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What about MDMA and 5MEO-DMT?

There are some schools of thought that state we are already enlightened. It's just about realizing it.

One love
Yes, although I see it as basically a similar view.

You need to become Enlightened =/= You are already Enlightened but you need to Realize it
^^^ Maybe the death before rebirth must be at least a little hard. I'm sure you can improve things, though. Heck, I'm wondering if some time with reg DMT might be useful. There are similarities in the fear and in the alien-ness.

Anyway I've only light dosed LSD ahead of more moderate 5-Meo doses. Intensified that and made it more funner.
(Don't want you to think I'm all about recreational doses. They were never my sole focus and now less than ever.)
Yes, I am also thinking along these lines. But DMT is child's play compared to 5 MEO-DMT , I mean terror and fear wise. Will also give light doses of LSD a try :)
The psyche has many layers to it, and it seems that not all of the layers are ready for this otherwise these reactions wouldn't be so extreme. I dont think enlightenment is something that one enters or should enter kicking and screaming. This is why I suggested to consider working with something like LSD to address these issues more gradually.

The danger of the path you are trying to take is it could be what is called 'spiritual bypassing'.

However I think your other statement, that perhaps the fear is part of what you have to pay for this experience may also be true to an extent; 5meo seems to bring with it real risks and dangers on a bodily level as well so if you want to experience death before you die then maybe these are all parts of the initiation it can put you through.
I have done quite a bit of psychedelics in my life, Shrooms, DMT, LSD, AL-LAD, etc but really NOTHING prepares you for 5 MEO-DMT. Nothing. It is like you have just started as a beginner. I am by no means "spiritually bypassing" , I took it step by step, heck it took me 14 years of trying various psychedelics before touching 5-MEO DMT.
Yes, I think that the brutal ego death is the price you have to pay. In my opinion you get to places that you would only go after death or a deep NDE (I mean a deep one, because I think in most NDE there is still good part of personal agency, which means not really Non-Duality and union with the One. Like there is still a separate self present.)
Just my speculation so take it as such please.
Keep in mind that ketamine not only reduces fear, but it also potentiates the 5meo a decent amount. So you might want to experiment with lower doses of both to find the amount of K you'd like to use in the mix (for me it was in the 'threshold/light' range), and then work up to a breakthrough dose of 5meo.
Thanks for this also!
There are some schools of thought that state we are already enlightened. It's just about realizing it.

One love
Advaita Vedanta teaches this but that Non-dual state is not something which you could call familiar by any means. Maybe thinking along the lines that recognizing that you really are one with the Source and that separation is an illusion would mean enlightenment. But living that non-separation is something completely different.
Like conceptual knowledge vs the real experience. You simply cannot put it into words, it is prior to concepts.
Try to wrap you mind around this: subject and object are one
Not really possible with thinking because thinking is fundamentally dualistic...
I think that's what practices are for; to help one realize as often as possible.

Personally, the duality is the oneness, and oneness is a paradox. And it may be my particular nature, but instead of saying things are one, I prefer to say connected, because in a certain sense, they still are what they are in the moment.

This is also why I think that experiences of "oneness" is not the absolute, it's but merely one state. We're in a different state, but still in the same fishbowl.

And I think being but realizing is very different from becoming. One can be reduced to a search, the other to a building project or sculpture, perhaps.

One love
I think that's what practices are for; to help one realize as often as possible.

Personally, the duality is the oneness, and oneness is a paradox. And it may be my particular nature, but instead of saying things are one, I prefer to say connected, because in a certain sense, they still are what they are in the moment.

This is also why I think that experiences of "oneness" is not the absolute, it's but merely one state. We're in a different state, but still in the same fishbowl.

And I think being but realizing is very different from becoming. One can be reduced to a search, the other to a building project or sculpture, perhaps.

One love
Agreed, "onenness" is one state and the duality we normally live in is another , equal as valid from this perspective, as I don't think that there are states in nature for nothing or not important.
I have done quite a bit of psychedelics in my life, Shrooms, DMT, LSD, AL-LAD, etc but really NOTHING prepares you for 5 MEO-DMT. Nothing. It is like you have just started as a beginner.
I have heard this from time to time about 5meo and cant really verify since I've not done it. However I felt the same way about drinking harmalas + smoked DMT compared to anything else. I think the r.o.a is the biggest factor of difference between some of these tryptamines so 5meo would be most comparable to DMT I would think. Also as has been said before, non-duality can be accessed via all of the major psychedelics but more gradually. The graduallness can be what allows one to do the inner work building towards the crowning experience.

