out of the hundreds of links i can follow(they're almost endless if you follow enough of them), can this question be answered?
what is the brain/bodies function with dmt? i can't believe it's just a molecule that introduces the body to life, although from the experience it would SEEM that way.
how can dmt be released when you die? when you die your functioning stops, correct? is it some really basic transmitter that is used only in junction, powerful and yet with little general activity? the way my nerves feel with dmt is like it's showing me how powerful my sense are, i can feel vibrations that are far as if they're really close.
maybe, like the seratonin receptor, dmt acts as some function that can be overloaded and made to trip, some basic function, but the function not necessarily being to show someone death or life or whatever. Just like seratonins function isn't to make someone trip, it just works along a series of transmitters that can be overloaded. Like a computer given too much electricity?
being as that may be though, dmt has been found to have little activity, right? no one knows a basic function it performs or helps with? thanks
what is the brain/bodies function with dmt? i can't believe it's just a molecule that introduces the body to life, although from the experience it would SEEM that way.
how can dmt be released when you die? when you die your functioning stops, correct? is it some really basic transmitter that is used only in junction, powerful and yet with little general activity? the way my nerves feel with dmt is like it's showing me how powerful my sense are, i can feel vibrations that are far as if they're really close.
maybe, like the seratonin receptor, dmt acts as some function that can be overloaded and made to trip, some basic function, but the function not necessarily being to show someone death or life or whatever. Just like seratonins function isn't to make someone trip, it just works along a series of transmitters that can be overloaded. Like a computer given too much electricity?
being as that may be though, dmt has been found to have little activity, right? no one knows a basic function it performs or helps with? thanks