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Using DMT: How does your spouse react?

Migrated topic.

Ram Dazz

Rising Star

could I ask you a personal question?
"How does your spouse/partner/environment react to your DMT usage"

The reasons for this question:
* I live in a environment where alcohol/nicotine are the number one drugs and people with other drugs asking the wrong questions for this people. :)
* DMT influence my point of view in many ways...I started to think twice before I react. Like "what is the real story behind the
news paper headline?" or "why do politicians say this and that? What is their true/real intention?"
* My spouse react with fear and anger. Every discussion about DMT leads to negative results.
* Every other drugs like alcohol or nicotine creates rejection from my spouse.

Dont get me wrong...I also ask myself "Maybe I'm wrong?" from time to time.
I'm also not an DMT evangelist, but I'm unwilling do hide my meaning.


Ram Dazz
My wife never had hold of the leash, let alone has any possibility of reigning me in now. Still, we do like to take LSD and other substances together on occasion. She doesn't really have a high point to look down on me from.

There has been times where she's told me she's worried that I might be too in my head and thinking about this stuff too much. I appreciate that. It's good to have a 3rd party who cares for me and can spot the warning signs before they are apparent to me.
It's always a shame to not agree on these kind of topics, i'm sincerely sorry for you!

You don't have to tell people everything that cross your mind, same with everything you do in your life, you have the right to have your privacy, even with your partner.

For my personal experience, i would suggest you to really try talking sincerely with her about your habits and preferences, keeping in mind that a nervous attitude is sufficient to nullify any possible good outcome.

Also, it's a bit rough, but give yourself the absolute right to choose who you want by your side in life.
Often emotional attachment is the only thing that keeps us suffering, you know, better to be alone than in bad company.
Haven't mentioned it yet. So far I "let her" see me shaking up some poppy seed tea, just to see how she would react, that and kratom. She said one in jest thing about "stopping doing drugs" so I know it would be an issue. All in all though she's not a fan of my former cigarette habit or when I drink beer, she says it makes me taste bad.

This may be getting a little personal but, I would love to turn her on to these things but she has a history of depression etc in her family, bipolar sorts of things. I think she gets depressed at times, even though she doesnt admit it, I can see it. So, of all the benefits she may gain I just couldnt live with myself if I somehow influenced some sort of downward spiral in the chance she didnt respond well. So, out of sight out of mind. Not everyone was meant to be shown this sort of thing.

I also feel personally, these aren't really things you're "shown". I think if you're of the sort, you're already looking. You know what I mean? I can't think of a way to explain it but, if you're one of "those people" you're already looking and putting the pieces together. You find it/it finds you. If you're not actively seeking, then there's a chance it's just not your calling.

It's complicated.
Asher7 said:
I also feel personally, these aren't really things you're "shown". I think if you're of the sort, you're already looking. You know what I mean? I can't think of a way to explain it but, if you're one of "those people" you're already looking and putting the pieces together. You find it/it finds you. If you're not actively seeking, then there's a chance it's just not your calling.

It's complicated.

I knew a girl many years ago who was literally moved to tears from smoking her first joint. She was from a conservative background and quite naive. She was in herlate 20's and had no idea her consciousness could be altered in this wonderful way.

But, that was her on that particular day, and everbody is different, and what you say is very true. "Waking" people up is a very difficult topic to approach, especially if we are talking about adults.

I think the whole ayahuasca/shaman thing, of which I'm generally quite skeptical, can provide a valuable entry point for people to legitimize a first encounter with psychedelics.
My significant other luckily is is the same boat as me, and has been for a number of years. Nearly every experience I've had over the years has been either in her presence, or she was also partaking. The experiences that have brought us the closest over the years has definitely been through ayahuasca and the varying admixtures. Mg for mg, ml for ml, she's always wanted to be right along side. I'm eternally grateful for that.
Hey Ram sorry to hear about your situation, maybe if you catch your spouse at the right time you could convince her to watch a documentary with you, I have in the past with family to educate/familiarise them but everyone is different.

Past relationships have all been perfect, only once had a long term relationship in which views were slightly negative which was more than understandable seeing as her mother was a facilitator and they had been raided multiple times.

I hate to say it drugs are more trouble than they're worth in most cases but don't get me wrong mind expanding drugs are a beautiful thing and DMT is no exception.
My wife tolerates it. When we first met shed take mushrooms or mdma with me but that was years ago. she doesnt really condone my use of psychedelics but also doesnt try and stop me from taking them. As far as DMT goes I once asked her to assist me in vaping some. I really just wanted her to take the hot pipe from me and make sure the torch was off then leave me alone. She insisted on talking to me the whole time (making sure im ok) untill i said im fine go away or shut up. Needless to say that was the last time she was involved in helping me. Now she knows better then to bug me when im tripping and i only smoke DMT when shes not home. It makes for a much better experience
Thanks to all for your "helping hands".

I agree we/I can't share everything with our spouse...even it is so precious.

The situation is not so bad as it sounds, but in many discussions I have no luck even with good arguments, scientific books
or documentation. It is human to keep what you learned as a child.

My guidline is "the thinking human change his opinion" (Friedrich Nietzsche)

My S.O. tolerates it, but is always worried about me when I do it which definitely I am very sensitive of especially during the trip. She worries less about my use, it lately goes in spurts, which concerned during the more frequent usage periods. But now that she sees how it has helped me to over come internal obstacles and improve my life she is more understanding about my use and why. Being open with her about it helps a lot.

