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What are your politics?

Migrated topic.
It's so adorable that you people think your vote makes the slightest bit of difference. Let me tell you about a little thing called The Electoral College. Remember when the American people picked Gore back in 2000 but got Bush anyway? Yep.

Go ahead and vote for the bigot or the hippie. The banks own the game, their puppet always wins.

Sorry for the spoiler, hope you can still enjoy the show. ;)
Psybin said:
But thanks for assuming that only you were special enough to have met a candidate. As if millions of Americans haven't done the same.

i was talking actually meeting in a non rally / personal setting.
like actually have dinner with them .
( or been to their house, or they call on the phone to chat)

my point is they are different in person.

"special" , lol, we say "connected"
its not about attending , its all about invites.

as for bernie psybin,
communism was defeated.
even the russians and chinese and cubans backed off on it.
im baffled why your still reading the " daily worker"

id suggest MAO was closer to hitler if ya wanna work up a comparison for that one psybin.

i see this election as pretty straight really.
its a referendum on meritocracy.
naturally communists are gonna scream.
dreamer042 said:
It's so adorable that you people think your vote makes the slightest bit of difference. Let me tell you about a little thing called The Electoral College. Remember when the American people picked Gore back in 2000 but got Bush anyway? Yep.

Go ahead and vote for the bigot or the hippie. The banks own the game, their puppet always wins.

Sorry for the spoiler, hope you can still enjoy the show. ;)

Someone give Dreamer an award for being the first person in the world to ever suspect his government is rigged.

dreamer042 said:
It's so adorable that you people think your vote makes the slightest bit of difference. Let me tell you about a little thing called The Electoral College. Remember when the American people picked Gore back in 2000 but got Bush anyway? Yep.

Go ahead and vote for the bigot or the hippie. The banks own the game, their puppet always wins.

Sorry for the spoiler, hope you can still enjoy the show. ;)
You're a meanie, dreamer. I was hoping for Trump steaks coming back on the market.

But you could be right.

Larry Fink and His BlackRock Team Poised to Take Over Hillary Clinton’s Treasury Department

BlackRock is far from a household name, but it is the largest asset management firm in the world, controlling $4.6 trillion in investor funds — about a trillion dollars more than the annual federal budget, and five times the assets of Goldman Sachs. And Larry Fink, BlackRock’s CEO, has assembled a veritable shadow government full of former Treasury Department officials at his company.

Warren Buffett Stumps For Hillary Clinton in Nebraska

At a rally in Omaha Wednesday night, billionaire investor Warren Buffett officially threw his backing behind the frontrunner in the Democratic field of presidential candidates.

Out of all options presented here, libertarian is what most appeals to me. Although, I rather wouldn't choose any of above. Just no silly governments with power over its people, please. I am now finally at peace with myself and my government doesn't seem to like the way I reached it. My government doesn't wish me good, no government has ever had best interest for its people.
^ of course the whole system is corrupt thru and thru.
this is a post sanity election.
therefore the best candidate is the one that serves ones self interests best.

dont be ashamed or dance around it.
bust out and vote for whos got the best angle for your game!
Redguard said:
dreamer042 said:
It's so adorable that you people think your vote makes the slightest bit of difference. Let me tell you about a little thing called The Electoral College. Remember when the American people picked Gore back in 2000 but got Bush anyway? Yep.

Go ahead and vote for the bigot or the hippie. The banks own the game, their puppet always wins.

Sorry for the spoiler, hope you can still enjoy the show. ;)

Someone give Dreamer an award for being the first person in the world to ever suspect his government is rigged.

Oh wow, what an honor. I don't even have a speech prepared.

Well first off I want to thank frog, my faith in him sustained me through the difficult times. I'd like to thank the academy, all the directors producers and stage hands that keep this dog and pony show running. Shoutout to my illuminati overloards, we did it guys! Now I'm going to Disneyland.
Ufostrahlen said:
Praxis. said:
On another note, I want to ask the people here who happen to support Trump why that is? Specifically what about his platform do you find appealing? Not, "making America great again" or any vague cryptic riddles or anything like that--what policies of his do you support and why? As a disclaimer I'm not trying to pick a fight or encourage all the lefties here to gang up on you, I'm genuinely curious.
I think the person Trump (not his policies, they change within hours anyway) is support worthy because:

a) he would be the more honest face of the US. Under Obama torture, drone wars & mass surveillance are still acceptable. Why should Hillary or Bernie stop this crap, if Obama hadn't stop it already? And with Hillary things surely wouldn't stall.
b) let's see if checks & balances are still intact
c) Fox News hate him, this should make you think. They are really angry that they wasted $130M on Jeb! Now they can't get their way :thumb_up:
d) there's a certain comedy factor involved

Btw I'm not in favor of torture, hate, mass deportation or wars, I just think Trump gives the status quo a more honest face among the, by nature, dishonest contestants.
I can get this. A lot of people I know who would be considered very far out lefties have had serious conversations about how Trump's presidency could catalyze the kind of large-scale movements that we need to see happen. There's a great quote by Assata Shakur about the mask of liberalism and the damage it causes. I won't post it here because fragility. So your perspective makes sense to me, but I personally think the stakes are just too high to hope that maybe Trump "wakes people up" in a kind of paradoxical way.

