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What are your thoughts on alcohol?

Migrated topic.
I know a local physician turned "herbal healer" who drinks tinctures everyday not for the plant but for the alcohol. Apart from that he is a messed up, aggressive character.

I was once thinking of making tinctures from local salvia, but considering that the alcohol would taint the medicine, it became unattractive.

Needless to say, I don't drink.

Very interesting that half of murders are committed on alcohol.
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Ask anyone in life who drinks, ask them what good has come from drinking. No one will have a good answer except alcoholics
I don't think you have to be an alcoholic to have had a good time using alcohol. How it is consumed undeniably causes much destruction and chaos, but dig a little deeper into the world of production and supply, the politics of how it is taxed marketed and sold, and how overconsumption is both frowned upon and discretely ignored and profited from by Government. It's a murky business, manipulating a species with a dopamine boost/cns depressant, shaken, not stirred.
Ask anyone in life who drinks, ask them what good has come from drinking. No one will have a good answer except alcoholics
I would say that people that have a healthy relationship with alcohol would say that they get benefits from drinking and less so with alcoholics. Plenty of alcoholics that i have known, although not all, admit that nothing good comes from their drinking habits.
>what is a hylic?
Your post is the single place on the forum where this combination of letters can be found to occur, but a wider search returns, e.g., this:

Funnily enough, the "hyl" etymological root sits behind the construction of the chemical terms "methyl" and "ethyl", in fact the "-yl" suffix in general. Would this be your grounds for asking, since it's a far more interesting question than it may, at first, appear?
I had a strong use of Alcohol for a very long time , I was drinking every day , especially wine but much stronger liquor as well ...

Fortunately , i was eating a lot too , this defenatly reduce the damage booze is doing to your body !

At that time , i didn't know i had diabete ... It surely didn't help and i'm suffering for years now of Neuropathy in my feet , it's bad and painful , very painful sometimes ...

like any excess , Alcohol is very bad for you and it's very vicious because it's available easily anywhere and so easy to help you socialize !

I think it can take a long time to get physically addicted to it , well , at least in my case but , psychologicaly , it can be quite quick , especially if you are shy and have to Gig often .

I feel very lucky to still be alive today , it made me did so many crazy shit ; driving drunk , being mean to ppl , etc ... I've lost a few good jobs because of it ...

I think i used it mainly to forget abt past traumas ...

It's been two years that i don't need to drink anymore , Psylocibin helped me a lot i guess since i'm now able to enjoy a couple glasses of wine , let's say twice a month or so ...

Weed is a very good subtance against the craving as well ; when i was still struggling at the end of the day for not doing it , a joint made a great job ! The problem i have with

THC , even though i like it a lot , is that it drives me stupid ! Lol . When i'm stoned on Pot or Hash , i'm just not able to do anything that requires little concentration ...

One of my oldest and best friend died from booze years ago , he was one of smartest and gifted guy i ever met in my life ! He was 55 and Alcohol burnt his brain down .

I surely not recommend to anyone to drink everyday or to drink heavily even once a week ...

I hope these words can help others who are tempted to go down that road !

Love ,

Thierry .
I am wondering two things:

- How do you feel about recreational alcohol use?
- What do you know about ceremonial alcohol use in any spiritual practice?

Hummm... Besides the ceremonial office in christian churches every sunday i can't think of any other application and i ain't too sure if that's even worth the "recreational" label after witnessing its effects 1st hand. Since there's mention of THC somewhere i'd refer to the savvy paper of doctor John Warnock titled 'Insanity from Hasheesh', published in the victorian age (1903)... It's a precious cornerstone as this documents medical CONFUSION over the "effect" by comparing "Indian Hemp"/"Cannabis sativa L." to alcohol. Personally i consider we're still feeling the consequences of an old prohibitionist war started over alcohol abuse while the Temperance Movement was strong, prompting moral elites to seek assistance from politicians who eventually got doctors, then police forces involved, with the result of causing a real public health issue where there was none before. In short a war-of-the-sexes and we all know how prohibition failed its objective, twice: 1st making El Capone filthy rich then allowing TV series for kids like Star Trek to banalize it for over half a century now. As for the colateral damage i'd suggest searching for "Fix-my-Kid", "Kids-for-Cash", "Narconon Trois-Rivières" on YouTube and similar!

