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Too intense of a trip?

Migrated topic.
@Doc Buxin I completely agree. I often see people talking about reality, gods, dimensions or just plain science like it's the ultimate truth and they know it is the ultimate truth because...well, because they know the truth of course!

I don't think it's bad to hold some ideas about reality just to feel like you at least know something, have some sort of base and not feel completely lost but feeling 100% sure about it? No, that's just being naive.

I'm not going to lie, I was like that when I was younger. I felt like I could know the mysteries of reality if I searched long enough. I thought science was the answer for everything. I started to changed that a while back and I wasn't sure about anything at all but still believed I could discover what the world, reality was hiding with enough time. That was till I had my second big DMT trip. Now I know I am just not ready for it, maybe I won't ever be or maybe I will but right now I won't comprehend the answers even if some entity tries to explain them to me.

Thank you :)
eskhol said:
...I don't think it's bad to hold some ideas about reality just to feel like you at least know something, have some sort of base...

That is why we humans have invented what we here at the Nexus call "consensus reality". It is an agreed upon, imaginary framework for orientation and reference.

eskhol said:
...I won't comprehend the answers even if some entity tries to explain them to me...

The cool thing is is that there are no "answers", only more questions (especially when an entity tries to explain its version of the answers to you).

That's the beauty of the Unsolvable Mystery.
it wasnt about facing the uncertainty of reality that was really messing me up on my breakthrough but rather the agonizing information overload sided with eternity, after a few repetitions of all geometry and deconstructing thereof i was in utter panic, i saw myself on fire (or well my soul) running around in a round room trying to find a corner, trying to get out but in vain

one favorite quote i found in an esoteric book is as follows:

"Shall any gazer see with mortal eyes;
Or any searcher know with mortal mind?
Veil after veil will lift---but there must be
Veil upon veil behind."

in a liquid concept such as reality, or if i should directly quote spirits chatting me up right after a few hits of DMT "reality is just a theory" its very important to learn to adapt, crystalline intellect is useful only under specific circumstances, but as it can all change, hovering between the 2 polar absolutes of reality, paralel universes mixing back and forth liquid intelligence will prove the psychonaut to be almost comfortable at reality having smaller psychosises infront of the individual from day to day (psychosis as to be understood as "not knowing what reality is", or which reality it is?)

sorry if im rambling, i get oftenly when i accidentally talk "DMT" with people who may never even see a psilocybin mushroom that my words come across as word salad, as if they cannot see the sound of a dogwhistle, as if my words are fine sand escaping a boulder, a frequency thats too far apart, esoteric information they dont have the key to unlock

one of the most interesting things about DMT if you ask me is that the dosage seems to scale up, 5 milligrammes, barely one hit worth. 2 hits - frighteningly heavy, a third hit and the effect is as much as 1000 times as heavy! it just doesnt fit the dosage narrative of a common substance, dont think i have ever heard this mentioned before even, but it seems like a pretty solid argument for that DMT triggers something in the brain, and quite possibly triggers an external event, where the common argument for DMT is that its solely internal

my lack of capitalization is not to be rude, but i simply feel like a nerd if i use capitalization
Hey guys!

As a side note just so you can understand a bit more what I saw during the second trip (I feel words never describe it enough), here's a video I found and on the 60 second mark (already in the link) a fast image sequence begins and if you put it on 2x speed you can see exactly how I was seeing stuff when I had my eyes wide open! It got to the point where I was seeing everything at the same time but before that it was just like in the video and also blending with reality a bit.

Here's the link:

In case you can't open it or whatever, it's called "Intara - Sky [Deep Melodic Techno] Tripping" and the sequence starts at the 60 second mark. Don't forget to put it on 2x speed!
would that be 2 hits, just before breaking through?
i was situated in a room during breakthrough where all geometry and datalogical was shown infront of me, flashed before my eyes as some kinda hologram an infinite frames per "second" - even more mindblowing was that i understood every single tiny little detail, like it was electrocuting me, i was connected to it, if i wanted to i could entirely stop "time" to study a single angle of these geometries, like a folder you enter


after breaking through several times and the whole experiences still coming back to me randomly, in fragments i was watching this video, and the "simulation" of what happens at the third hit, i had completely forgotten it
but it hit something deep when i got to that part of the video, very deep flashback, uncontrollable. weird how you can suddenly recall so much just from hearing something that comes close?
@TheInternetPolice No, only one hit and breakthrough. In my case it was just like replacing one reality with another one but extremely fast. I could pick up a couple details but not much because it was too fast.

Yeah I feel like that sometimes! It usually happens to me when I think about what I'm doing. Before that trip nothing would happen but now, every time I think about it I get a tiny flashback of that moment when all the craziness was happening 😁

On a side note, I think two days ago I've seen the famous mechanical elves! Too bad I had a sore throat (shouldn't have smoked) and I coughed like a maniac. Took one 40 mg hit and couldn't hold it more than 3 seconds because my throat was burning too much. I still had some crazy OEV and two short CEV (only because I let go a bit when I wasn't coughing my lungs out), on one of those I saw them while I was laying my head on the desk and they were trying to help, looking kind of worried.

The good thing is that I think 40 mg is a good quantity for me. The visuals were very strong but the effects were not as strong as before were I would feel like I blacked out and couldn't remember a thing.
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