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what is up with salvia?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I tried salvia for the first time a couple weeksa ago and it was 10x.I enjoyed it but it reminded me of nitrus oxide with a different more organic feel and definately a body high,but thats it.I hear all these encounters w/ beings,other dimensions and so on.Although i enjoyed the high it just seems that,thats all it was (a high).I was expecting a doorway into another dimension,based on experiences i've heard.Do i need to get a higher concentration.If i wanted a spiritual and enlightening experience from salvia,what should i do? Any suggesstions
Smoke MOAR! hold you hits for a long time, and finish the bowl quickly, also ensure that you have quality extract as that can hold ya back as well..

ONE more thing, be ready for a RIDE, You don't do salvia, salvia does you.
yea smoke more.

SWIMs personal note on salvia = scary stuff. SWIM did plant material alone a few times always heard this song SWIM can't remember the words but it was really strange and really familar and these beings would always be trying to rip SWIM out of SWIM body but SWIM did not like the feeling so SWIM resisted.

also salvia + LSD = reality melt-down that was nice tho 8)
SWIM had a whole ounce of 10x salvia. SWIM packed his bowl to the top and ripped it extremely hard and hled his 3 massive hits in for a minute a piece and it did nothing but make SWIM feel mildly drunk for about 5 minutes.

SWIM wants to know whats up with that.
I still think that salvia is "not ment" to be smoked. There is nothing positive to attain from the trip. Make a tincture and put it under your tongue or chew the leafs in a dark quiet place, focus on what you are looking for and dont laugh. The shamans realy do have the "know-how" with this stuff and would go so far and suggest that smoking and drying the leafs is an offence to the deity inside the plant. . .
You may want to take a look at this forum:

Sage is not that simple to smoke and there is something commonly called "reverse tolerance". Many people can smoke a 40x extract and have no effects the first few times. I'd advise to start with plain leaf until you have overcome the tolerance. Actually it is unknown if this tolerance effect is some kind of physical or spiritual sensibilisation process, inadequate smoking technique or something else.

Sage takes control once you got there, but you can influence it the usual way (set and setting) and you can mentally ask for things before starting the journey.

Smoking Sage is only an offense if you think it is. I had great experiences that I'd personally consider revelations smoking Sage and not once I felt unwelcome or intrusive but welcome, invited and loved. It does not take a proper ritual to show respect.
I did salvia again tonight, I ripped the shit out of a few bowls of x10. It did the normal thing I was used to. It felt as if someone had just pushed a retard button in the back of my brain that just made me feel retarded. I smoked another bowl in one giant hit. Closed my eyes as I held a massive lungful in. It wasn't anything extremely exciting but the visuals were there. Fogs of electricty, grids, lines that seperated. And a deep, deep mental focus.
It was more than anything else I've ever experienced on salvia. But I understood and recognized the power in which it had. And, that under the right potentcy, it could take you somewhere really, really far away from reality.

I do believe that, at first few time I tried I did have quite a natural tolerance for it. It never completely kicked in, and I never before recieved the intense (almost like nitrous) body buzz that it gave me.

I'm definantly 100% sure I want something more powerful. Even if it means getting my ass kicked by it. From the stand point in which I was at, it felt definantly inviting. Something I'm interested in trying again.
burnt said:
yea smoke more.

SWIMs personal note on salvia = scary stuff. SWIM did plant material alone a few times always heard this song SWIM can't remember the words but it was really strange and really familar and these beings would always be trying to rip SWIM out of SWIM body but SWIM did not like the feeling so SWIM resisted.

also salvia + LSD = reality melt-down that was nice tho 8)
Woah, good thing that didn't happen to you man:wink:
My first time was incredible, lot's of childhood imagery. I felt slightly retarded for a little while, until I was finally reduced to an infantile state; it was worrisome at that point, but I slowly regained normality from there. Every other time I've done it I get stuck in a rather dull hallucinatory state, so I gave away a good third or more of a bag of 10x. I'll never smoke salvia again, though I may consider sublingual use of a tincture sometime in the future. But for the most part, I'll stick with the spice.
40oztofreedom said:
I did salvia again tonight, I ripped the shit out of a few bowls of x10.

