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What are you doing with MHRB-Lye Mix after its pulled

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
hello dmt-friends šŸ˜

I recently began extracting dmt with the lazyman tek. it workes perfect for me. i alwas made changa out of the ectraced dmt afer one ore two recrystallisations. It's easy to somoke and space around all night long :love:

Now i have two pots with about 3 l of lye-mhrb mix in each, which are "pulled-empty". i'm living in a city and don't want to throw it into the toilet (big mess).

I'm thinking of adding one l of vinegar in each pot to "kill" the lye and then drive out to the forest and just empty the pots there...

what are you doing with the mhrb-lye mix after extraction?

(sorry for my english)
To be honest I was going to say "we use the forum search engine", but when I tried just that, it turned out difficult to find any of the posts that I am certain to have seen come by on the forum.

I tried the search terms "spent bark tea soup discard dispose" in various combinations and nothing useful came up. Perhaps other members can suggest some better search keywords in this thread and then at least this one will come up during searches.

Back to your question, it is actually a good one and I think that it should really be added to the FAQ or even to extraction teks themselves.

So far the most practical answer that I have seen is to simply flush it down the drain. The lye will actually help to clean your drain pipes. If you let the bark stand in your toilet for an hour and then flush it a few times, chances are that it will look cleaner than before!

Be careful with larger chunks of bark, anything bigger than powdered or finely shredded bark might get stuck in the drain and cause problems. If you do have large chunks, fish them out carefully, wash them with a little tap water and dicard into the trash bin.

I am assuming that all of the nonpolar solvent layer has been removed before flushing the bark soup down the drain. It has been suggested to let the bark soup stand uncovered in the open air for a while, to let the traces of solvent that dissolved into the bark soup evaporate off. I am not sure if that is really necessary or even an improvement.

Obviously, pooring down the drain should only be done when the drain is actually connected to a larger communal sewer system that will adequately dilute and optionally process the waste stream before it is reintroduced into nature.

Do not poor the basic soup into a septic tank or any other waste processing system that has an easily upset delicate chemical or biological balance.
thanks for the answers.

because my english is not very good, sometimes it's hard to find the right keywords using the search....

i use shredded mhrb so i have to "fish" out the junks - what a mess :shock:
pitcher said:
i use shredded mhrb so i have to "fish" out the junks - what a mess :shock:
Don't despair so easily. You can try pouring it through a kitchen sieve. Even coarser sieves with holes as big a 1 cm squared are good. If your shredded material is no bigger than 2 or 3 cm, just flush it down the toilet.
I thought it would be funny to add that in my City they test the sewerage for traces of drugs. They want to know what is in peoples shit in different districts or "multiple suburbs" areas. I am not sure if they test for DMT but I know they monitor the trace amounts of crystal meth and prozac and things like that. Well anyway, if they tested for DMT they would find a whole lot of it in my "shit" haha, because the toilet is where I put it.
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