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Whats the furthest anyone Has taken DMT (Dose, Experience)

Migrated topic.


Multi Dimensional Entity
Was just pondering to myself last night

Whats the biggest dose you have or know someone who has done and how did they administer it (IV, Oral, Insulation, Vaporizer) i know they say its very hard to OD when smoking but what if you IVED like half a gram would you make it back in one peace, and what the hell would you experience XD.

And is a breakthrough the final stage, could you breakthrough from a breakthrough has anyone progressed past this?
The LD-50 was discussed here as well, Although the amount is insane in retrospect of the potency.
lethal dose?
So if you injected .5G you may not die but the experience would be beyond comprehension and a waste.
As to the latter part of your question on "Breaking through a breakthrough experience", There are most definitely levels to a DMT experience but nothing on that dramatic of a scale is required to experience the outer reaches of reality and comfort.
The LD-50 was discussed here as well, Although the amount is insane in retrospect of the potency.
lethal dose?
So if you injected .5G you may not die but the experience would be beyond comprehension and a waste.
As to the latter part of your question on "Breaking through a breakthrough experience", There are most definitely levels to a DMT experience but nothing on that dramatic of a scale is required to experience the outer reaches of reality and comfort.

Just the Ticket thank you :), bit like Ketamine then in the sense that if you do to much of that you just black out and wake up confused as hell
Northerner said:
LSD is much the same. I've overdone it a couple of times and just hit a black wall.

Shit man fair play to ya how much did you take?
SWIM likes smoking DMT and doing some nitrous quickly. When already on a little lsd, smoking some dmt and quickly getting into the timeloop of nitrous takes me to a place so far removed from the boundary condition of spacetime, only the deep true self exists to bear witness to all the joy and pain that this universe will provide. Deep into all dualities that force upon the singularity beyond the fractal void of death.

SWIM can only take so much DMT before the teaching becomes so intense SWIM won't remember the intricacies of the experience. The weight of each own's personal path to acceptance of all that is becomes too heavy a load to bear, so the mind won't remember, or else SWIM would spend too much time weeping for the suffering of humanity. What is important to remember from these is how to express the essence of love and compassion, from those memories we can make better decisions in our day to day journeys, and offset the suffering for ourselves and those we are gifted to share our moments with.

SWIM likes to fill a classic style balloon half full with nitrous, take 2 hits of dmt (not quite over the threshold, but into the heavy waves and hyperspacial 3d plastic wrapped stepped gradient reality), and blow the dmt hits into the balloon with the nitrous.... then rapid breathe the balloon. SWIM has even made mental points to take breaths of fresh air and mentally be able to count to 3 without getting too distracted and dissolving into deep thought before I will continue with the balloon. And then there is that special new threshold breakthrough... With the addition of nitrous I feel it gives more of a 5-meo-dmt vibe but there is what I would call a timeloop, from which the history of every atom in my body forged in stars is remembered and the experience of living the life of every star burning working tirelessly in the cold dark vacuum is remembered, and the death of every star is experienced... From this the cosmic play, the divine tragic comedy is observed clearly in it's feedback loop. And then out of nowhere I am alone on a couch in a silent room, realizing how ridiculous it is for someone to be sitting alone in silence pushing the boundaries of what the mind can grok. Tears streaming down my face...

Back to the topic at hand... I think to be able to remember the lessons we show ourselves in the depth of the experience, we must slowly journey further. We cannot just go far distances into it without first becoming comfortable in the deep thick time. To remember more than the essence takes training and dedication, similar to working out, it is best to get accustomed to the weights before you reach for the big ones.
In my experience, taking large amounts of DMT get's me far, but taking smaller more manageable doses, and using specific meditation techniques, tend's to give me more "educational" trips. To the point that large doses are not what get me to breakthroughs anymore, only proper technique does. It's like the difference between hanging out at the gardens, and walking through the gate. Certain Yoga techniques help me a lot too. However, most of the techniques I learned in the DMT world itself, and I can use those techniques to reach low levels of the garden, even when sober.
^jokes aside,

Clife777 said:
Was just pondering to myself last night

Whats the biggest dose you have or know someone who has done and how did they administer it (IV, Oral, Insulation, Vaporizer) i know they say its very hard to OD when smoking but what if you IVED like half a gram would you make it back in one peace, and what the hell would you experience XD.

And is a breakthrough the final stage, could you breakthrough from a breakthrough has anyone progressed past this?

I'm just curious why you're asking this. Honestly I feel that these kinds of posts represent challenges to some people who may be enticed into being reckless and hurt themselves. No we aren't the dumb police,but part of harm reduction is not tantalizing people with dangerous ideas.

Having deep/powerful/transformative experience and encounters is quite the point of taking this stuff,but there is reason and there is ridiculous.

From my understanding and from what I've read I have an answer for your personal question: it's a pointless and reckless line if questioning. An overdose of dmt seems to only provide a "white-out" and amnesia. There is a ceiling to what you can parse with your little lump of flesh-brain. One will only recall perhaps an emotional response,probably terror,and experience some disconnected PTSD most likely from the things you suggest.
null24 totally stole my joke! lol

I would think that the farthest anyone has taken the DMT experience is Dr. Strassman dmt research. I mean watch the movie "DMT-The spirit molecule'. Those people took it pretty far I think. They also approached it all in a very safe manner. There were doctors and nurses present, everything in place in case of any medical emergency. Their approach was as safe as you could get it I imagine.
Like with any other drug, there will be individual variation in response both from person to person and within the same person from time to time. This makes numbers completely meaningless. Someone might 'go further' with a tiny fraction of the dose that another person requires for a minimal effect. The average dose is exactly what it means; an average which works well for a statistically selected range within the normal distribution.

