[quote:0bc6447318="cilosyb"]If you push on you (or she) will probably have a bad DMT trip and those are NOT fun. It's like a foul, disgusting spiritual ass-kicking. Listen to it.[/quote:0bc6447318] I've had a few of those. A mild one Saturday night - spicing my bowls of weed after a show. Nothing heavy, just pleasant eleven dimensional kaleidoscopic fireworks and that blissed out thrumming. Thats enough. Just one more. Okay now stop. Ah, I'll have another. THATS IT! The suns coming up. The birds are singing it'd be cool.... Blam. The whole universe disappeared and was replaced by an altered freakish one where I most definitely did not belong. Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit I've changed it all forever! Damn! What am I gonna do? I can't exist here. What if when I open my eyes nothings there anymore? Shit, I gotta look. But what if it's all gone? It could be all gone! I know it'll be all gone! Shit I really did it this time! And I opened my eyes and everything was made of velvet and lit from within and rotating without moving but it was here and an immense wave of relief and love for the world where I fit rushed over me. I told you to leave me alone. Something said it to me but not in words, not with an ego. That is a small taste of how much further I can take you than you want to go. I went to bed.