A few bowls of 10x??? I had an overdose with one small bowl of 5x! Have you just started with Sage or are you such a hardhead? If you've just started, you should consider using pure plant material for at least two weeks until "your receiver is tuned to the Sage frequency". It'd be such a waste otherwise.
gigaschatten said:
40oztofreedom said:
I did salvia again tonight, I ripped the shit out of a few bowls of x10.

A few bowls of 10x??? I had an overdose with one small bowl of 5x! Have you just started with Sage or are you such a hardhead? If you've just started, you should consider using pure plant material for at least two weeks until "your receiver is tuned to the Sage frequency". It'd be such a waste otherwise.

The very first time was with a whole gram of x20. Didn't recieve ANYTHING. Second time, straight up plant leaves. Nothing more than the retarded, drunken, twisty feel. I had some x10 not that long ago. Still, 100% nothing. (Maybe I wasn't focusing hard enough)

I just bought a whole ounce of straight up leaves again. I did have some hallucinations. But rather dull. I've been using it twice a day to get rid of any pre existing tolerance factors. I still get stuck in dull hallucinations, and the greater side effects of feeling drunk and really tired. I do feel as if I've broken my tolerance barrier. Because at one point I started to feel almost as if I was talking to mother nature. I do understand where salvia can take you when you reach higher amounts. I've been meditating while I do it, and it feels nice because it immediately puts me into the right mindset.

But I still feel like the hallucinations aren't vivid enough. I know that I've been smoking it the right way, because I feel the effects, but only to a small degree.

But when I mixed it with some pot. Now that was a different story. I wasn't tripping, but my mind was having orgasms with delight.
All I can add to this is that salvia absolutely must be smoked in the dark and preferably quiet or mellow music in order to break through. Breaking through on salvia i believe is a lot about "watching the unconscious processes" of your thoughts - but even on 20x, you've got to be able to pay attention in order to get "caught up" in the story. Once you close your eyes and the trip "take you in" and then the layers will begin to expose themselves, I find the sheer force of the imagery compels my eyes to REMAIN shut.. i can't open them without a majort effort - like the salvia is trapping me in my brain because it wants to show me itself.

When i smoke even 20x without the peaceful, dark, mellow atmosphere, the 20-30 layers of thoughts are reduced to maybe 1 or 2, and that just feels like everybody calls it, retarded, because without enough layers or mirrors the magic cannot be appreciated.

Here's an analogy.

You're at a play or maybe David Copperfield's magic show. If you don't really focus and pay attention to the whole show from a-z, but sort of talk to your friend, text message your girl , etc.. you might very well leave the show thinking "ahh, it's shit"... or perhaps "some nice tricks, interesting, but not worth the fuss" While during the same performance, those people who sat quiet and watched intently and listened to every word were able to see the interlocking symbolism and how it all related and came to a climax... in other words, they see magic where others see crap.

Salvia demands attention or it just feels lame, and I am 100% AGAINST a sitter... what are you a baby? Just don't have candles or stairs you can fall from, and don't do too much. A sitter distracts even if they are in another room. You need to be ALONE. The only alternative is a very experience psychonaut / shaman who can actually guide you.
Try making some of your own extract with that pure leaf material. It sounds like the extract you have been getting might not have been quality.
flyboy said:
All I can add to this is that salvia absolutely must be smoked in the dark and preferably quiet or mellow music in order to break through. Breaking through on salvia i believe is a lot about "watching the unconscious processes" of your thoughts - but even on 20x, you've got to be able to pay attention in order to get "caught up" in the story. Once you close your eyes and the trip "take you in" and then the layers will begin to expose themselves, I find the sheer force of the imagery compels my eyes to REMAIN shut.. i can't open them without a majort effort - like the salvia is trapping me in my brain because it wants to show me itself.

When i smoke even 20x without the peaceful, dark, mellow atmosphere, the 20-30 layers of thoughts are reduced to maybe 1 or 2, and that just feels like everybody calls it, retarded, because without enough layers or mirrors the magic cannot be appreciated.

Here's an analogy.

You're at a play or maybe David Copperfield's magic show. If you don't really focus and pay attention to the whole show from a-z, but sort of talk to your friend, text message your girl , etc.. you might very well leave the show thinking "ahh, it's shit"... or perhaps "some nice tricks, interesting, but not worth the fuss" While during the same performance, those people who sat quiet and watched intently and listened to every word were able to see the interlocking symbolism and how it all related and came to a climax... in other words, they see magic where others see crap.

