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Unable to breakthrough for months

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SO, let me start by saying this is not a "I can't breakthrough" noob post. Ive been able to extract and administer correctly for over a year. However, about 7 months ago, no matter how much I take I cant break through hyperspace. Now, here is the rub. I take an OTC sleep aid, and I am able to breakthrough easily while it is in effect. I take no other medications, so I dont know what is the problem. Even with an MAOI, I can't break through unless the sleep aid is in mysystem.

I can't be the only one who has had an issue like this. And I can't find any other posts with my issue, so Im here to ask for wisdom and guidance on this issue.
I had the same problem that i cant break tru. I took a 2 month break from dmt and now i can break tru again. And the thing whit the sleeo aid i dont now maybe yoir body need it to get a normal brain chemestry . I think you should take a break from that too
More people have posted that they are locked out for longer times but can't find them on a whim.

Curious thing about the sleep aid, what is it active material?
The sleep aid is otc, diphenhydramine hydrochloride. Unfortunately, I have a small touch of narcolepsy, and without it I get no rest what so ever because I dream as soon I sleep. I lol try for time away method and see what happens.
Common story:

"I was unable to break through so I kept upping my dose and pushing it and I got hyperslapped."

That's where this story goes, if it doesn't divert to a break.
Northerner said:
Common story:

"I was unable to break through so I kept upping my dose and pushing it and I got hyperslapped."

That's where this story goes, if it doesn't divert to a break.

Is there an upper limit dose where you're more likely to get hyperslapped? I've never had a huge dose and can't say I want to right now. Does the difficulty increase incrementally with the dosage?
It's such a personal thing Valentinus. I don't know if one can put a number on that.

I dunno to be honest. I had a very difficult experience pushing a shutout on a lowish dose and felt lucky I could escape... it seemed it would have been horrific if I wasn't able to pull out. But then again I might have surrendered and all would have been fine.

No idea.
Valentinus: people report that their deepest wasn't necessarily the biggest dose, but one can't say dose has nothing to do with it either, so it depends.
Update: 6 weeks without dosing, tried tonight and still no joy. Has anyone ever experienced/heard of these symptoms?
Yeah, I suffer from high/rapid tolerance. Am planning a break for several weeks so last night I did a farewell vaporhuasca journey with 152mg mixed freebase harmalas in lime juice followed by 83mg vaporised DMT about half an hour later. Only a mild sub-breakthrough - even after fasting all day, meditating and being mentally prepared for anything. For most people that would destroy them, but it's always been hard for me. I had a 3 year hiatus once and on my return it was amazing again. I think I've only ever had one proper breakthrough :surprised

Luckily I find great joy in the day-to-day reality. I'll revisit my old friend again when it feels right.
Well, still no luck. I tried at the two month mark with no success. And tonight was almost three months. I hit hyperspace, but can't break through. And once again, I tried while taking the sleeping pills and I break through to the same place. Anyone got any ideas as to why?
Mikhaelis said:
Well, still no luck. I tried at the two month mark with no success. And tonight was almost three months. I hit hyperspace, but can't break through. And once again, I tried while taking the sleeping pills and I break through to the same place. Anyone got any ideas as to why?
which sleeping pills? melatonine always helps me break through.
Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride. Melatonin had no effect. Also, last night I tried with doxylene succinate , no luck. It's Benadryl. Also, it's not psychological.Im an experienced traveler, and I don't fear it all.
In my experience, the shutout/subpar experiences occurs when one is either "abusing" DMT, is not following its guidance, has developed mental blocks or are living an unhealthy life. Or a combination of all these factors.

When i first delved into the world of DMT, i was a vegetarian for 6-7 years. I wasn't super into health and nutrition, but did a fair amount of bodyweight exercises to prevent sloth and whatnot. I wasn't trying to get big or strong. I was trying to maintain my health rather than improve it. At that time, my trips were otherworldly and simply divine. Every single trip. Over a hundred or so trips, each with the immensely exquisite breakthroughs that DMT is known for. Then i moved my living location after starting a new job, and i resumed eating meat. I ate a lot of fast food out of convenience. I hardly exercised, and generally wasted a lot of time. I smoked a lot of ganja (which isn't that different before the move, to be honest). In fact, one particular trip advised me that i should smoke less. Ganja was at times an irresponsible but well meaning friend. My trips with DMT at that time were relatively lackluster, but would still be very intense to a newbie. I would get the occasional revelatory breakthrough. However, i am not a newbie, and was sort of disappointed by the lack of intensity that i was accustomed to.

I have recently resigned from that position, and have started taking my health more seriously. I'm now exercising harder than i ever have, with the intention of getting much stronger. I have not had DMT in a while, and won't for a few months due to living conditions. So in the next few months, i will be drastically changing my health and lifestyle, so lets see if my breakthroughs become what they used to be. If anything changes, i will post a detailed thread about the effects of lifestyle on the DMT experience.
Mikhaelis said:
Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride. Melatonin had no effect. Also, last night I tried with doxylene succinate , no luck. It's Benadryl. Also, it's not psychological.Im an experienced traveler, and I don't fear it all.
try melatonine 30 min before DMT.
I have, melatonin had no effect. The only time I break through is when using Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride (Benadryl) as a sleep agent. I tried the doxy succinate (unison) to see if that would work. Still no luck. For some reason Benadryl seems the only thing that overrides my brain chemistry enough to break through. I'm hoping someone has encountered the same or similar and has come up with a solution. Seems to be a bit deeper than just taking a break from it.
Anytime I've taken a large enuf dose to break thru n didn't I've had my ridiculously strong ego to thank 😒😒... it'll struggle n resist sometimes if it's coming on too intense tryna stay "grounded"...it can be aggravating...I always take some time to regroup before I step back to the plate.

I use Benadryl/Diphenhydramine daily too bc I have trouble sleeping...I wouldn't know the difference between having it in my system n not having it in my system bc I take it at least twice a day...my sleep schedule stays messed up bc of my work...

U mentioned not being afraid...I'm not either but I don't think that matters...the subconscious mind n the concious mind are two totally separate things n never underestimate the power of the subconscious mind... that's where alotta my ego probs come from I think...it jus flat out doesn't wanna n refuses to "let go" sometimes whether I want to or not doesnt matter...

Hope everything works out for you...
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