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What love?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Many people talk about this infinite love or they experience god/entities of love in ayahuasca/dmt experiences, I just don't understand..what I see on earth is infinite unjust..
It's been my dream to get my hand on DMT to find answers for these kind of questions, I wish someone would answer this , for what reason this immense suffering on earth would purpose?? no matter what answer it seems pointless..
Hi there.

I can agree that there are a lot of unjust happenings on this earth but it's not all bad. I'm sure if you keep an eye out you'll find some great things going on. Being things are wired the way they are usually the painful things are more noticeable however.

The free will clause in effect says for one to have the free will to voluntarily murder, cheat, steal that one must involuntarily be murdered, stolen from or cheated etc. At the same time we are primates with the mind of an animal so you'll see the results of that pretty often as well. Life's a lesson, we're here to learn the fruits of good as well as bad, it's in the programming. Think of this though, in a world so covered in darkness think about the results of an act of kindness you have the power to bring to the table could have in someone's world. You can't fix it all but you can fix a piece and piece by piece that adds up. Even though you may not be getting acknowledged or receive a pat on the back you are being watched and your actions logged.

Did something in particular happen recently that has you feeling down?
Asher7 said:
Hi there.

I can agree that there are a lot of unjust happenings on this earth but it's not all bad. I'm sure if you keep an eye out you'll find some great things going on. Being things are wired the way they are usually the painful things are more noticeable however.

The free will clause in effect says for one to have the free will to voluntarily murder, cheat, steal that one must involuntarily be murdered, stolen from or cheated etc. At the same time we are primates with the mind of an animal so you'll see the results of that pretty often as well. Life's a lesson, we're here to learn the fruits of good as well as bad, it's in the programming. Think of this though, in a world so covered in darkness think about the results of an act of kindness you have the power to bring to the table could have in someone's world. You can't fix it all but you can fix a piece and piece by piece that adds up. Even though you may not be getting acknowledged or receive a pat on the back you are being watched and your actions logged.

Did something in particular happen recently that has you feeling down?

Basically my life condition living in a country of middle east, I have no one to talk to..people around don't have any understanding..it's the holiday time I'm very bored of this life not motivated to do a thing and feeling lazy..
I've never been to the middle east, met a good many people from there though. What holiday is it? I don't want to pry about your living conditions but I'm here to listen if you want to vent. Things can always be fixed. What are your areas of interest?
Asher7 said:
I've never been to the middle east, met a good many people from there though. What holiday is it? I don't want to pry about your living conditions but I'm here to listen if you want to vent. Things can always be fixed. What are your areas of interest?
As I said before I don't think I have since I'm feeling not motivated to do anything.. for now the things that interests me are these psychedelics that opens the door to knowledge and other worlds..

I'm a university student so this is a holiday between semesters..
Hey there, welcome!

i'm from middle east too it's not that bad here there's love and beauty everywhere
Thing are a little bit more unjust in this area but it's fine, i so much wanted to leave here but now i think it's fine i can find peace here and enjoy my life, i love how mystical this area is

If you want to get your hands on DMT well it's not that hard, you have to start reading here on this website there's everything you need.. read the attitude page so you can learn about the things we can discuss here and i'd be happy to help you achieve your dream :)

About finding like minded people here people who are into psychedelics, science, philosophy, art love, goodness... well i assure you there's plenty of them it takes some time to find the first few but then they are everywhere

I hope one day you get to experience this infinite love through psychedelics or without them, be open and ask for it, it will come..

Good luck :)
Sakkadelic said:
Hey there, welcome!

i'm from middle east too it's not that bad here there's love and beauty everywhere
Thing are a little bit more unjust in this area but it's fine, i so much wanted to leave here but now i think it's fine i can find peace here and enjoy my life, i love how mystical this area is

If you want to get your hands on DMT well it's not that hard, you have to start reading here on this website there's everything you need.. read the attitude page so you can learn about the things we can discuss here and i'd be happy to help you achieve your dream :)

About finding like minded people here people who are into psychedelics, science, philosophy, art love, goodness... well i assure you there's plenty of them it takes some time to find the first few but then they are everywhere

I hope one day you get to experience this infinite love through psychedelics or without them, be open and ask for it, it will come..

Good luck :)

Where exactly are you from?
Here you go
A full study of shamanism in jordan
You rarely find anything like this about middle east online
Hope this gets you motivated :thumb_up:
Good luck
Thoth95 said:
Many people talk about this infinite love or they experience god/entities of love in ayahuasca/dmt experiences, I just don't understand..what I see on earth is infinite unjust..
It's been my dream to get my hand on DMT to find answers for these kind of questions, I wish someone would answer this , for what reason this immense suffering on earth would purpose?? no matter what answer it seems pointless..