Salvia demands attention or it just feels lame, and I am 100% AGAINST a sitter... what are you a baby? Just don't have candles or stairs you can fall from, and don't do too much. A sitter distracts even if they are in another room. You need to be ALONE. The only alternative is a very experience psychonaut / shaman who can actually guide you.

I agree. 100%. Everything.
When smoking salvia you need to heat the leaves very much. Salvinorin A evaporates at very high temp so using a torch lighter is better.
but even on 20x, you've got to be able to pay attention in order to get "caught up" in the story.
Then you either the sage you had was bunk, or something in the smoking method was wrong!!

With real Salvia, there is by no means any needs to "pay attention in order to get "caught up" in any story!!!
I guess there is the "hardhead" thing but I've never personally witnessed it.
Everyone I've ever turned on to salvia for the first time, has had their mind completely blown!!
Most don't really like the full on effects of smoked Salvia, but a Quid or tincture is much more enchanting & smooth.

Like the guy said, "you don't take Salvia, Salvia takes you"!!!

The most outer worldly experience I've ever had was smoking One hit of a good Salvia extract, I was caught between two realities, not knowing which one was the correct one to go back to. They both had deep, detailed histories! I was in the middle of interacting with other people, doing something, in both of them at the same time, and they both had things going on in the future, like I had plans or something!!!
Worst of all, I had no memory of smoking the Salvia right before this. Or any memory of my real life!!
I was existing outside of two dimensions, while forgetting the third, and real one, was ever even there!!!
Talk about Quantum Physics!!

I really don't like smoking Salvia too much. Don't know that I'll ever do it again.
(Especially when I have wonderful, white DMT crystals to consume!!)
But there is one really good tincture I've found that puts all others to shame and the most realistic, beautiful, heaven-like, flowering "garden of eden", experience I've ever had, was taking a good strong dose of this Salvia Tincture!!!
Unfortunetly, tincture is such a pain in the ass to consume, its barely worth it!!
It burns like satan himself & you have to take so much of it!!
I hardly ever do it, I've had the same bottle for a year!!
There has to be an actual reason for me to go there.

If you really want to experience Lady Salvia:
a) Get a good 5x, 10x or 20x extract (not off EBAY & stay away from "Pur%$e St#$@y" "brand" Salvia = bunk)
(you can PM me if you need a link)
b) Only you and one other person around at most, dead quiet! No distractions, phones off!!
c) sit or lay down
d) use a torch, keep flame to the leaf material the entire time you are inhaling!!
e) Hold it in as long as you can!!
f) If you are aware of yourself exhaling, take another big hit right away!!!
Repeat steps c)-thru-f) over and over until you are finally scared to death that the mind state you are suddenly in, seems like it has been actually going on, and will continue going on, forever and your "reality" was just an whisping idea!!

Do not share a bowl. One person at a time!!
you can smoke it faster that way and take turns sitting for each other if its your first time really smoking it.

This is extremely heavy stuff when you get enough in you!!!!
I've been way, way out into the cosmos on smoked DMT and Ayauhasca, multiple times!!
Nothing has ever scared me like Salvia!!
Nothing has had such a tangible beauty as Salvia!!
Nothing is as out of your control and random as Salvia!!

Cheers & good luck!

if you dont wanna go through the trouble of making some yourself get the 20x standarized extract from bouncingbear. my doses for that stuff are following:

0.01g - thoughts racing very minimal body feeling
0.015g - thought racing with a slightly "unhinged" feeling - if you know salvia you know what i mean.
0.025g - standing on the edge of reality.. ive also had breakthrough experiences at that dosage but only 3 from 10 times. -this is the dosage i can work with best, because i can still remember who i am and where i came from.
0.05g - good instantaneous breakthrough dose.. you won't need any more.. 0.05g of 20x = 1g leaf

bouncingbears has the best extract i have ever used.

Yes, please do not purchase anything from Pur@L@ St!ck$....they have a very bad attitude and are almost soley responsible for Salvia being banned in some US states. They sell Kratom as well and THAT was almost banned simply because they carried it. I can dig up the link, it was on another forum, but basically they market to teens and use words like "blow, legal highs, rip it hard...etc" has drawn them serious attention from the media and the DEA.

Please do not purchase ANYTHING from them.

Bouncing Bear on the other hand is one of the best vendors out there.
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