This said, I have to ask--why do you think Donald would make things like drone warfare and mass surveillance unacceptable? Yeah, Obama and other liberal politicians fronted like they were progressive yet actually had some of the most ruthless policies insofar as these kinds of things go--but Trump isn't going to stop doing it either, nor will he try to hide it. If anything I just see it getting worse. Also, I edited my post around the same time as your response and I added, "Additionally, as a person who uses illegal drugs, do you feel like Trump's presidency would have any kind of impact on either your life or the movement for cognitive liberty and/or drug policy reform at large?" I'm honestly surprised to see as much support for Trump as there seems to be on the Nexus--not because I assumed everyone here was a hippie, but because we're all criminals.

anyone here other than me who has actually met any of these rodential candidates?
or is every opinion based on the TV images?
Yup. I grew up in Vermont and I've met Bernie more times than I can count. There's a picture of him holding my younger brother as a baby up on his shoulders in one of the local papers. Even though I don't endorse him as the "radical" he presents himself as, he is a real person with a big heart and I genuinely think he wants to create real change at a fundamental level. Do I think it's smart to vote for him? That's another conversation I suppose.

my support for trump is simple.

im sick of political rodents.
all the rodents fear him.
^thats the exterminator im calling first.

surely dont expect rodents to take out other rodents.
thats the core problem, for 40 yrs, its been a circle of rodents called dempublicans.
I don't know what this means. Please be specific. Do you want a giant wall? Do you want mass deportations? Are you sick of people being "politically correct"? And Trump is a Republican, so I'm not really sure where you're going there.

It's so adorable that you people think your vote makes the slightest bit of difference. Let me tell you about a little thing called The Electoral College. Remember when the American people picked Gore back in 2000 but got Bush anyway? Yep.
And how much attention did that bring to the inadequacies of the Electoral College and the voting process in general? Wouldn't it have been cool if people did something with that momentum? I see voting as a tool, not an end-in-itself. It's not perfect and obviously it's not going to make us win overnight, but we can use it as a tactic to reduce harm and bring attention to structural injustices when it does fail us--as happened in 2000 like you said.

And seriously, no need to be patronizing. That's easy and we can all do it, but most of us choose not to. We're all grown-ups here, hopefully we can respect one another even though we share different opinions? :roll:
Praxis. said:
I can get this. A lot of people I know who would be considered very far out lefties have had serious conversations about how Trump's presidency could catalyze the kind of large-scale movements that we need to see happen. There's a great quote by Assata Shakur about the mask of liberalism and the damage it causes. I won't post it here because fragility. So your perspective makes sense to me, but I personally think the stakes are just too high to hope that maybe Trump "wakes people up" in a kind of paradoxical way.

This said, I have to ask--why do you think Donald would make things like drone warfare and mass surveillance unacceptable? Yeah, Obama and other liberal politicians fronted like they were progressive yet actually had some of the most ruthless policies insofar as these kinds of things go--but Trump isn't going to stop doing it either, nor will he try to hide it. If anything I just see it getting worse. Also, I edited my post around the same time as your response and I added, "Additionally, as a person who uses illegal drugs, do you feel like Trump's presidency would have any kind of impact on either your life or the movement for cognitive liberty and/or drug policy reform at large?" I'm honestly surprised to see as much support for Trump as there seems to be on the Nexus--not because I assumed everyone here was a hippie, but because we're all criminals.
I don't think Trump will change a single thing, because people in general are lazy and hate change. And if Trump causes a revolution that puts business in danger, the 120 billionaires who have more money than him, will chip in for a bullet. A tragic event nobody wants to happen. On the other side, I don't think he'll squeeze out people too much, because you want the cow who you milk happy and healthy. In the end I'm with dreamer, the bank always wins.

I just think the status quo will be better represented by his face, but I could be wrong. Maybe Hillary has the right face... Anyway, collateral damage is inevitable - it really would be sad under Bernies watch. I hope he doesn't win, they already wrecked and twisted Barry. :?
Ufostrahlen said:
Praxis. said:
I can get this. A lot of people I know who would be considered very far out lefties have had serious conversations about how Trump's presidency could catalyze the kind of large-scale movements that we need to see happen. There's a great quote by Assata Shakur about the mask of liberalism and the damage it causes. I won't post it here because fragility. So your perspective makes sense to me, but I personally think the stakes are just too high to hope that maybe Trump "wakes people up" in a kind of paradoxical way.

