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We share our Trichocereus Strains experiences

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello brothers. Under this heading, I want everyone to briefly mention their Trichocereus experience.
Because we have been breeding large numbers of Trichocereus clones for a long time and boiling them and drinking them.

What I mean is not the mescaline amount of the clones (Low or high). Of course it would be great if we state their strength(Low or high), but I wonder about their effects rather than their strength.

I want to tell you this with an example;

Example 1: Between the two clones I used, the Trichocereus ''Tig'' strain had much more visual impact than the Trichocereus ''Juuls Giant'' strain.

Example 2: Between the two clones I used, the Trichocereus ''Sharxx Blue'' strain caused much more nausea than the ''Bogan'' strain. But their effects and strengths were the same in both.

Example 3: Trichocereus "HELON" strain; It was the worst of the Trichocereus strains I tried. Visual effects were almost absent and very poor.

Could you share the effects of the Trichocereus ''Strains'' you tried in this way? Thus, it becomes a great guide for all of us. For example, I am very curious about Eileen, Bruce, SS02 and Lumberjack. Can the friends who tried can share here?

Sold to me as "Short-Spined Peruvianus" from Kactus Kate: Active, if about half as potent as No-name Bridgesii, plenty of colors in the CEV's, lower nausea and body load overall, resulting in it feeling subjectively milder than any Bridgesii I've done.

Unidentified various strains (No-name) Bridgesii: My go-to. Always potent, sometimes more stimulating than others, and about every other time causes lower back tension. My most powerful cactus experiences have been on full spectrum acetate from "No-Name Bridge."

Pachanoi: While I have several types of Pachanoi I've only extracted some Pachanoi "Skip" and got nothing. I've never tried any of the other Pachanoi types I have.

Lumberjack: Effects were like regular Bridgesii, but hit pretty hard so probably more potent by weight.

Terscheckii: Did contain mescaline but was also seriously stimmy. It had me pacing the house and peeping out windows like a tweaker. I doubt I'd do it again.
I once had 12" of a bridgessi with 12" of a T. hybrid called "Saphire". Best psychedelic experience EVER. One in a million. HD vision with super powers. Profound visions. 16hs of full energy. Amazingly nice comedown.

Pachanoi is dreamy and sedative and warm and slightly gentle.
All Bridgesii have been visually stimulating for me. Its really just about the dosage and going high enough for the visuals to kick in.

Pachanoi are the same, but it seems like it takes a lot more cactus to get there. But the Altmans Monstrose Pachanoi has been a strong one for me.

Juuls Giant has been a good one too. It takes a lot of material from the Juuls for strong visuals. But the overall high is very clear and balanced. Kind of feels like a nootropic. But if you use a lot of it then it gets visual and strong too.

A lot of it just has to do with the dosage. And each trip is unique.

The strongest, most visual non-Bridgesii for me have been two very similar looking clones (maybe the same?) called 'El Chapo' and 'Gigante' that are fat, small spined Pachanoids (maybe Scop DNA?). In general, the really fat, small spined ones are nice. These two clones get visual and strong feeling without that much plant material. And the high is very euphoric.

SS02 has been the most bitter tasting of any Bridgesii. And it made me very nauseous and cold feeling.

Here is a young El Chapo:
Oooooooooooooo that El Chapo is priddy. Sure looks like it's got some Scope in it. The wedge shape of the ribs, as viewed from above is a good indicator.

It looks similar to this one that was sold to me as "Juuls x Scopulicola". I'm hoping it blooms this Spring.


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Your answers are really interesting. For example, you even have experience with Terscheckii. I didn't even know it could be used. I read all of your writings carefully. I think the El Chapo was a scopicola mutant. Glad to see him brother. My request from you would be more beneficial to each other if you only write the genres whose names are known. Because nobody can find and try an unidentified mutant. But I am sure that we have more friends here who will share their experiences with us.
I'm interested in more details about the Terscheckii experience; i read conflicting info. How much, how was it prepared, and detail about the effect / duration ?

I don't get enough experience to make much compartives. I tried several time the main cactus i have here ; it look like a superpedro, much fatter than usual pachanoi.
The experience was much better, by far, than all my previous cactus experience. The visuals were INSANE. I tried 1000g, 1500g and 2000g (whole fresh cactus, core included). 2000g was one of the strongest psychedelic state i ever reached.
But i attribute most of the quality of these experience to the cooking technique.

i used to get the outer green layer, in dry powder, and swallow this with water. It always made me purge at some point. I tried crude ethnaol extract - but this goey black mess is not really digestible.

Now that i grow them, i take the whole cactus (core and skin included), boil it 3 times and reduce the liquid until it becomes thick and can be swallow in one or 2 gloups. I had no bodyload, the absorption seems much better that way, and there's no solid to digest.

If the dose is known, that could be nice to add it to ur reports... in whatever unit is relevant...
Jingamin the El Chapo is a named clone that I bought. Here is my mother plant. I like it so much that I have been making duplicates. Others have spoken about this clone on the internet.

Quetzal7 that is good to know about the Super Pedro. It is another one of those big fat Trichos with small spines. From what I have experienced and also heard from others, this phenotype is usually good for tripping.
What I don't really understand; Scopicola mutants I heard you were weak and you had a very good experience even more than bridgesii
Scopulicola is not as well known or explored as Pachanoi or Peruvianus or Bridgesii. My experience with 2 clones that appear to be Scop or Pach/Scop hybrids is that the strength is very good, but still not as strong as Bridgesii. But I prefer the high of these two clones to Bridgesii because there is much less physical discomfort and the experience is consistently more euphoric and uplifting compared to Bridgesii, which can sometimes have a harsh or dark feel to the trip when the dose gets high.

