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what is up with salvia?

Migrated topic.
Getcha a live salvia plant and grow it, slowly collect and dry leaves until you have enough, then quid it, THATs how you DO salvia!
swim bought some (i think 10x) and tincture from D. Sieberts,Sage Wisdom.Not crazy about it.He pulled a couple tubes of the 10x and it reminded him of an organic like version of nitrous oxide but more physical sensation.No real desire to go any further (dont know why).I also dont like the fact that you can get up and walk around while your head is not attached to your body.Atleast w/ dmt (which is colorful and simply amazing)your really not in any danger of getting up from where you sit
SWIM bought some (i think 10x) and tincture from D. Sieberts,Sage Wisdom
His tincture was the first one I tried and I got absolutely nothing out of it except a burning, shitty tasting mouth!!

Getcha a live salvia plant and grow it, slowly collect and dry leaves until you have enough, then quid it, THATs how you DO salvia!

Taste aside, the tincture sparks my interest. The first psychedelics I ever did were tinctures from a smart-shop in Japan, being sold as liquid incense. The very first one I did became unavailable (completely illegal, I suppose) less than a week after I had taken it; it was strongly hallucinogenic but slightly uncomfortable. The other ones were a little less hallucinogenic but had a body high as well. All of them lasted around six hours. I don't know what they were, but salvia hallucinations reminded me of at least one of them. The tincture was a small vial to be taken sublingually and then swallowed, and it was quite rancid.

Anyway, it doesn't seem like the tincture would be hard to make, and I have a feeling it would significantly reduce the cost to make it oneself. I for one could probably get around the taste if the effects are worthwhile.
i got a quite nice recipe for salvia divinorum candy. you just suck on a candy for a while and youre trippin for the next 2-3 hours. works exactly like chewed leaf. just imaginge.. that way you can even take it with you on vacations. just buy a bag of regular green looking candy and switch it for the salvia candy which is also green)

the recipe i got is in german, but i can translate it in no time. if you're interested i'll post it here.
I tried salvia just a few hours ago ,alone,
divided 1 gram of 5x in 3 dosages ,put it in rolling paper
with a little tabacco,and smoked it with a bong.
Took a few hits,and inhaled deep for as long as I could.

And suddenly I blacked out from a few seconds to a couple of minutes,im not sure.
I gradually ''woke up''and found myself sweating and even drooling.
For a brief moment I didnt know who I was,but slowly
I was waking up.
It was comparable to a computer suddenly rebooting.
It didnt feel uncomfortable at all.
It felt as if I was sleeping (or in a very mild trance).

After that I quickly took a few hits of the remaining 2 dosages (2 small salvia joints)
and got the sensation of being pulled away by some entity.
But then it felt like it it couldnt hold on to me anymore,
because I think I simply wasnt tripping (hard) anymore.

(The situation described above could be experienced in a different order,since i was quite disorientated at the time.)

I felt a bit disoriented for about 20 minutes ,along with a mild sense of euporhia.
But that was it.

My poor experience was propably due to reverse tolerance,
or the lack of sufficient heating,but most likely a combination of factors.

Next time ill try 10x or 20x ,use a butane lighter ,and wait untill its dark outside.
Maybe Ill even try oral ingestion.

Btw meditative music didnt do it for me at all.
Forget the joints!! Not nearly hot enough.
Gotta get a bowl!!
Keep the flame from a lighter touching the leaf the entire time you are inhaling.
Hold it in as long as you can!!
If you are aware of yourself exhaling, take another toke immediately!!

I don't personally like smoking Salvia, the effects seem violent to me. I do enjoy tincture or Quids but its such a pain in the ass to take either of them, its hardly worth the effort!!
There has to be a good reason for me to go through the whole Salvia experience!!

Especially when There is DMT to consume much, much easier!!

