that makes no sense. LSD is an organic molecule! Organic doesnt mean made in nature however! thousands of organic molecules have been synthesized by human beings that have never ever ever ever been found in nature and have a huge range of biological activity. look at the structure of LSD look at the structure of other ergot alkaloids. LSD is made by humans we synthesize it. So far no plant or fungus has ever been found to produce LSD. End of story! maybe one day it will be found but I doubt it. If your so concerned about it go try and find it.
everyone always seems to get to far bent over this. I used the wrong word, i meant a natural molecule, not synthesized. I guess that's wrong also, oil is an organic natural molecule, well I meant made in a sense by nature.
the point I was trying to make is, that you can't say just because dmt gives you a out of life type experience that means that's it's function. Just as you wouldn't say that since lsd gives you a similar sort of experience, that's it's basic function and why it's found blah blah blah because no one agrees with that. Just as I was saying it might end up being some basic compound because of how easily a human would incorporate it, a plant might as well, and you told me that definately wasn't the case. There's no way you can say that just because dmt is found in everything, and that it gives a person a life/death feeling in a trip, that means that it necessarily HAS to have that function, and that it being found in trace quantities in all plants means that's it's basic function on the earth.
Although it could be, but not necessarily. Some of those things are hard to prove. Who can prove that a molecule is in essence to all life for a death experience, maybe if a person could prove an animal and a plant both use their dmt while dying or sprouting/birth, then I suppose so. But what about bacteria or viruses, they don't contain dmt do they? so only multicellular life has it? See, now we're going down different roads, I don't think one can make up a reason why they two don't connect.
You get me??
Personally, i'd be interested in anything reaction so organically being found in nature no matter what it was, since the likelyness of something else following such a similar organic pathway wouldn't be rare, considering we all followed a similar organic pathway somewhere in evolution. However, that couldn't be explained completely, because of the nature of poisonous organic materials being found in plants, unless those plants always put that there as a poison purposely so animals wouldn't eat it.
It IS amazing that plants can figure out what to produce so animals wouldn't eat it, although i'm sure it followed a slow process of evolution. Who's to say basic cellular life doesn't have some conscious form with response and feedback, giving it some basic ability to determine what would poison something.
The amazing poisons to me are ones like resin and such, that stop a selfs basic reproductive ability, and yet don't kill the plant that produces it. I guess person uses oxygen in atp synthesis where a plant uses something different using nitrogen and photosynthesis and such.