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Visit From An Egyptian God?

Migrated topic.
everythingsflashin said:
you did make the choice to make contact. you smoked the spice. that was you signing a consent form saying they can do and show whatever they want to you.

Yeah, I wasn't really as prepared for this one as i should have been. It was kinda spur of the moment and it was a little more intense than my previous experiences due to it's parylizing effects as i was being scannned. All in all it was still a good experience. I got a great personal message from it which helped me out at the time, and months down the track, still does. Had i been a little more prepared, i would have been a lot more relaxed, and in a totally different state of mind.
Very Interesting profound to say the least.

Go buy the Tool CD it has a 3D cover lens that lets you look at the Image in true 3D it has a special lens built into CD cover the effect is stunning true 3D. You may have seen the Tool artwork in media form with our remembering it. Neverless fasinating.
I to have had some unusual insights lately after many years of on and on use of spice. Im sitting on the fence at the edge of town cobra on my left lepord on my right. I watch in wonder.

Bliss to all
SWIM met a gal on deoxy that lived with him a while. She commented that her grandpa was a 33rd degree mason of the "Order of the Acacia" and that his desk drawer smelled exactly like SWIM'S. I still don't know what to think of that...
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