Rising Star
Wattapwn said:Yes it is definitely a substance to treat with respect!
It is very respectful to people in return!
A special method is, if you are able to order plain leaves, you can place even a very small piece of leaf under your tongue before you go to sleep. Not only will your leaves last for a long time but it will make drifting off to sleep as beautiful and mysterious an experience as it is meant to be and will allow a very positive and respectful relationship to develop throughout as many nights as will make sense to you over time!
It could be described as a microdose but it is really like allowing the leaf to become a natural blotter paper for its medicines, and, by combining it with the many potent changes in consciousness from wake to sleep, it is very much a full dose; just, not one that is attempted by people who prefer the fully traditional quid method which is too many leaves to fall asleep with in one's mouth!
Especially regarding the mutual respect between people, rather everything that we actually are, and everything that Xka Maria Pastora, Diviner's salvia, actually is, remember that one of the more recently realized potentials existing between us is that it can help resolve addictions and habits. If you have any of these, be warmly advised that you may lose them!