Rising Star
I have been taking DMT for a few years, on and off. I have also been studying Yoga. My intuition indicates that DMT and the place Yogis arrive when they master and perform the Khechari Mudra (tongue-swallow technique) are either one and the same or very similar. I have not mastered Khechari Mudra but have been attempting it for years.
Has anyone here ever performed Khechari Mudra, or is able to give me some insight on what happens once you perform Khechari Mudra. Is it similar to the DMT experience?
I feel a strong connection between Yoga and DMT. When I do about 30 minutes of Yoga prior to DMT, I get a fuller experience. I enter what I like to call the Buddha state. Has anyone else experienced this?
Has anyone here ever performed Khechari Mudra, or is able to give me some insight on what happens once you perform Khechari Mudra. Is it similar to the DMT experience?
I feel a strong connection between Yoga and DMT. When I do about 30 minutes of Yoga prior to DMT, I get a fuller experience. I enter what I like to call the Buddha state. Has anyone else experienced this?