This can definitely be an area of friction between people, especially couples. I think there are multiple factors at play, especially when it comes to vaped DMT.

Firstly the ever present taboo on drug use, especially one that when vaped can look very similar to a drug that is as widely culturally unaccepted, i.e. crack or meth. You and your S.O. may know there is a difference between meth and DMT, but don't underestimate the power that cultural conditioning plays on us and our subconscious. This plays on our feeling towards the use of such a substance. It obviously will affect some people more than others, but this can be a source of friction.

Secondly it can be very difficult to understand ones own experience with substances like DMT, never mind have your S.O. understand what you are experiencing. Things can look bad or difficult, you can talk about nonsensical things. Often their can be a fear for the safety of S.O., mental, emotional, etc. This negative feeling surrounding the use of such a substance could have an effect on the set of the trip as well.

Thirdly often people change the way they look at things after these experiences, because these experiences can change us, thats what experiences do. It can be scary for a S.O. to see changes in their partner, usually changes are gradual and overtime, hard to notice. Watching them happen relatively quickly can be scary, as they may feel like they don't know you as much as they used to. There may also be the feeling that it is creating a divide, like one is getting left behind, which could manifest as the S.O. feeling like they are getting left behind or even vice versa.

These are some of the reason I see, and I am sure there are more. I think the whole thing is very subjective, and you kind of have to go with the flow and how you feel. I'm sure some people gave up substances for their S.O.'s and some gave up their S.O.'s for substances, and in both cases some of them made the best choice for themselves.
My girlfriend loves the spice I extract as much as I do. She is also fond of my mushrooms. There have been several occasions in which DMT proved to be a potent aphrodisiac. Even though she is not my spouse, I still would find it difficult to keep these things from her if she happened to not be cool with them. These substances are an important facet of my life and I feel that to lie about my relationship with them I would obscure an essential part of myself from her view. In situations like these I feel that it is important to be my complete self. If someone can't accept a part of who I am, it simply isn't meant to be. This is not to discount or devalue anyone who finds it necessary to hide their DMT use from a lover or partner. This is just my personal experience.
Can you demonstrate through your actions and lifestyle that this substance is contributing to positively to your life? Is using this substance taking away from being attentive to your responsibilities and relationship(s)? Is there a legitimate reason for concern on the part of your loved one (from their perspective)?

You can drop academic journal articles and screen documentaries till you are blue in the face, but it all comes down to actions. Are you living the lessons and becoming a better human being as a result of the widened perspective offered by psychedelics? Are you contributing to your community, caring for your relations, and achieving your goals? Are you closing off, isolating, and acting obsessive? How does your time reading obscure internet forums, playing with hazardous chemicals, and experimenting with dubious substances and paraphernalia look to an outside observer?

I ask these questions because I've found myself standing on both sides of the line of productive and unproductive/obsessive use of these substances, and I recognize where my use has been detrimental to both my relationships with others and my own well being. I ask because this is the questioning process I am consistently engaged in with myself. Generally I've been fortunate to be able to share these experiences with the people in my life and they have been interested in and supportive of my explorations, but sometimes even with their support, we may not be striking that healthy balance.

Integration is finding the way to walk with integrity in the light of the entheogenic revelation. When others can clearly see that in us, there is no moar questioning or concern. If we cannot fully embody that state, then perhaps it's worth re-examining our intentions and altering our behavior accordingly.

hozho naasha
There is so much sense in that post dreamer042, and that goes also for sports, professions, hobbies, relationships, news/internet, religions, all those things that can 'hook' us hard, it is about common sense and balanced practices.

Yet I would not promote 'status quo' as the general best indicator for practices, it all depends, some old situations are better of to be changed. Darn thing is you can't simply rewind to try differently if it showed as a wrong decision later on.
I tried to share this magic with my wife, who has used psychedelics many times, but she feels it is not a good time for her to do them right now, stress and whatnot. She wants to try it in the future, when the time is right. She feels she could end up using it as an escape. I need to respect her decision, it is definitely a responsible one.

In the meantime, she will tolerate me doing it, but wants it "out of sight, out of mind"
There are only a select few times when I am able to use in my own home.
Until then, I partake at a friends house, or in nature by myself.
New girlfriend here but she thinks it's amazing. Sits in awe when I tell her stories of my breakthroughs. Is impressed and proud of me when I describe the details of my recent extraction, etc.

This is a girl who has done lots of mushrooms and LSD. Is heavily into yoga and meditation. A deep thinker; we can talk about the philosophical aspects of consciousness for hours on end, non-duality, etc. We've already done MDMA together, which was mind-blowingly amazing (hello love!). We've also taken a microdose of LSD together, which turned into more than a microdose (25ug).

She's extremely interested in DMT after hearing me talk about it and I plan to let her try it soon enough. Start small. Maybe 8mg in my GVG (20mg is breakthrough for me and she's small). Then after she gets a taste go for a breakthrough dose, which I suspect for her will be ~15mg.

I'm a lucky guy to have found this girl (or I should say that we found each other). Best thing that has ever happened to me in my life and I actually feel (know rather) my experiences with DMT and other psychedelics contributed a good deal to that happening.
I introduced my partner to psychedelics a few years ago. I introduced her slowly, starting with two grams of shrooms. It hit her slowly and mildly, so we put another gram in her. I wanted to make sure she was very familiar with the psychedelic state before introducing her to DMT. She ended up being introduced via Ayahuasca. When we got back from Peru, I gave her some freebase DMT and she fell in love with it. To be completely honest, I think she likes it more than I do.
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