon as they saw SWIMs face. A friends cats used to respond very positively to heroin or ketamine to their owner. Even birds can recognize. They sense your tension or relaxation. It can either scare the animal or make it want to comfort you. SWIM has seen this with many animals under different substances.

Anyway if SWIYs cat got a wiff of the spice it certainly could have effected her and confused the heck out of her. A cat is much smaller then a person and if it got even a few mgs (or less don't really know) of spice it could seriously effect them.
The Traveler said:
My cats always protect me when I'm on a journey. One of them, who unfortunetly passed away two years ago, saved the day with a little miauw/purr when I was traveling too deep, she got me back.

It's like the cats know hyperspace and they also know how to travel safely into the void.

Anyway, yesterday I recieved my package from my favo supplier (maya) and specially for my cats I also ordered catnip. One of the cats isn't really interested (she's never interested in any food other then her normal hard catfood) but the other got completely happy and was doing crazy stuff like rubbing her head, rolling over the floor, etc. Later on she appeared to be stoned/releaxed.

If you want your cat to be happy and if she has the genes for it, catnip is the way.

its funny you mention catnip...SWIM just got her some nice fresh stuff..and she loves it..she sleeps with the sock SWIM puts the nip in..
Jorkest said:
The Traveler said:
My cats always protect me when I'm on a journey. One of them, who unfortunetly passed away two years ago, saved the day with a little miauw/purr when I was traveling too deep, she got me back.

It's like the cats know hyperspace and they also know how to travel safely into the void.

Anyway, yesterday I recieved my package from my favo supplier (maya) and specially for my cats I also ordered catnip. One of the cats isn't really interested (she's never interested in any food other then her normal hard catfood) but the other got completely happy and was doing crazy stuff like rubbing her head, rolling over the floor, etc. Later on she appeared to be stoned/releaxed.

If you want your cat to be happy and if she has the genes for it, catnip is the way.

its funny you mention catnip...SWIM just got her some nice fresh stuff..and she loves it..she sleeps with the sock SWIM puts the nip in..

Ah, too cute, you got a picture of her?
SWIM's pitbulls have acted so irrationally while SWIM was on LSD that he has no doubt you can trip your animals out. MDMA caused them to act REALLY funny. They navigated the room with a very low profile as if they were hunting grasshoppers or something following SWIM and his fiance around. At one point one of them was in a catatonic state on the bed and wouldn't even move for a piece of human food (this dog is extremely greedy and will do ANYTHING for food).
here is SWIM's little kitty..she's a runt..but she is ferocious..anytime somebody new comes over she attacks them to show them who's boss.. its her domain!!

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