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What should I do with my life?

Migrated topic.


All posts are imaginary.
So after using psychedelics for over a year now (Mostly weed to the point of tripping if that counts) and I am continuously stuck with this question of what to do with my life. I realize to most people this means a job, family, etc., but for myself I want something real (besides family, society is a lie as far as I have seen it anyways).
I want to do something that will truly make a difference and matter... and yet my struggle with that is discovering what it is.

After using psycs have any of you seen a similar change in that you long for a purpose that actually matters, rather than the mundane ignorant goings of the typical persons until death (and then on the other side they realize their life meant nothing but time).

Sorry if I sound depressing lol.
Start exploring and trying new things so that you find your passion in life. Surround yourself around uplifting and positive people. Put out love and be a positive person and you will be happy in this life.
Since taking psychedelics into my life, my awareness of the right to life of insects has greatly increased. I will go out of my way not to kill them now, which requires enough effort to keep me distracted from any purposeful future my imagination might invent for me.
Be yourself and everything will fall into place.

You are already starting to listen. Just listen some more. Psychedelics are teachers. Take the role of the student and pay attention.

If you would like to start making a difference, then start making a difference right now. Help out the guy with a flat. Give a homeless guy a bottle of water. Pay someone a compliment. Make amends with someone who you've been fighting with. Help the old lady across the street. Etc.. Etc... Etc.. These may seem like small deeds but you have no idea how far those deeds travel. Like a pebble in a pond. Ripple.

I think once you start to see how much of an impact your life has in this world we live in you become responsible for your words and deeds. Picture yourself on your death bed. What kind of person is laying there. Is this person happy? What did they do with there life? What regrets might come up for this person? Start at the end. Picture how you really want to be and feel when you are dying. Then start living the way that will create that for you.
JohnIce2 said:
I am continuously stuck with this question of what to do with my life. I realize to most people this means a job, family, etc., but for myself I want something real (besides family, society is a lie as far as I have seen it anyways).
I want to do something that will truly make a difference and matter... and yet my struggle with that is discovering what it is.

Hi John.

This is a question that almost everyone has to face. The thing is whether we like it or not, we are gonna have to do some work to make money to pay the bills and stuff. You don't have to start out with 'perfect' work plans, etc, and realistically, many people 'try' many different jobs in life to gain real life experience as well as knowledge, before settling into their perfect one, etc.

As much as Society can suck at times, we are all part of it, and i think it's only fair that we do our own part to help improve it, through the many ways we can. For example, when i was young i worked in many different jobs gaining work experience and meeting many new people. It was a good experience in the end and taught me a lot of stuff i wouldn't have learn't otherwise.

Personally, i think that life is a great teacher, and that by living it , we are presented with new opportunities as we go along. This has been my experience so far.

All i can say, is try and do stuff aligned to what you're interested in, workwise. Other than that you could do a job you don't particularly like, but that makes you good money, and save it, and then use that to start up your own business, or do whatever you wish to do, etc.

My point is to relax and get the basics sorted, then in your spare time work on doing your hobbies and interests. You will in time have the confidence and ability and finances to be free to then steer your life in the direction YOU want, although this almost always will take time, and we almost never get things our way all the time, in life.

So be realistic, but also be in control of your destiny! ;)
Psychedelics are only tool. In one moment you will need to live sober and spiritual life. You will need to find your inner light or God if you want. You can achieve that by living good and humble life, be good to others, respect your parents, just folow your inner moral codes. Eventually universe will find your role in this system and you will be happy.
In my experiance having a vision for what I want in the future begets a sweeping a campaign of action to make whatever vision happen. Goals are like the weather; the climate however determines what it's gonna be like, generally .
Also it's worth noting that for me weed was more of a pure hedonistic thing, getting insanely high didn't yield much but some time killing additionally pot consumption has been linked to more income insecurity and lower wages ‘But then I got high’: Long-term pot use linked to lower income, insecurity

On the flip side I'm sure that is linked to frequency of use so it could very well not matter in your case!
Hello everyone! Thank you for all the replies and advice!

From what I can gather, all of you are generally saying:

Be a better person, and do what you can to improve yourself on that front. Help others even whe it may not be to your benefit to do your part. Find what makes me happy and venture into it but at the same time be well versed in many different things. Explore, yourself, the world, and the opportunities that are presented to you.