I am by no means "spiritually bypassing" , I took it step by step, heck it took me 14 years of trying various psychedelics before touching 5-MEO DMT.
Its just an observation based on your experiences and desire to use medications or drugs to ease into the Godhead experience when your mind is saying its suffering and perhaps not ready.
To me this is potentially a pitfall of psychedelics if one is not careful.

Yes, I think that the brutal ego death is the price you have to pay. In my opinion you get to places that you would only go after death or a deep NDE (I mean a deep one, because I think in most NDE there is still good part of personal agency, which means not really Non-Duality and union with the One. Like there is still a separate self present.)
Just my speculation so take it as such please.
It may well be. 5-meo seems to have to an extent taken a lot of the same synonyms and descriptors that DMT got also eg preparation for dying, communion with spirit etc. I think the difficulty or not that one has as one enters these experiences is useful to show you where you are at.
I think we can also view it as oneness and duality are two sides of the same coin of existence.

I here mixed reports relative to the comparisons between NN and 5MEO. I've heard plenty say that NN trumps 5MEO for them.

One love
In my experience, if we were to split the mind into the three categories of conscious, subconscious, and unconscious (also correlating to waking/dreaming/dreamless sleep, matter/soul/spirit, etc.), I've found that DMT launches you into the depths of the subconscious with the ability to cross into unconscious when using higher doses and enough skill in letting go. 5meo somehow seems to skip the subconscious and go right to the unconscious, which may or may not be ideal if there's still an excessive amount of subconscious baggage to work through. Perhaps it's the baggage that causes so much fear when approaching a 5meo breakthrough.

That's just a rough mental map I use based on my subjective experience of having used both substances many times.
I have heard this from time to time about 5meo and cant really verify since I've not done it. However I felt the same way about drinking harmalas + smoked DMT compared to anything else. I think the r.o.a is the biggest factor of difference between some of these tryptamines so 5meo would be most comparable to DMT I would think. Also as has been said before, non-duality can be accessed via all of the major psychedelics but more gradually. The graduallness can be what allows one to do the inner work building towards the crowning experience.

Its just an observation based on your experiences and desire to use medications or drugs to ease into the Godhead experience when your mind is saying its suffering and perhaps not ready.
To me this is potentially a pitfall of psychedelics if one is not careful.

It may well be. 5-meo seems to have to an extent taken a lot of the same synonyms and descriptors that DMT got also eg preparation for dying, communion with spirit etc. I think the difficulty or not that one has as one enters these experiences is useful to show you where you are at.
DMT is closest (Vaporhuasca maybe even more) but still completely different. From my experience , really nothing comes close or is comparable with 5 MEO-DMT , meaning specific for the Non-duality, oneness part. Other psychedelics have other strong parts. Never heard of entities ,alien worlds or spirits on 5MEO-DMT.

"Its just an observation based on your experiences and desire to use medications or drugs to ease into the Godhead experience when your mind is saying its suffering and perhaps not ready.
To me this is potentially a pitfall of psychedelics if one is not careful."
This is a very interesting point an thank you for that! I think you are right :)
In my experience, if we were to split the mind into the three categories of conscious, subconscious, and unconscious (also correlating to waking/dreaming/dreamless sleep, matter/soul/spirit, etc.), I've found that DMT launches you into the depths of the subconscious with the ability to cross into unconscious when using higher doses and enough skill in letting go. 5meo somehow seems to skip the subconscious and go right to the unconscious, which may or may not be ideal if there's still an excessive amount of subconscious baggage to work through. Perhaps it's the baggage that causes so much fear when approaching a 5meo breakthrough.