What I often do is combine Pach or Macrogonus or Scop with some Bridgesii when brewing tea. A ratio of 2 (non-Bridgesii) to 1 (Bridgesii) by volume is quite nice. You get the gentler, clearer, heart-opening feel from the non-Bridgesii cactus. And the visuals are significantly boosted and the psychedelic headspace is intensified. Smoking Cannabis at the peak of a cactus trip has a similar effect of intensifying the visuals and headspace.

But these are just my experiences. Everyone can experiment and find what works best for them.
I wanted to ask, I assume the answer would be yes but I am interested..

When extracting and purifying mescaline via different strains, do you find the end product to be reminiscent of the original cactus material? Like is mesc hcl extracted from bridgesii much more similar to mesc hcl extracted from San Pedro then the cactus tea is? Or is the different hcl xtals still a little different.. I feel the msec hcl I extracted from bridgesii has a very bridgesii feel to it, but it's not super pure. I am going to wash the hcl with acetone and clean it up a bit then see if it removes any of the bridgesii signature..
jingamin said:
Has anyone tried another strain?

I was thinking the same thing. I recently popped about 8 or 10 Trichocerus macrogonus seeds. From what I read is that this variation has some sort of stimulant-like alkaloids and I was interested to see if anyone had had any experience with these. Wondering what, if at all, differences there would be in experience.
Grey Fox said:
Scopulicola is not as well known or explored as Pachanoi or Peruvianus or Bridgesii. My experience with 2 clones that appear to be Scop or Pach/Scop hybrids is that the strength is very good, but still not as strong as Bridgesii. But I prefer the high of these two clones to Bridgesii because there is much less physical discomfort and the experience is consistently more euphoric and uplifting compared to Bridgesii, which can sometimes have a harsh or dark feel to the trip when the dose gets high.

What I often do is combine Pach or Macrogonus or Scop with some Bridgesii when brewing tea. A ratio of 2 (non-Bridgesii) to 1 (Bridgesii) by volume is quite nice. You get the gentler, clearer, heart-opening feel from the non-Bridgesii cactus. And the visuals are significantly boosted and the psychedelic headspace is intensified. Smoking Cannabis at the peak of a cactus trip has a similar effect of intensifying the visuals and headspace.

But these are just my experiences. Everyone can experiment and find what works best for them.

Do you notice any differences in experience with and without macrogonus? Like a stimulant effect that I mentioned in my previous post? I didn't notice you had mentioned it before I posted the last time....
I've only tried 1 clone of Macrogonus. I've had it a few times. I've always had it mixed with Bridgesii, but I have had tea that was mostly the Macrogonus.

My impression is that Macrogonus is not extremely strong in terms of visuals. It did have a strong heart opening effect for me. There were periods of euphoria and lots of energy. And there were also periods of feeling heavy and drowsy. There was a lot of alternating back and forth in "waves" between those 2 states. But I have noticed a similar effect with Pachanoi and Scopulicola. I've also noticed a similar feel to lower doses of Bridgesii. But when the dose is raised higher with Bridgesii the scale tips strongly to the side of feeling heavy and drowsy. Most of the trip becomes that way. This is when the visuals are strongest for me. When I go up in dose with the other species it still retains that high energy, euphoric feel to significant parts of the trip. I dont get all the way to dazed and deeply psychedelic like Bridgesii does to me. But maybe its possible to get there with the other species too if you go high enough with the dose.
This one (specimen pic attached) was good after a year's storage in low light levels. Smooth, energetic, prosocial, clear and clean geometric visuals, and no noteworthy bodily sequelae. A forearm's length was good for two medium doses, or 24hrs of sustained action. Drinking the whole lot in one go would have been very heavy, but the utterly revolting nature of the brew (viscous, salty, bitter, acrid and powdery) helped prevent that happening.

Unknown genetics, it has very bluish, powdery appearance. Peru? Pach?


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Grey Fox said:
I've only tried 1 clone of Macrogonus. I've had it a few times. I've always had it mixed with Bridgesii, but I have had tea that was mostly the Macrogonus.

My impression is that Macrogonus is not extremely strong in terms of visuals. It did have a strong heart opening effect for me. There were periods of euphoria and lots of energy. And there were also periods of feeling heavy and drowsy. There was a lot of alternating back and forth in "waves" between those 2 states. But I have noticed a similar effect with Pachanoi and Scopulicola. I've also noticed a similar feel to lower doses of Bridgesii. But when the dose is raised higher with Bridgesii the scale tips strongly to the side of feeling heavy and drowsy. Most of the trip becomes that way. This is when the visuals are strongest for me. When I go up in dose with the other species it still retains that high energy, euphoric feel to significant parts of the trip. I dont get all the way to dazed and deeply psychedelic like Bridgesii does to me. But maybe its possible to get there with the other species too if you go high enough with the dose.

Interesting! Thank you for taking the time to respond to my query! I have yet to try any cactus medicine and I think that my first go will be with the macrogonus. It seems to be the strain that is growing the fastest, and had the most success in germination. It will still probably be a few years until they are large enough to harvest, but I am a patient man, and I have my spice to keep me grounded until then. I really want my first experience to be of my own cultivated specimen. I think that it may add a bit more of a personal feel to the experience.

Blessings, friend
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