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VG VaporGenie: How to use, where to get, advantages, etc

Migrated topic.
I contacted them and will get new part as this was wrongly cut. Also producer sugested that is not fault of the part but because i kept flame to close now there is problem with air flow. Not sure what to think about it because i used torch lighter which was suggested for GVG and that it actually CAN touch ceramics but need to be avoided when using normal zip lighter. Thx again for help we gonna see how its gonna end with new part.


From my point of view enteties don't want me to rush things and want to go slow on breakthrough thing.. it's already almost year since my first experience with dimitri. Since then i moved from pipe to VG now to GVG. Every time there is something that makes it longer wait (lost package, wrong part, bad extraction the list go on and on). From those experiences i really started to understand what You all ment by saying having respect to it as a divine thing, that everything will come naturally sooner or later. Thank you one more time guys im new here but apreciating this place very much.
jiva said:
next time try to not preheat the pad/wool, what i do is put a little dmt on it. then with a torch flame from far away slowly get closer to it until the dmt melts. you can also do this while the pad is already inside the GVG. be carefull not to get to close. when done right you will not see any smoke come off the pad/wool.

next pre-heat the top part. it does not have to be much, just a little. only put the top part on moments before you start smoking the pipe.

Ok so im slowly starting to go somewhere with it. I recieved new ceramic filter, and followed you instructions. What i realised is that after putting spice on the wool and turning lighter it takes couple of second before it melts in (without smoke). I have second torch lighter which has speccifics of 1200c heat. When i turned this one at the same range the spice melted in immediately and smoke appeared. From this i came to conclusion that maybe my first lighter even though is torch maybe is just to weak.

So hear my question: How long do you wait until you ceramic filter becomes red? From what i realised the vapor is starting to appear after the ceramic is red hot.. before this there is nothing or almost nothing happening inside.

With my first torch lighter it took always about 30-45sec to turn the filter red so the vapor started to show when my lung capacity was at almost 0%.

With the 1200c torch lighter the filter becomes red in less then 2-5 sec. Is this the right approach? Should it first become red and then i take the lighter bit further and keep it steady?

I recently familiarized myself with the GVP. You may find this thread useful as it discusses the technique. Once you get over the learning curve it is perfection.

Trying get my VaporGenie technique correct - Vaping/Smoking - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

One more thing to note. 25-30 mg properly vaporized is a pretty large dose, at least for me. I find 25mg to be my guaranteed breakthrough point and have never ventured above 27mg. It is very efficient once you get the technique down.
thank you very much for this i will test it as soon im back home. Just to be sure you take the top of the GVG out and heat the bottom of it. Then you put it back to the pipe and start the process? How much you preheat it? Until red?


Eveyrthing works great now. It turned out my scale was broken and was showing wrong numbers. It was telling me its mg but in reality it was some other measure. After buying new scale i managed to blast off today at first go. Pipe got full in no time and it was strongest experience i had so far..and only with 20mg. Thanks guys for help!
I have a Glass Bat Vapor Genie that I use sometimes but I feel I should have gotten the Sherlock original one, Ive heard good things and the bat can be difficult.
Another pro tip for anyone who is new to GVG. Before blasting off here is what you must try:
Take an empty pipe without any spice. Take a stopwatch, you can use an app on your phone. Tap the button, to count the time, and start slowly inhaling via your gvg. But before you start, I`d suggest to make 2-5 very deep breaths in and out, to saturate your blood with oxygen. In this case you will be able to make slower and much longer inhales. Your goal is at least 40 seconds. If you can go up to 1 minute - you are golden! Basically it means that you have to practice to prolong the time of your inhale/hit up to 1 minute. Also, ime, good and reliable torch lighter is a must! And of course depending what kind of torch lighter you have - there is can be couple attempts to find the right 'spot', or distance between a pipe and lighter flame, to avoid any burning of your stuff. If you will do it this way - breakthrough is guaranteed with on hit! And it will be intense! 8)

Regarding screens in GVG. In my experience it was horrible.:? I`ve used up 15 screens and still spice were leaking through all of em into the pipe. So I just stick to the regular metal steel wool, like for a 'dmt machine'.:thumb_up:
So after reading this the thoughts for getting a gvg are high. Looking at the official website it seems that one could get a nice boxed gvg for $119 OR
piece it together 87$:

Concentrate Pad
$2.50 USD

Glass Top No Filter
$23.00 USD

Double Loop Retaining Ring
$1.50 USD

Glass Bottom Only

Free Screens

Is this all that is comes in the main package? Is the math sound?

What's missing is the ceramic filter, which is key, and the protective pouch.

And my advice to everyone who's having trouble breaking through with the GVG is use a torch lighter (like the Turboflame Arc) instead of a regular one. With traditional lighters, I wasn't able to vaporize enough spice in the 60 second window, even in two painstaking tokes. The soft flame wasn't supplying enough heat to the filter and for the most part I was inhaling a lot of air with relatively little vapor. And each time about 30-40% of the material remained melted inside the concentrate pad, which made it impossible to control dosing. I tried cutting the pad in half, using a stack of screens instead, preheating the pipe, but I kept landing in the sub-breakthrough zone. With the Arc, I'm able to pretty much immediately vaporize 100% of the spice. The vapor is so dense that I can break through in one toke if my lungs can handle it. I'm now using 6 screens because the efficiency is so insane that it doesn't make much difference what you put in there.

(I'm talking about vaporizing freebase DMT, for changa or any other herbal material a torch lighter might be overkill and cause accidental combustion.)
endlessness said:
Cleaning the VG:
The vaporgenie can be cleaned with hot water and a pipe cleaner (as sold in the official website). Do not use alcohol, as it may damage the wood finish. For more info also check the VaporGenie FAQ in their official website

Sorry endlessness, but that is a TERRIBLE idea. I followed those directions and went and did that with pipe cleaner and it completely destroyed the finish and color on my VG, the color has blackened and there's bubbles everywhere. The mouth piece has also fallen out. :thumb_dow

I think pipe cleaner/soap is only for glass. even vaporgenie say on their website:
Do NOT clean with solvents or soapy water. Liquids will damage the wood.

I really urge you to amend the post so no one makes the same mistake.
Salutations Explore65,

explore65 said:
I've been looking for gvg and can't find it; i'm in Canada, nothing here...

All of the local specialized stores around Montréal gave me a similar response: the Classic wood ain't returning even if i'm ready to pay in advance for my order... Months before Trudeau's "Légaleezation" (followed by Québec's own relative legislature) i had no other options than to contact the VaporGenie manufacturer directly, who kindly provided adequate service as advertized, nothing more. Is it even possible to do it again today? Quite frankly i got to wonder myself...


Now about "How to use" and "advantages", i've tried my best to convey opinions based on multiple/intensive experiments and reconfigurations although it's clear most forum members prefer to ignore it at priori. Which in the end could as well mean this post was totally in vain, except perhaps for a whole suite of details graphically illustrated via a collection linked by my signature. Too bad, it's some rare privilege meeting a VG enthousiast from canuck land!


Good day, have fun!! :thumb_up:
I have read the entirety of this thread. Thanks to everyone who paved the way. I appreciate the tip about taking off the top after vaping the spice in order to clear the pipe of vapor, sort of a pull carb principal.

I absolutely love my GVG. I ordered a Healthstone (ceramic disk) same time and it fits perfectly in the bowl, no problem. This rig works just as well as I hoped it would. I love being able to administer my full dose in one toke. Thanks again Nexus!!!


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