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Vovin... where are you?!

Migrated topic.


Come what may
Vovin is a mysterious figure to me. A reclusive DMT superhero. The Neo of the nexus! I search the skies for the great Vovin! Where are you?! We need you! lol

All kidding aside... (I am a dork and like to go through old threads) I have found some very interesting threads and quite a few contributions with Vovin's signature. Most of which were posted many years ago before I became a member. Needless to say I enjoyed what contributions Vovin has made to the DMT nexus and would like to salute him for that. Good on ya man! Thanks for leading the way el'capitan!

Thanks to all those that set up the nexus! Very unique place with very unique people and very unique knowledge thanks to contributions from peeps like Vovin. I am always impressed to the utmost with the nexus and it's members thoughtfulness and intelligence.

The intrepid seeker needs their silence from time to time. :)

On a related note, I'm fascinated by the possibility of having Hyperspace Fool and Queen Annie here at the same time. May the Lords make it happen!
someone say " annie"...............

actually im in the middle of semi break myself.
still reading though.
just falling back on commentary for the moment.
Maybe he emerged from his floatation tank as a hyper-evolved, trans-dimensional human that just forgot how to use our ancient technology?
zhoro said:
The intrepid seeker needs their silence from time to time. :)

On a related note, I'm fascinated by the possibility of having Hyperspace Fool and Queen Annie here at the same time. May the Lords make it happen!
Who's Hyperspace Fool?
Macre said:
Don't worry, he's around. He might drop into this thread since he's been summonsed :)



You are very perceptive. I usually check in every so often and search my name. DMT is but a single interest that I explore, a vital one I guess I can say after these many years but still it is and in itself is not a way.

It is a tool, nothing more, nothing less. Put into its framework of purpose it is a wonderous thing. Perhaps too wonderous, so much so many, myself included, hyper focus on it and forget that.. DMT is a tool for life, not a replacement.. I myself travel many paths in life, it gives me diversity of experience. We are a product of our experiences. They shape and form who we are and how we perceive the world. The wisdom is in perception, DMT opens our minds to new reality, new states of being, but it is not being itself. You have to make the myths, live the legend.

With DMT there are no answers, just perspective.
vovin has been present, but he's no preach and leads by example. a nexus elder.

speaking of nexus elders.. where tf is house-man? house-man... where are you?!
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