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Tolerance? Or ever have it just stop working?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have this friend who smokes a lot of DMT. When she first started smoking it, it always worked, at small doses. Then over the next couple of months, it took more and more, and she kept having to change devices. It would just not work at all until she figured out a different method. Now she hasn't been ableo to get it to work at all in over a week... has tried taking a couple days off, tried smoking out of a regular pipe, bubbler, and bong all in the same session even , and has tried smoking over a quarter gram in one session yesterday and had nothing happen. (usually uses a 5th to a 3rd of a quarter gram at a time these days though) She knows it is not the product because her friends smoke less of the same stuff and have intense results. She is pretty sure her technique is good, too. She packs the bowl with parsley, puts the crystals on top, and puts a little parsely soaked with dmt from the lastsession over the top, then lights it as indirectly as possible... holds hits for about 20 - 30 seconds whenever possible.... keeps going until it is gone and still no results... Anyone have a similar problem, or any ideas why this might be happening, or any suggestions??
Nah, I dont think tolerance can occur that much especially with almost a week of no-use. This is weird. A quarter of a gram, your she friend really got balls. :shock: :lol: I'm too much of a wimp to try it again right now. I had some hard mushrooms expericence with horrible giant insects from hyperspace. :shock:
I would suggest your friend to smoke some salvia (x5 or x10) to see if she is sensitive to it or not. If not I would guess she is maybe 'resisting' to the flow whatever this flow is. And I don't know why but I feel that the Salvia experience increase the sensitivity to other substances.
CoyoteMRain, I do have a similar problem. Although I have never broken through. Refer to my post 'Spice Quality" . Some others were kind enough to offer their unique observations. Don't give up.
friend has smoked salvia and had it work but it is not pleasant and she doesn't care to again! although she has had ideas of using that as instead of parsely to see if it helps..,. however she is too scared because salvia is totally mad at her ... long story ;)
by breaking through i would mean having an extremely intense experience where one has a sensation of transcending the realm of normal human experience and catching a vivid and powerufl glimpse of other realities
the quarter gram thing wasn't really all that gutsy, just stubborn and stupid and wasteful. she could have stopped at any time if she felt like she was blasting off, but nothing was happening so she kept going because she desparately wants to get back there (not to say she hasn't done some heroic amounts in the past when it WAS working and been well-rewarded for it ;) ) will read the quality of spice thread but judging from the title, i don't think that is the problem here because her source is consistent, her friends don't have the same problem, and she has had much smaller amounts work for her and has had this happen a number of times and then will have it work again a couple times, to then run into a brick wall again how frustrating for her!
What do I expect by 'breaking through'? I am no stranger to psychedelics/entheogens. I have explored many worlds... I guess I expect breaking through to pretty much shatter my everyday reality... completely immerse me in a world I've never been to. I expect to be left breathless... in awe. After five attempts I have yet to experience anything close to the peaks of previous psychedelic journeys. I am beginning to think that a unique and individual relationship exists between the spice and the smoker. Could it be chemistry? So curious how it doesn't always work...
Well, When smoking DMT I only once had a breakthrough and it wasn't that big. All the other times smoking DMT it didn't do that much, only to the level of seeing colors change a little but certainly no breakthrough. I must have also used up to about a quarter of a gram to try if it would work but it didn't. Then again, I didn't try a vaporizer yet, only used it stacked between a bed of dried parsley. On the other hand it felt to me that smoking DMT isn't as spiritual as aya is. With aya I got major devine breakthroughs but with the smoking breakthough it felt like I was abusing the spice. But then again, thats me, others might feel completely different about it and I respect that.
[quote:9677a9f406="CoyoteMRain"]sad to say Aya doesn't affect me too much either :( at least not yet[/quote:9677a9f406] May I ask how much MAOI and DMT was used for the aya brew?
the last time? about 100 grams of 50-100 year old yellow caapi vine 50 grams of red caapi 50 grams of peruvian viridis plus 20 grams of hawaiian viridis shoulda worked pretty darn good, right? ;)
[quote:34288826ff="CoyoteMRain"]the last time? about 100 grams of 50-100 year old yellow caapi vine 50 grams of red caapi 50 grams of peruvian viridis plus 20 grams of hawaiian viridis shoulda worked pretty darn good, right? ;)[/quote:34288826ff] How did you brew it and was the above for 1 Person?
[quote:33beaf55c5="The Traveler"]On the other hand it felt to me that smoking DMT isn't as spiritual as aya is. With aya I got major devine breakthroughs but with the smoking breakthough it felt like I was abusing the spice. But then again, thats me, others might feel completely different about it and I respect that.[/quote:33beaf55c5] I find that to be a very interesting perspective... Perhaps I should try Aya before further experimentation with the molecule. Undoubtedly the duration of the experience as well as the combined synergistic effects of various plants must make for a uniquely spiritual experience... That is what I am seeking. ... any suggestions for an aya recipe using available U.S. legal supplies?