Neo Guado said:
And suddenly I blacked out from a few seconds to a couple of minutes,im not sure.
I gradually ''woke up''and found myself sweating and even drooling.
For a brief moment I didnt know who I was,but slowly
I was waking up.
It was comparable to a computer suddenly rebooting.

you had the second A in SALVIA (every letter represents a state of being). Amnesia.
you went as far as you could go on salvia.

when you black out on salvia, and don't remember anything, it is basically an overdose, though there's nothing particularly harmful about it.
too high of a dose of DMT can do the same (make you black out).

keep in mind, doesn't matter if you have 5X or 30X... if you get a high enough dose, you will always black out.
my advice to you: next time, pace yourself.. or it will happen again.
to me it's just not nearly as beautiful as spice.

Is there anyone here that can say they prefer salvia to spice?

If so,i really would like to know what they get out of it that you dont w/spice.

I realize it's like comparing apples to oranges but the bulk of this forum is about what we bring away from our dmt experiences and how to extract it.

I would like to hear someone who enjoys salvia,explain what they get from the experience.
warrensaged said:
Forget the joints!! Not nearly hot enough.
Gotta get a bowl!!
Keep the flame from a lighter touching the leaf the entire time you are inhaling.
Hold it in as long as you can!!
If you are aware of yourself exhaling, take another toke immediately!!

I don't personally like smoking Salvia, the effects seem violent to me. I do enjoy tincture or Quids but its such a pain in the ass to take either of them, its hardly worth the effort!!
There has to be a good reason for me to go through the whole Salvia experience!!

Especially when There is DMT to consume much, much easier!!


Hmmm…you got me thinking of SWIM’s 5-MeO-DMT gel tabs. That’s the best way to take 5-MeO-DMT fumarate. It far better than smoking freebase 5-MeO-DMT.

The only way SWIM enjoys salvia is as a quid. He hates the effects of it smoked. But taken as a quid it’s a beautiful experience. Salvinorin A should be active sublingually at smaller doses than 5-MeO-DMT if mixed with DMSO. According to Jonathan Ott, pure salvinorin A is active sublingually at 100 to 250 micrograms. He used DMSO, and at other times acetone to help it absorb sublingually, otherwise it has difficulty absorbing and a larger dose is needed.

If one made gel tabs with pure salvinorin A, gelatin and DMSO, one might be able to get excellent effects from it sublingually in a convenient manor.

Has anyone tried that?
I wouldnt say that i prefer the sage over the spice, but i wouldnt say i prefer the spice over the sage either. For meditation I and anxiety(I have GAD) i would opt for the sage. To understand myself and the universe and for musical purposes, i wouldt pick spice. Both bring me some sort of hyperspace and into contact with seemingly extra dimensional beings, but with their own signature tones to the experience. DMT is more colourful and bright, where salvia is more metalic and plastic(in a very organic way), and sensual. I hate comparing them though because they are soooo diff from each other. Just depends on where I want to go, and what iam seeking. I think they are both essentials for me on my path.. and they seem to go great together:d
even try a half and half quid of sage and chaliponga, its really nice. I got the idea of quidding chali from one of youre posts I read a while back 69ron, thanx for the tip
If you really want to see the entities...

-Buy some good 40x extract (some of them aren't really as strong as they say they are apparently).
-Load up a pile as big as a breakthrough pile of spice. Tastes awful so a water bong is nice.
-Tie your leg to the foot of the bed and even your arm too if you can, because some unlucky people go walkabout unawares when in salvia's dimension, jump out of windows or get run over or even worse (check Erowid reports if you don't believe me)
-When you smoke it, the flame must be touching the salvia at all times, because the salvinorin needs a lot of heat to vaporise. Some people use blowtorches but I think that's a good way to burn your house down... you may drop the bong when it hits you.
-Take a big drag and hold it in for 10-20 seconds (this is imperative for a good effect) If there's more to smoke, take a second drag and hold it in similarly.
-Salvia will then show you some crazyness that may scare you away for life hehe! :)
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