Rising Star
Hello, SWIM has ordered some bark and is ready to commence his first extraction! Forgive me if SWIM asks any questions that are painfully obvious to the more experienced. SWIM doesnt want to miss any detail, no matter how small.
SWIM wants a very controlled extraction. Can somebody recommend tools or products that have worked well? What can be used as a good mixing jar? SWIM doesnt want any unwarrented lye explosions! SWIM will be using Nomans Tek. Only distilled water should be used correct?
A couple questions about Nomans Tek
1. The lye.
Is all lye the same?
Is there a specific brand that is accepted as the best?
2. The Naptha
Same question as #1
3. Step 5 of Nomans Tek
After the final agitation, separate the two layers. The naptha (top layer) goes in one of the collection jars, the rest stays in the mixing jar with the bark.
How exactly is this accomplished?
How does one get the mixture into a separatory funnel without agitating the mixture again?
Does the entire mixture go into the funnel?
Does the bottom layer go back into the mixing jar?
It will be very hard to separate it perfectly. Should one stop the funnel before the naptha is reached, or should it be made before the naptha?
What should one do with the remaining contents of the mixing jar?
Is it recommended to have more than one collection jar?
What are the alternatives to a seperatory funnel?
4. Recrystallization
Remove the DMT container and cool in the refrigerator, then the freezer. You will end up with DMT crystals of varying purity atop a pellet of slag which still contains quite a bit of DMT but also lye if you skipped the ammonia wash. Filter the solvent and separate the crystals from the slag. The slag can also be further refined or simply redissolved into the next batch.
After the DMT container is placed in the freezer, does it need a cover?
How do you separate the crystals from the slag?
What do they mean when they say redissolved the slag into the next batch? Doesnt the slag contain all of the lye?
For 50g of bark
50g of bark, 50g of lye, 750ml of water, 50 ml of naptha. How do you separate the mixture? How big does a seperatory funnel have to be to separate it? Can you separate it twice if the funnel is too small? And again, is there another separation method other than using a funnel?
Well that is all of SWIMS questions for now. I know it is quite lengthy, but I do not want my first trip to hyperspace to be sub par dmt! Also, what is a good size for a separatory funnel?
Thanks for all of your help! I am in eternal debt to this community.
Swim saw a bunch of people talking about the PH of their spices. This seems to be an important aspect, where is the PH in nomans tek? Thanks again.
SWIM wants a very controlled extraction. Can somebody recommend tools or products that have worked well? What can be used as a good mixing jar? SWIM doesnt want any unwarrented lye explosions! SWIM will be using Nomans Tek. Only distilled water should be used correct?
A couple questions about Nomans Tek
1. The lye.
Is all lye the same?
Is there a specific brand that is accepted as the best?
2. The Naptha
Same question as #1
3. Step 5 of Nomans Tek
After the final agitation, separate the two layers. The naptha (top layer) goes in one of the collection jars, the rest stays in the mixing jar with the bark.
How exactly is this accomplished?
How does one get the mixture into a separatory funnel without agitating the mixture again?
Does the entire mixture go into the funnel?
Does the bottom layer go back into the mixing jar?
It will be very hard to separate it perfectly. Should one stop the funnel before the naptha is reached, or should it be made before the naptha?
What should one do with the remaining contents of the mixing jar?
Is it recommended to have more than one collection jar?
What are the alternatives to a seperatory funnel?
4. Recrystallization
Remove the DMT container and cool in the refrigerator, then the freezer. You will end up with DMT crystals of varying purity atop a pellet of slag which still contains quite a bit of DMT but also lye if you skipped the ammonia wash. Filter the solvent and separate the crystals from the slag. The slag can also be further refined or simply redissolved into the next batch.
After the DMT container is placed in the freezer, does it need a cover?
How do you separate the crystals from the slag?
What do they mean when they say redissolved the slag into the next batch? Doesnt the slag contain all of the lye?
For 50g of bark
50g of bark, 50g of lye, 750ml of water, 50 ml of naptha. How do you separate the mixture? How big does a seperatory funnel have to be to separate it? Can you separate it twice if the funnel is too small? And again, is there another separation method other than using a funnel?
Well that is all of SWIMS questions for now. I know it is quite lengthy, but I do not want my first trip to hyperspace to be sub par dmt! Also, what is a good size for a separatory funnel?
Thanks for all of your help! I am in eternal debt to this community.
Swim saw a bunch of people talking about the PH of their spices. This seems to be an important aspect, where is the PH in nomans tek? Thanks again.