This said, I have to ask--why do you think Donald would make things like drone warfare and mass surveillance unacceptable? Yeah, Obama and other liberal politicians fronted like they were progressive yet actually had some of the most ruthless policies insofar as these kinds of things go--but Trump isn't going to stop doing it either, nor will he try to hide it. If anything I just see it getting worse. Also, I edited my post around the same time as your response and I added, "Additionally, as a person who uses illegal drugs, do you feel like Trump's presidency would have any kind of impact on either your life or the movement for cognitive liberty and/or drug policy reform at large?" I'm honestly surprised to see as much support for Trump as there seems to be on the Nexus--not because I assumed everyone here was a hippie, but because we're all criminals.
I don't think Trump will change a single thing, because people in general are lazy and hate change. And if Trump causes a revolution that puts business in danger, the 120 billionaires who have more money than him, will chip in for a bullet. A tragic event nobody wants to happen. On the other side, I don't think he'll squeeze out people too much, because you want the cow who you milk happy and healthy. In the end I'm with dreamer, the bank always wins.

I just think the status quo will be better represented by his face, but I could be wrong. Maybe Hillary has the right face... Anyway, collateral damage is inevitable - it really would be sad under Bernies watch. I hope he doesn't win, they already wrecked and twisted Barry. :?
Thank you for being real in your responses :)

I can see where you're coming from, and I agree I do think Trump is the best representation of the status-quo--of where we are actually at as a collective society/country. I disagree that he will not change anything, though your logic does make sense to me, but I suppose only time will tell.
It appears I was wrong in my initial assessment and that the Nexus is NOT, in fact, mature enough to handle this.

Nathanial.Dread said:
It appears I was wrong in my initial assessment and that the Nexus is NOT, in fact, mature enough to handle this.


I propose another selection for the poll - Antism.

To be an Antist, one must hold an intuition that the inevitability of mankind's evolution towards ant-people follows closely its technological progression, particularly in the fields of computer science and brain/computer interfaces.

A day will come when a sufficiently capable collective intelligence consisting of wetware and hardware that is sensually connected to itself is more efficient by way of resource management than the current paradigm. Until the earth can be vacuumed.

Plug in to the Roomba and be like the ants.
What a deliciously grim horizon painted just now. Thanks for that Sphorange, never run across the term before. It is reminiscent of some of those more wildly inexplicable daydreams come to me of late. And for the first time I see something I like in there, in that mortal casket lurking back in the hollows of the psyche, strung safely from view. There are beautiful secrets waiting timeless to be opened.
I can't look at Ted Cruz without seeing grandpa Munster, and trump really does look like Mussolini in a bad wig with a spray tan...

Not even brining up their politics, I just think they look funny.



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Wow, AH! I'm in looove! Oops, sorry folks.

Goofiness aside, the Nexus is indeed, mature enough to handle any debate/topic.

Tremendously refreshing, the "Trumpening" AND the "Psybin v AH" jousting, touche!

Seasoned pragmatist, gifted mycological alchemist, clear eyed student of humanity with more gritty psychedelic "bottom time" than Leary, holds court.

Satirical fluency is requisite for spirited, vital, sustained political dialogue. The "Fungus Goddess" handles psiloPsybin(literally and figuratively) with aplomb! The irony is indeed rich.

All Nexians, PLEASE don't allow the schmaltzy, butthurt to dissuade your contributing to this forum or embracing the absurd enterprise of, sentient ape on planet earth, LIFE!

It doesn't get any better than this, AND we've got good drugs. Carry on.

Since Legarto Rey has entered the arena with his dictionary, I think I'll end my hiatus.

A question has arisen during my meditation:

How high will be the body count of dead Pakistani children, when Bernie takes responsibility as a commander in chief?

Hint: There already was a democrat in office for the last 8 years. His name was Barry Change and that's his track record:

Obama-led drone strikes kill innocents 90% of the time: report
Trump uses debate time to clarify the size of his penis...

Most politicians will hammer each other over policy and political record, while the GOP have reduced the race for the presidency to grown men throwing insults like middle schoolers...

Am I expected to take this more seriously than the presidential candidates running for the republican party?

We try to be mature, and there are serious political issues, but seriously, if you step back and look at the situation it is absurd.

Politics have been reduced to a crude epistemological cartoon of reality.

How high will be the body count of dead Pakistani children, when Bernie takes responsibility as a commander in chief?

Do you think it matters who gets elected? Do you think it's honestly going to effect these issues in the slightest bit? Obama was "Mr. Change" , and surprise, surprise, he acted just as every president before him...people think it's a shock that Obama has done just as many terrible things as any other president, without realizing that regardless of who gets elected, it's just going to be the same problem...

Democrat, republican, it's all the same.

I've long grown out of the naive notion that political change is a result of electing the proper officials into office...

It's a system of checks and balances, the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government are all supposed to be keeping one another in check, and preventing one branch from obtaining "all the power", only in this case every branch is rotten to the core...

You can't reform government by changing the president, if you could I can guarantee that they would not hold elections every four years.

Obama kills innocents in drone strikes, so what can we do? How can we save innocents and stop drone strikes? By electing Donald trump 2016? By arguing with each other?

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