That's just a rough mental map I use based on my subjective experience of having used both substances many times.
As Panpsychic also brings the same point up, I think this is right, subconscious baggage , mind is saying its suffering and perhaps not ready does sound true, hmmm.
The last guy which served me (knowledgeable person) told me when he first saw me that the walls which I built in order to protect me are going to make it difficult to surrender and let go.
Really some interesting points came up in this thread and I am glad it went so far and for all the inputs. Very nice :)
DMT is closest (Vaporhuasca maybe even more) but still completely different. From my experience , really nothing comes close or is comparable with 5 MEO-DMT , meaning specific for the Non-duality, oneness part. Other psychedelics have other strong parts. Never heard of entities ,alien worlds or spirits on 5MEO-DMT.

"Its just an observation based on your experiences and desire to use medications or drugs to ease into the Godhead experience when your mind is saying its suffering and perhaps not ready.
To me this is potentially a pitfall of psychedelics if one is not careful."
This is a very interesting point an thank you for that! I think you are right :)
5-Meo feels very alien. Never saw any entities or alien worlds, but myself and others called the feeling very "alien". Taken with Salvia, I almost felt my ears become pointed with a very strong "jester" gestalt kind of feeling.
It generally felt rather dysphoric to me. I don't find DMT particularly euphoric, but it's more serious than dysphoric. 5-Meo actually gave me a kind of a tight feeling in my chest like the feeling of unease when you're sick.
I don't think it's just me as others described the same effects. Stronger experiences kind of blasted that away, but I wonder if it's part of the effect to an extent.
I dunno. Throwing words at this. You make me want to try it again and see.
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5-Meo feels very alien. Never saw any entities or alien worlds, but myself and others called the feeling very "alien". Taken with Salvia, I almost felt my ears become pointed with a very strong "jester" gestalt kind of feeling.
It generally felt rather dysphoric to me. I don't find DMT particularly euphoric, but it's more serious than dysphoric. 5-Meo actually gave me a kind of a tight feeling in my chest like the feeling of unease when you're sick.
In that case take deep breath intakes (no substance) and slowly breath out. Repeat quite a few times. It will add extra ogygen and make for a better mix in the lungs.

I will chech its pH and will citric add it to get it to 7 pH

I will make a resource for all e-liquid testing resource category.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
In that case take deep breath intakes (no substance) and slowly breath out. Repeat quite a few times. It will add extra ogygen and make for a better mix in the lungs.

I will chech its pH and will citric add it to get it to 7 pH

I will make a resource for all e-liquid testing resource category.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
All the 5-Meo I've done has been a purchased RC. I think it was well made and pure. It was the first RC to be commonly available.
The most common types of medications or drugs that could carry significant interaction potential with 5-MeO-DMT are other substances that work on the serotonergic nervous system ( figure 3) including substances like serotonin reuptake inhibiting antidepressants (e.g., SSRIs, SNRIs), 5HT2A blocking antidepressants or antipsychotics (e.g., mirtazapine, risperidone, chlorpromazine), serotonin releasing agents (e.g., MDMA), serotonin agonists (e.g., buspirone), and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (e.g.,moclobemide, harmine).

For example, MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) inhibits the reuptake of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, acts as a serotonin agonist, and is also capable of interfering with packaging of these neurotransmitters causing them to leak into neuronal synapses via a process called carrier-mediated release [26, 27]. Because it is a strongly serotonergic and a stimulant drug it could lead to an interaction if used in conjunction with 5-MeO-DMT. The extent of the interaction and whether the combination leads to toxic effects is a function of the doses used and temporal timing of administration for each drug, as well as individual and setting-related factors.
This can be found in the PDF shared here:

Kind regards,

The Traveler
As far as I know and have researched, risk of serotonine sindrom is very, very low, no MAOI in the recipe, MDMA is a serotonine releaser
Love and Light
5-MeO-DMT is at the very least a competitive inhibitor of MAO, and also shares a common metabolic route with MDMA through CYP2D6.

Reading through the 5 guide some more, we can see that 5-MeO also has some serotonin-releasing properties:
5 guide said:
5-MeO-DMT is a stronger serotonergic substance than classic tryptamine psychedelics and that it may also be able to raise intrasynaptic serotonin

[Which is something that wasn't to be found in this summary (insofar as I could see) The clinical pharmacology and potential therapeutic applications of 5‐methoxy‐N,N‐dimethyltryptamine (5‐MeO‐DMT) ]

Clearly, it would be wise to wait until the bulk of the MDMA effects had passed before going anywhere near 5-MeO, if at all.
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