As a matter of fact it seems the news keep reminding me of this bizarre erroneous fork in History, where even doctors failed their oath to Hyppocrate quite miserably, for example senator Henri-Sévérin Béland who spread the ban on "marihuana" as they called it « A Mari Usque Ad Mare » - e.g. he actually didn't mind correcting the second 'List des Poisons' « schedule » of Québec's 'Pharmacy Act' which had been constitutionally validated by 33 years of exercise by the province, a double fault.

The damage is socially extensive, a person dear to me died of alcohol ADDICTION (the real one...), which comes with true co-morbidity as from delirium tremens. Years later in Montréal-North our ma$$-media$ were in shock reporting a so-called "popular riot" which it didn't exactly explain clearly: the "legal" murder of an unarmed french-speaking immigrant over 8 oz of dry flowers not even belonging to him, euh... Well, the impact been extensive and durable. Elders used to juxtify their taste for alcohol arguing it was "safer" than water during the epic colonization period! Etc., etc. So i'll pass on the "spiritual" side which still affects teens quite clearly under age, for example Athena Gervais who was found dead on February 26 of 2018 behind her school after stealing FckdUp "energizing" drinks in a local store; they found her face first, quite likely drawn at the bottom of a running water pit. Most obviously our gamble on education been a miserable fiasco, not to mention it was aided by a few powerful social tools called television and internet. All In The Name Of Children!

Good day, have fun!! ☮️
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My thoughts on alcohol is that it is interesting that a hydroxyl group makes an alcohol but if two hydrogens share an oxygen, then it isn't an alcohol.

ROH is alcohol right?

HOH, isn't that protonol?
As in proton-alcohol or hydrogen alcohol.
After all if a hydroxylated ethyl group is ethanol, or ethyl alcohol and an iso-propyl group that is hydroxylated is isopropanol or isopropyl alcohol, then it seems like water is a type of alcohol. The most simple of them all.

Hydrogenol perhaps?

What does Vodka mean again?
That's quite a coincidence given the molecules!

I quit drinking years ago and don't miss it.
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My thoughts on alcohol is that it is interesting that a hydroxyl group makes an alcohol but if two hydrogens share an oxygen, then it isn't an alcohol.

ROH is alcohol right?

HOH, isn't that protonol?
As in proton-alcohol or hydrogen alcohol.
After all if a hydroxylated ethyl group is ethanol, or ethyl alcohol and an iso-propyl group that is hydroxylated is isopropanol or isopropyl alcohol, then it seems like water is a type of alcohol. The most simple of them all.

Hydrogenol perhaps?

What does Vodka mean again?
That's quite a coincidence given the molecules!

I quit drinking years ago and don't miss it.
Yes, fun games can be played with nomenclature that sometimes turn out to be informative. Just have a think about phosphorus for example - when this element was named from its 'light-bearing' properties, how could anyone have known that it is in some sense the very essence of the living light (in the form of ATP) within all living organisms as we presently understand them?

The observation about vodka is somewhat amusing, but this does now leave me contemplating how the -ol prefix as used in certain German names such as "benzol" and "toluol" (for benzene and toluene, respectively) - which don't even contain oxygen in their molecules - and also exemplified in things such as the cycic ether eucalyptol/cineol and anglicised as "cineole" rather derives from a root meaning 'oil', as in "oleum"/"oel/öl"/"olie", etc., in contrast to the "al kohl" derivation of "alcohol", which seems to come from eye makeup. Whether the intended meaning was "of the finest essence", referring to the ultrafine texture required for good eye makeup becoming extended to "the finest essence of wine", or whether other kinds of cognitive equivalence were alluded to, such as "sparkling/glittery", "beautiful", or even possibly "seductive", I can only guess.
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