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Very strange experience post DMT...

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've enjoyed smoking pot for a while now, but only ever really smoke it in bursts, or at least until I build up a tolerance, and then have to stop to be able to enjoy it.

At the moment, I've got a pretty good tolerance. 5 - 10 cones for a wake and bake will give me a decent buzz, but nothing crazy. And my supplier always supplies the same strain as well.

I'd been wanting to try DMT for years, and have been curious about what it can do for me. And that's the question that I had been wanting to ask of it when I first tried it, "what is DMT capable of?".

Today I had my first smoke post my first DMT experience. After my first cone, I just felt like maybe my supplier had a better strain, because the head high came on so quick. I said to him that his bud was amazing, and he told me it's the same strain.

After about 30 minutes, the effects were still at their peak, so I had another cone. After 5 minutes, I started noticing visual distortions, minor time distortions, and an incredible sense of euphoria, much like a really great afterglow. My mind was wandering towards thoughts about parallel universes, which lead to thoughts about the 4th dimension, which for some strange reason, I was able to describe and visualize in perfect detail. I even began noting down an explanation, then when I hit a hurdle in being able to describe this 4th dimension, I smoked another cone.

My dog jumped up on my lap, and as the last cone hit me, I closed my eyes, and we merged together into a pulsating ball or orange light that just consisted of love. The feeling that overcame my physical body was overpowering beyond belief, and too much pleasure for me to handle. I had to open my eyes.

My body was in a strange state where this intense feeling was put on standby, but it invited me to visit it again.

I smoked these cones at around 3 hours ago, and I am still tripping balls occasionally, and have a massive body high, but I'm present.

And to be clear, I have never experienced even 1/2 of that experience smoking much more pot than that.

The question I have is this...

Did anyone notice a change in how your body reacts to pot after they first smoked DMT? Would you call this a positive/negative thing? Or could this just be our spirit molecule being cheeky and rewiring how I enjoy Pot? Or even better, is this just the early stage of psychosis, and should I pack a bag? :p
Yes, this is a common phenomenon.
You are now more open to the psycheelic effects of marihuana, and possible other drugs and situations too.

You may also notice, that a strong orgasm gives you visuals for a moment..or you might feel yourself slipping into a psychedelic state of mind from time to time.

I believe this is nothing to worry about at all. :want:
I have not tried DMT, so I can't say much about this from my own experience, but what I can say is that over the last year or so my pot "sessions" have become orders of magnitude stronger (ie; revelatory and near psychedelic). Like you, I thought it was a difference in strain potency, but when I tested some older strains I still had, the effects were still there. This has lead me to a couple of theories...

1) I believe that some kind of threshold is being reached across the human species (a la Sheldrake's theory of morphic resonance) which is acting as an opening or gateway to these realms. Whether this is related to psychedelic use (which I now consider pot to be part of that category) or something else, I'm not sure, but it is making it far easier to "see" beyond the veil.

2) I think DMT is playing a distinct role in this, and not necessarily just in terms of people experimenting with the drug itself, but also in peoples growing awareness of its existence and simply hearing of the breakthrough experiences themselves.

I believe this because that is what has been happening to me. Just reading and researching DMT seems to be opening something up in me. The other day I smoked up and watched some videos of people talking about their DMT breakthrough experiences and it was like I could "feel" the truth of what they were saying. Almost like a deep knowing or remembering was being revealed just by listening to them. Their stories combined with pot somehow seemed to potentiate a kind of gnosis.

I think there is something bigger going on at the species level and the more exploring we do, the quicker the revelations are coming. I believe we're living in great times and are at the edge of dramatic changes in consciousness... but I also know we have been hearing those kind of statements for a while now. We shall see.
:) :d 😁 :lol: 😉
Pot and spice have a very strange relationship with each other, in my experience and opinion. Other than DMT, I've never encountered a substance in all my wanderings that doesn't have some sort of positive synergy with marijuana, however I will never mix DMT with it as the two do not seem to 'like each other'. Actually, I've gotten the distinct impression that it's the spice that doesn't dig the pot, while marijuana would love to put it's tempering influence upon the DMT. The couple times i did them together the experience was muted, jumbled and essentially meaningless, and once trying to prolong an extended enhanced leaf session the addition of marijuana collapsed the visuals in hyperspace into what I've called 'fractal foam', looking very much like the screen of an old crt color tv close - up (for those old enough to know what I'm referring to) and that collapse was reflected in the cognitive effects as well.

That said, ever since acquainting myself with DMT, my personal relationship with marijuana has changed, sometimes dramatically. I chuckle when I see posts asking if it is entheogenic, since I find it to most definitely be. I consider pot the most versatile of drugs and it has been a steady ally of mine for the better part of thirty years, with very little other than health issues from smoking in the way of negative effects. I'm there is no physiological change going on as far as how pot is processed in the body after DMT, but it's pretty much universally reported that changes do occur as far as how it affects people after they've had their head cracked open with the Spice.

Post-DMT, I've learned how to more effectively use weed in meditation and other consciousness-based exercises, including one termed 'liminal dreaming', in which one takes advantage of a hypnogogic state to enter something akin to lucid dreaming. I have found marijuana a great tool to explore that.

Anyway, thanks for the smile, lol, and welcome to the gang. I want to ask a question and make a suggestion to you : what was your tolerance like when you experienced what you describe in the OP, was this after one of your breaks?

Also, the knowledge of terpenes and their somatic effects with marijuana is an emerging science, and people are just becoming aware of how dramatically the terpene profile (there's something like a possible up to 70 different ones in varying ratios within any given strain) effects the high. Smoking the same strain for a long time will ensure you develop a tolerance for it. Switching up may re-enable you to get stoned. Not that I'm trying to suggest ways for you to successfully ingest more drugs, no!

I'd never do a thing like that, on purpose. 😉
Never been really deep into psychedelia.
Only few pre-breakthrough dmt trips (sucked into a hyperspatial kaleidoscope) and dozen of low-dose ones (still here).
Also one LSD hit once, high-quality cubes twice (1g and 2g) and about 5 recreational metocin trips (10-20mgs).
So far, the pot is still the same, it would probably take a real breakthrough to change that.
This is interesting,

I noticed similar things about LSD, while taking it again after a few Pharma trips.

About the same dosage (~300ug) I was using before DMT was taking me much deeper, almost to some kind of breakthrough. It was much harder to control and the trip did not went very well.
The bad trip was due the sub-optimal set/setting, but I really thought it would be much weaker before dosing.
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