downwardsfromzero said:
Swayambhu said:
I have been lucky in my life to have spent time amongst isolated peoples, who live according to more primordial ways. Such people are often characterised by a wonderful sweetness shown to their own people, and an almost psychotic disregard for the lives of the people they deem their enemies.
This could apply as well to various members of the modern 'Western' world, couldn't it?
Sort of, but in the West communal and personal violence have become so far removed from each other.
-We vote for scumbag politicians who will send rockets or drones to kill faceless "enemies" who really only exist, for us, on paper.
And the men who do actual killing are dehumanised, by military and popular culture, and by the crippling damage they do themselves in trying to either integrate or keep separate the facts of their social being and their ultimate social transgression; the taking of life and the witnessing of the human being reduced to its most terrifyingly inanimate components.
By contrast, the men I was referring to were comfortable playing with kids, gossiping with women, just relaxing, undisturbed, untormented, unconflicted, while also having the capacity for enormous bravery and cold-blooded killing.
I remember one occasion I was socialising with a group of men; I was able to reduce them to tears of laughter, real, joyful, gleeful laughter, by teaching them a silly game we used to play at school. It's called "knuckles", but there is a milder version using slapping rather than rapping with knuckles which I played with them. Anyway, the point is that this game is quite sly and vicious, and the men just found this the most hilarious thing, I guess because viciousness and slyness and causing pain to your friends was alien to them, and yet, of the men present, I knew that two of the men had ambushed and killed five men from a hostile group while they were sleeping (the dead men had been sleeping!). I presume that other of the men had killed people or multiple people, as was not unusual for the area at that time.