Before posting the thread, I was struggling with this (and probably will be for awhile because your purpose seems to unfold and reveal itself overtime) and I was also beginning to watch myself change drastically in that I care more about people, and life. I was learning to accept things for what they are instead of resenting them. I have been helping those close to me when I can (more than before). Sometimes I feel like I live in my own little world (prolly the weed, and yeah my usage of it would be along the lines of abuse... I smoke every day, but not for the high if that makes any since, kinda just to "get normal" ) but at the same time I see reality in a clarity I had not even imagined existed. I look at the world as a whole (humanity) and what we are doing to ourselves... I see these useless tasks we all partake in and while I enjoy some of said useless tasks, It just seems a bit mundane and "fake".

I will stay with this thread! Thank you for all your guys help with this... It means the world right now.
JohnIce2 said:
I want to do something that will truly make a difference and matter... and yet my struggle with that is discovering what it is.

I think many of struggle to discover what that is and some maybe never do. We're indoctrinated in our society so young with this idea of 'what I want to be when I grow up' that I think we feel immense pressure to achieve or become something which can make us feel somehow like we're failing when we don't.

What I've learnt over the years is to take the pressure off yourself, as other posters have said above, live your life with kindness to others and yourself, if you can cultivate an inner peace you might find that searching for meaning becomes a little less important. That's not to say don't engage with life or society, quite the opposite. Being present and appreciating every moment of your life, even the supposedly useless and mundane tasks, will present opportunities to you without the struggle.
I think you have a good idea already :)

For me it helps to try to imagine im an old man and am looking back at my life, would I be happy with it? Would I think it was worth to do what I'm doing today? Or if I died today, or someone close to me, did I do the best I could ?

Something else that I find helps me is to think of things step by step, as a direction and process, rather than trying to get to some sort of ideal end point. So for example, im still not flexible as I'd like to be.. but did I at least stretch a bit today? Well then, it's perfect, I can sleep peacefully because I know I'm going in the right direction, doesn't matter Im still a lifetime away from doing a full split.

Regarding jobs, it's a bit tricky because it doesn't solely depend on yourself, but on a constantly-changing market where often it is not about logic and who deserves to be successful but about luck, connections, privileges, etc. It may be most of people will be out of job soon enough with automatization of everything, so whether you do the 'right' thing or not, it may still be difficult to find a build a carreer in this world.

That being said, I do think that choosing to do things you love and are interested in, is the best, because long term you can keep your motivation, while if you chose something just for the money, it may not be sustainable and in the end cost you more in terms of stress/health etc. I'd love to say that if you choose what you love, it will work out well.... But it's not necessarily like that, it might be you choose what you love but pass through a lot of difficulties and maybe even you die before ever reaching a comfortable place.... But on the flipside, you may choose a carreer where you supposedly make a lot of money, and have a retirement plan but it may be very stressfull and you also die before ever reaching the point where it was worth it to choose that carreer.. So thats why I think its important to find what you love, gravitate as much as possible to things that fulfill you, and appreciate the process instead of looking for the end point.
JohnIce2 said:
So after using psychedelics for over a year now (Mostly weed to the point of tripping if that counts) and I am continuously stuck with this question of what to do with my life. I realize to most people this means a job, family, etc., but for myself I want something real (besides family, society is a lie as far as I have seen it anyways).
I want to do something that will truly make a difference and matter... and yet my struggle with that is discovering what it is.

After using psycs have any of you seen a similar change in that you long for a purpose that actually matters, rather than the mundane ignorant goings of the typical persons until death (and then on the other side they realize their life meant nothing but time).

Sorry if I sound depressing lol.

John the solution is simple, be happy, do not overthink it. Do what you like and follow that until you no longer like it, then try something else. The fun part is to find what makes you happy, remember there is no wrong answer.

What do you love?
What is important to you?
Do you have a passion?
What do you do? Are you creative in any way?
What can you do?

If you answer my questions, you may find the answer to yours.

Be good to you.
What should I do with my life?

Try picturing yourself old and in your final days, think about the things you would regret not having done in your life - then do those things whilst you are still young and have the chance.
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