[quote:08e2fd447e="spiritualexplorer"][quote:08e2fd447e="The Traveler"]On the other hand it felt to me that smoking DMT isn't as spiritual as aya is. With aya I got major devine breakthroughs but with the smoking breakthough it felt like I was abusing the spice. But then again, thats me, others might feel completely different about it and I respect that.[/quote:08e2fd447e] I find that to be a very interesting perspective... Perhaps I should try Aya before further experimentation with the molecule. Undoubtedly the duration of the experience as well as the combined synergistic effects of various plants must make for a uniquely spiritual experience... That is what I am seeking. ... any suggestions for an aya recipe using available U.S. legal supplies?[/quote:08e2fd447e] Thank you for your insight, maybe I'm not alone in this but maybe I've got the wrong perception about smoking DMT, who knows. The recipe I use for aya can also be viewed as not perfect since I'm using extracted DMT instead of a direct extraction of the plants. I do this because with the original aya recipe I vomit the hell out of me before the DMT kicks in. But then again, here is the recipe: The complete aya takes two potions: 1. Syrian Rue tea (MAOI) 2. DMT potion (DMT) First you have to take the MAOI, for this I use Syrian Rue. The length of your experience depends on the amount of rue you take, also body weight etc will influence this (I weight about 80kg). Second I take a DMT potion. For me, I like a two hour experience, for this I do the following: RUE *Take 1.5g of Syrian Rue *Grind it in a coffee grinder *Boil about half a liter of water in a pan *Add the grinded rue *Boil it down to about 30-50ml of water, the taste of this extract is horrible and you want to drink as less a possible of this filthy brew. *filter the resulting 50ml with a coffee filter, you don't want to swallow the grinded seeds, they are quite harsh for your throat, even grinded. DMT *Heat about 50ml of water to about 70 degrees *Add 50 to 80mg of DMT, again this depends on how deep you want to go and body weight etc. *stir well TAKING the potions *First take the rue extract *After about 15 minutes take the still warm DMT potion (Don't drink it while its still 70 degrees, that will burn your mouth ;)) DANGER Please take into account the dangers of an MAOI like Syrian Rue, you CANNOT eat or drink certain foods and liquids about 6 hours before and six hours after taking a MAOI!!!!! (In case you use 1.5g of rue, if you take more rue expand this to about 12 hours or whatever you feel safe with) Problem with this is I don't want to get hungry while having my experience so I take some allowed food about two hours before taking the aya, in my case I take white bread with young cheese (old cheese and french cheese like brie are forbidden to eat!!) I Hope you got the information you wanted with this, for me it works well, hopefully for you too.
Good point about the MAOI precaution The Traveler. I have found a list of substances that interfere with MAOI and can cause great harm. # Very dangerous: # antidepressants containing Selective Serotonine Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI's) such as the herb Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) and pills such as paroxetine (Seroxat), fluoxetine (Prozac), citalopram (Cipramil), fluvoxamine (Fevarin) and sertraline (Zoloft) # sleeping-pills # anaesthetics # migraine medicines # allergy medicines # over the counter cold medicines # cocaine # amphetamines (speed) # MDMA (XTC) # mescaline cacti (peyote and san pedro) # alcohol # ephedra/ephedrine (for example in products such as Ephedra Super caps, Super stacker, Ultra Boost) # pseudoephedrine # macromerine # phentermine. Can cause headaches or sickness: # cultured dairy products (buttermilk, yogurt, and sour cream) # all aged/mature cheese (exception: cottage cheese, cream cheese) # dry and fermented sausage (bologna, salami, pepperoni, corned beef, and liver) # all meat, fish and eggs which are not fresh # pickled herring and salted dried fish # meat extracts # yeast extracts/brewer's yeast (Marmite) # sauerkraut # fruits (bananas, avocados, canned figs, raisins, red plums, pine-apple, raspberries) # nuts (peanuts) # broad beans and pods (lima, fava beans, lentils, snow peas, and soy beans) # soyasauce # LSA (morning glory and baby hawaiian woodrose seeds) # MDA related herbs (nutmeg, sweet flag) # chocolate # caffeine (coffee, tea, cola, guarana, energy drinks) # ginseng # St Johns wort # nasal sprays (Vicks Sinex, Prevalin of Otrivin) # other MAO inhibitors. BTW: I'd take 3 grams of Syrian rue. I read that's the standard dose for activating DMT in ayahuasca.
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