IMHO, comparing numbers runs the risk of turning it into a pissing contest and is not something that should be encouraged as there are some people who might see this as a challenge and end up doing something stupid.
Depends on what you mean by farthest?

one orange barrel of.. origional Orange Sunshine LSD .. sent me to another world and back...

Nothing like getting into a car [passenger side] and watching the wind shield and everything i could

see through it.. explode into thousands of tiny colorfull squares and bubbles and 5 minutes later as we hit the expresway .. [thank god i wasnt driving]..

I even forgot my own name! ..i was zombiezed within 20 minutes of injestion it was so fresh the orange color from the barrel was still on my hands..

When we got to destination.. and after entering building.. i stood in front of door for close to 10 minutes unable to find the door handle inches from my hand.. because i was hallucinating so intensly!

Sometimes i think im still tripping from that one hit!:thumb_up:

Thanks Nick...or Stanley? best LSD ive ever had! although window payne or blotter was my favorite regular acid...

Anyway ..i think the farthest trip one can experiance is stone cold death!

But loving life ...as i and most people do!.. i think lucid dreaming and out of body experiances can take one to the farthest realms of the imagenation ..and with less health risk involved..

You can go as far as your dreams can take you!..
Depends on what you mean by farthest?

one orange barrel of.. origional Orange Sunshine LSD .. sent me to another world and back...

Nothing like getting into a car [passenger side] and watching the wind shield and everything i could

see through it.. explode into thousands of tiny colorfull squares and bubbles and 5 minutes later as we hit the expresway .. [thank god i wasnt driving]..

I even forgot my own name! ..i was zombiezed within 20 minutes of injestion it was so fresh the orange color from the barrel was still on my hands..

When we got to destination.. and after entering building.. i stood in front of door for close to 10 minutes unable to find the door handle inches from my hand.. because i was hallucinating so intensly!

Sometimes i think im still tripping from that one hit!:thumb_up:

Thanks Nick...or Stanley? best LSD ive ever had! although window payne or blotter was my favorite regular acid...

Anyway ..i think the farthest trip one can experiance is stone cold death!

But loving life ...as i and most people do!.. i think lucid dreaming and out of body experiances can take one to the farthest realms of the imagenation ..and with less health risk involved..

You can go as far as your dreams can take you!..
tseuq said:
Experiencing life and trying to make sense, seems pretty far out for me. :thumb_up:


It only doesn't seem weird, crazy and mind-boggling because we're used to it. Basically, modern human culture is totally, utterly nuts. The existence of any form of life is fantastic and amazing. What the heck is all of this?!

Clife777 said:
Northerner said:
LSD is much the same. I've overdone it a couple of times and just hit a black wall.

Shit man fair play to ya how much did you take?
One time with ~800ug, another with ~2mg. I've done other high doses but only blacked out a couple of times. I don't like to do that sort of thing anymore.

I find my threshold with DMT is dropping and I require less to get the same effect and whiteout experiences are more common if I don't respect those limits. Funny change. I expected the opposite.
Northerner said:
I find my threshold with DMT is dropping and I require less to get the same effect...Funny change. I expected the opposite.

As I did also with time and usage. Additionally, I have noticed the very same effect, not only with DMT, but with other entheogens as well.

It's like after decades of use, I have actually become more sensitive to these substances rather than less sensitive to them.

I can now use (relatively) low-to-very-low dosages of just about any psychedelic and get the results desired.

For example, about 5-6 years ago, somewhere between my 100th & 150th hyperspace trip, I (only for the sake of language; "I" was not truly there at all) hit the God-Head reclining in my sacred tripping chair in our (former) back yard without much effort and this with only about 40 mg of DMT. Compare that to 30 years previous, as a young man in my 20's, having to practice fairly extreme meditation & yoga for several days before blasting off with at least 1 mg of LSD to achieve the very same result!

I, for one, am very grateful for the seemingly "reverse tolerance effect".
Doc Buxin said:
I, for one, am very grateful for the seemingly "reverse tolerance effect".

Could this "reverse tolerance effect" be because of our life experiences? We need less DMT because over time we learn to vaporize it more efficiently? We need less of any psychedelic because even at lower doses we have learned to notice even the subtlest changes in our perception, compared to younger days of taking 1 tab and "not feeling it"?

I remember when I first started tripping, I thought LSD was boring on its own :lol: needed cannabis to kickstart the visuals and make things interesting. Nowadays, I have learned to fully appreciate even low doses of LSD/psilocybin and never add cannabis to the experience. It also seems like the older we get, the more spiritually corrupted we become by normal every day life. Since the psychedelic experience is "mind manifesting", I bet that the deeper we get into this thing called life, more work is needed by the psychedelic to deconstruct our egos (which this process in itself would cause us to be more ... "out there" ).

@OP, psychedelics are not a contest of how far can you go. Everyone has their own path. To encourage "heroic doses" is irresponsible and the macho competitive attitude that it creates does nothing good for the psychedelic community.
Could this "reverse tolerance effect" be because of our life experiences? We need less DMT because over time we learn to vaporize it more efficiently? We need less of any psychedelic because even at lower doses we have learned to notice even the subtlest changes in our perception, compared to younger days of taking 1 tab and "not feeling it"?
I think it's something like the hinges on the door become better oiled with practice. Or we learn to turn the key to the lock more easily. Or some such bumbling metaphor.

I can't really comment for plain DMT at the moment but psilocybin almost certainly affects me more strongly these days. A recent test with an almost vanishingly small amount of dried mushroom material - 250mg - provided effects that were plenty strong enough. Either that or the mushrooms are rocking in at nearly 4% alkaloids by dry weight :shock:.

It certainly seems like a good idea to aim for maximum mileage from the minimum amount of active material.
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