Whatever you focus your attention on, grows.
Sakkadelic said:
Here you go
A full study of shamanism in jordan
You rarely find anything like this about middle east online
Hope this gets you motivated :thumb_up:
Good luck
Some of it seems interesting.. but I didn't understand half of these that's full of crazy/bizzare myths and influenced by islamic religous culture..so I don't trust bedus..
nexalizer said:
Thoth95 said:
Many people talk about this infinite love or they experience god/entities of love in ayahuasca/dmt experiences, I just don't understand..what I see on earth is infinite unjust..
It's been my dream to get my hand on DMT to find answers for these kind of questions, I wish someone would answer this , for what reason this immense suffering on earth would purpose?? no matter what answer it seems pointless..

Whatever you focus your attention on, grows.

Tell that to the starving kids on the streets..
Sakkadelic said:
May i ask, why are you here on this site? What are you seeking?
I search for answers but I'm also a skeptic, doesn't mean I'm not open to possibilities.
Love is like a flower
You plant the seed
You nourish that seed with patience and it grows
Eventually that plant, given the proper ratio of support and patience, blooms.

The seed contains everything necessary for that flower to bloom, except for the environment within which it blooms.

Everything is always right there, ready to be expressed given the correct conditions. Love is no different.

All flowers wilt, and you cannot preserve them. All you can take away from that moment in time is frozen images, yet an image of a thing, is not the thing. There is no movement in such a thing. Therefore, you must not grasp at such a thing, for such an environment will never be supportive enough for the flowering process to unfold.

"if you love someone, set them free"

That same plant may flower again tomorrow...but only with patience and support in right ratio.

"Many people talk about this infinite love or they experience god/entities of love in ayahuasca/dmt experiences, I just don't understand..what I see on earth is infinite unjust.."

Forget these labels. They are stories, nothing more. You are telling stories. Infinite, finite..just.... these neither make any sense nor are they really relevant in that context to you or your life. These issues brought up do have some philosophical and ideological merit..but that is all highly abstract you are an individual, here, now.. If you must truly know love, learn to walk away from it, feel that pain and then let it go. You will find it was always right there anyway, once you are willing to give your life the patience and support required for that kind of love to be realized.

You don't get what you deserve in life, but you often will get what you negotiate..and there are ways to do that with grace. The idea of infinite love when bound to other ideas of right, what you deserve etc just does not work the way I often see it presented. You don't have a right to anything in this world.
Love comes from within. Others may express love to you or for you, but without a love of self, all of this love that is handed to you is meaningless and often misconstrued. As Jamie says, "love is like a flower". I prefer to think of it in more general terms as a living organism that can be represented as a light or flame within your' spirit. We all have it. Even the most vile and crude people have a spark inside them waiting to be stoked into a phoenix of love and bliss.

I think that love is a very misunderstood part of our society. People too often think of love in terms of a zero-sum game and this leads to a lot of disillusionment, dysphoria, misunderstandings, and even hatred. Many so called "enlightened" individuals have towers of love inside them and go around sharing it with the world but quickly become disillusioned because their love is not received and/or reciprocated. What they fail to see is that often what is needed is to teach people to love themselves because without this love of self, taking in love from outside is very difficult and often impossible.

Life, love, wealth, social structures, technology, and much of what we find valuable in this life is a non-zero-sum game. They are things that we as conscious living beings create and share.
Thoth95 said:
Many people talk about this infinite love or they experience god/entities of love in ayahuasca/dmt experiences, I just don't understand..what I see on earth is infinite unjust..
Quite right but that is only half of the story.

Aside from your stance which I second, I've seen/experienced (many have, actually) as well the utmost terrible things under aya/dmt. And the most profound beautiful loving things 'on earth'.

I find no ground that either (aya/dmt or on-earth) stands for any direction in outcome. The only steering wheel factor I know of is mindset-setting and that goes for both of realities.

Imho one cannot simply connotate a given outcome to any of the realities and I am very glad that it is so. It mostly comes down to ---> You.
:love: :thumb_up:
Well I came to conclusion if I keep thinking about this while I don't have the power to change it I will get more depressed..but we should also knowledge this problem in mind for empathy for the world..if more and more people consider about this problem, those in power would respond to that, we just need to remove these BS cultural/religious belief system be more scientific that make us question more.
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