Swayambhu - I don't like to label people as either liars or 'mentally ill' (unless they self-identify as such), so you don't have to worry that I'm just going to brush your experiences off as being a 'crazy person.' I have no problem believing that you have had these experiences and that they've been meaningful to you. No need to make value judgements.
I will say that, based on my own training, research, and experiences, I am more likely to believe that the experiences you're reporting here are not what they seem to be, but rather, creations of your own nervous system. As a big fan of Occam's Razor, it makes more sense to me that it's your own brain, rather than hypothesizing undiscovered worlds and entities that, for some reason, selectively reveal themselves to seemingly arbitrary people.
As for the authors, I've actually looked into some of them and remain unimpressed. One of the key elements of science is predictability under controlled conditions, and a lot of the 'scientific' evidence that gets cited are usually one-off studies that haven't held up to robust scrutiny. With a standard alpha value of 0.05, it's important to remember that 1/20 studies will give a false positive.
I am pretty sure you are referring to me and three years ago I would have probably agreed with you but that all changed in 2015 when I was hit hard with this stuff. I know that what I am experiencing is real and not a nervous system malfunction. It's not even a belief, its something I know 100% true. To me its like a person with really bad eyesight trying to convince me that stars (other than the sun) don't exist because they can't see, feel, hear, taste or smell them. I am also not of average intelligence. I have a law Master Degree at one of the top universities in Australia and I am very left brained and good at critical thinking.
I want to stress that I don't even consider myself very psychic, just enough to be able to easily feel and occasionally see and hear spirits. I will give you a few of more anecdotal examples. I was talking with a psychic medium once and a spirit advised her that I have osteoporosis. I am a 30 year old male and due to that fact it would be extremely unlikely for this to be the case. This woman didn't know a lot about me and I never brought up anything about my bones. When I told my doctor I really had to push to get the test done because he didn't believe I would have it. Well the test showed that I did in fact have Osteoporosis.
Another example relates back to entities. I have had three separate psychics/energy healers advise that I had an entity bothering me that has tentacles and looks a bit like an octopus. None of these practitioner knew each other and one was even in a different country.
Another example: I was on a job site one day taking photos when all of a sudden I got a thought in my head out of nowhere that I should do a google search on something about life after death. When I got home I forgot what it was but then all of a sudden it came back to me. It kind of felt like it was put there by something but not me. Anyway this was immediately prior to me becoming psychic. I did the google search and wound up finding the Channeling Erik website mentioned above. Shortly after I started reading the website I felt spirits touching me for the first time. About 1 month later I opened my computer to find that my windows background screen photo had changed. This had never happened before my computer or since that time. Out of the 2000+ photos I have stored on my computer, the image that was put on the background was the same one that I took on the job site the day that I had the thought. I literally took the photo at almost the same time as the thought came into my head.
Now onto the voices that I sometimes hear. I only ever hear them when I am in a Theta brainwave state (either meditating, just waking up or almost asleep). It is usually only a few words or a few sentences as I have a tendency to block the communication. The voices are distinct from my one inner voice. Some are male and some are female. The clarity of the voices will be choppy (increasing then decreasing like when you are in a car and the radio is on but almost out of range) and I will find that I don't clearly hear some of the words. If I was suffering psychosis I would be hearing voices loud and clear and all the time (not just in those narrow circumstances).
Taken individually you could chalk any one of those anecdotal examples up to be just a coincidence but considered together with the other ones mentioned above, it becomes a lot more difficult to discredit it. There are quite a few more examples like these which have happened to me as well.
Skeptics will always point to the illusionist James Randi as proof that psychic phenomena don't exist. But James himself is a fraud. He very selectively chooses who to test, sets the bar for evidence very high with standards being very open to his interpretation, and makes a hundreds of thousands of dollars each year through speaking fees and donations to his foundation. He has a strong monetary incentive to keep disproving psychic phenomena and shouldn't be considered as a reliable source. There is even a counter $1 million challenge by a former Australia High Court judge (Victor Zammit). Victor has complied a lot of scientific evidence relating to life after death and psychic phenomena. The challenge is for any skeptic that can prove, to a court standard, the evidence that he has collected to be incorrect. Refer to this link:
I will finish by saying that I respect atheists and don't get angry or triggered by people having a different view to me on the subject. I like to convince them but I also understand that this is one of those subjects where it is very difficult for people to change their views.