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What happens when we die.

Migrated topic.

Running Bear

Rising Star
I'm beginning to believe that we are going to pay for the things that we do in this life after death. If we put out love and are a positive person it will be a pleasant experience but if we caused others pain it wont be. After that I believe it will be like freebase DMT, that we will be shot through a cannon to the other side of the universe and that we will take everything we have learned back to the source. I'm starting to believe that we are apart of this source and that we are here to learn. What do you guys think happens?

The main problem in my eyes with this is speculation... Nice thoughts, although I have a different point of view:

We are here, born, alone on our own. We can distinguish some things. If we distinguish these things, we can find order and chaos. If we follow the right path, we shall become a life force that has no reason to fade. Thus, either you screw up things and die, or you find the truth and live.
Good luck huh? Very narrow, ignorant ideas of mine but it suits me best because it reflects the humanities "fk it its how i think and i dont care about you" mentality...

But yea, who knows huh? I sure hope nobody's gonna spank me after I die for childish mistakes though... :D
I feel that's what you(we) like to think. Nobody really knows nor will anyone ever know. Even with psychedelic experiences, they only allow a certain degree of clarity and threshold. As powerful and universal as those radical perspective alterations might be, nothing is 100%. The reality is a mystery. A deep understanding is present within that mystery, however, as well as the entheogenic experience in preparing for physical death.. but that's just it, physical. The human brain can remain active for anywhere of 5-10-15-20 min after physical death. Where are we then and there and 'inactive?' Our bodies are made up of at least 95% of what the universe is made of. It's as if we're conscious energy witnessing ourselves through everything we perceive and experience.

Can energy give birth or die? It is incredibly infinite to some of our finite breakthroughs when you realize what death actually is. Perhaps we are here to learn about ourselves reflected back through the fractal universe? The possibilities are endless. ;)
Circle of life brother. Back into the infinity of consciousness. Broken down by detritivores, worked back up the food chain, on and on until the universe collapses and it all starts again (or so we can guess). Your only punishment for your actions is the world you leave behind for your next awakening
Squatting Bear said:
I'm beginning to believe that we are going to pay for the things that we do in this life after death. If we put out love and are a positive person it will be a pleasant experience but if we caused others pain it wont be. After that I believe it will be like freebase DMT, that we will be shot through a cannon to the other side of the universe and that we will take everything we have learned back to the source. I'm starting to believe that we are apart of this source and that we are here to learn. What do you guys think happens?
The only punishment you receive is of your mind's own creating. Perhaps, if there is truth to the concept of reincarnation, we take the unresolved issues in this life, and carry them into the next, and so on, until they are fully resolved, and our soul can finally be at peace. Perhaps we punish ourselves with karma by choosing a reincarnation where we will come to understand the pain we directly and indirectly inflict on ourselves and others.
Squatting Bear said:
check out the video
I think this DMT smoking man may be on to something lol.
He had some excellent things to say on the subject of DMT and death.
However, that is one useful perspective. Look at other useful and
carefully considered perspectives from those like him. The truth
is somewhere in the common details. And even then, the truth eludes
us with a toothy grin and hearty laughter!
I learn a lot off of people like joe rogan, graham hancock, terence McKenna and many others. But none of them have the answers that I seek . Billions of people on this rock and no one knows anything. It drives me crazy :(
Squatting Bear said:
I learn a lot off of people like joe rogan, graham hancock, terence McKenna and many others. But none of them have the answers that I seek . Billions of people on this rock and no one knows anything. It drives me crazy :(
Ah, but isn't that the point? ;)

You must find your own answer. Others can give you fragments, but that's all. Those fragments can only take you so far. Look within. Balance the light and the dark. Master and tame the ego. Consume psychedelics. Meditate. Live life. Listen to the animals and plants. Experience and observe nature. The answers are right in front of us, but our egos cannot see them without very careful training and exercise. Even then, language can utter fail to convey the undescribable.

Good luck, fellow traveller! ;)
Squatting Bear said:
I learn a lot off of people like joe rogan, graham hancock, terence McKenna and many others. But none of them have the answers that I seek . Billions of people on this rock and no one knows anything. It drives me crazy :(
Learn how to meditate and talk with the dead:

Also good thread:

JR and TMK are a little bit nutty and haven't reached the higher spiritual levels imo. Talking with machines elves, so what? What's the point?
I never really got the DMT release at death thing or ending up in some kind of DMT related landscape when you die.I have felt that it is possible that i may have been dying while on DMT but that doesn't necessarily equate to me feeling that i am on DMT when i am about to die.
I would imagine that when i die i will just lose consciousness and it will feel like an eternal dreamless sleep. Which is quite good as i enjoy sleeping. I don't sleep as much as i used to.

Squatting Bear said:
I learn a lot off of people like joe rogan, graham hancock, terence McKenna and many others. But none of them have the answers that I seek . Billions of people on this rock and no one knows anything. It drives me crazy :(

What questions do you need answering? If one of them is what happens when we die, i personally would rather be kept in the dark and left alone to speculate as to what might happen (even though my own speculations on this particular subject are a little on the unimaginative and boring side).

If you knew for sure what would happen to you when you die would it affect the qualitative experience of your time on earth? And if so, how so?
Thanks for the humble reminder, Bear. Great talk. Although nothing new to me, I feel it's important to share such insights and ideas surrounding sacred, plant medicine and their role within consciousness and the 5 W's. :thumb_up:

It was a shame that his talk was taken down due to the current stigma of psychedelics, and the uncertainties that come along with that, but all within good progress.
Nathanial.Dread said:
What happens to a bubble after it is popped?

We're just patterns, that's all.


I like that. If you think rationally about how you don't perceive life while your asleep well then...
Lots of books out there with experiential data from people who have died and come back. If you want to know what happens when you die that's a good place to check.
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