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Whats Your Favorite Changa Mix?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Ive only been using infused dmt with mint and its been working pretty well, but Im looking for a good changa blend to make. Anybody have a favorite Changa recipe they wanna share? Mint and straight DMT is getting tiring lol. :? I know there are recipes on the wiki part of this site but im looking (and Im sure everyone else is lol) for a personal user choice.

Whats your Favorite Changa Mix?:?: lol
Personally I like to grind up lemon balm, mullein, and chamomile together and infuse onto that. The lemon balm gives a nice anti-anxiety effect and tastes amazing. The chamomile and mullein also chill me out too. I've only done this with infused leaf but when I get more mimosa I'm going to combine it with some freebase harmalas and smoke it along with my daily caapi tea dose :)
The one i've used and always will use:

1:1 ratio (1gDMT:1gHerb)

The herb mix I use is a 50/50 mix of blue lotus and mullein. The mullein has a great surface area to where everything infuses pretty well. Mullein also has expectorant properties and is a relatively smooth smoke. The blue lotus adds a really nice tasty smoke along with the fact of it looking really beautiful.

Also, per 1g of DMT i use 270-290mg of harmalas extracted from caapi vine. This step imo adds such an intense, rich, methodical character to the experience, allowing much more assimilation of experience. It slows the experience down considerably also. Still every bit as intense, sometimes moreso ime than say just straight freebase.

I've made a few batches of Changa. I would have to say my favourite is Blue Lotus + Caapi : DMT in a 1:1. 25% Lotus 75% Caapi.
Ive had great success with the following recipe:

1G Full spectrum jungle spice from Mimosa
1G Leaf mix containing: Mullein Leaf 200mg,
Mullein Flower 500mg,
Blue Lotus 150mg,
Chamomile 150mg

200mg freebased non mescaline alkaloids from peruvian torch cactus

this is a very magical blend!

ive also used the more traditional harmalas from caapi vine in place of the cactus alkaloids
which works well.

there are just so many herbs out there which can be experimented with the possibilites are endless! :roll:

check out witchepedia ' Witchipedia: The Largest Glossary of Magical Terms ' lots of great info on old wicka pagan magic herbs, surely some great synergistic combos still waiting to be found

I've often used 1.5 grams full spec Acacia Confusa extract (the golden goo) with 1 gram of 4x caapi vine extract, .25g of mint, .25 damiana and a sprinkle of blue lotus petals. Also been experimenting with blends of full spec goo, caapi leaf and extract and salvia leaf. My GF found that the salvia leaf provided her with more say so in hyperspace. She beleives it gave her enhanced speed and clarity while meeting Vinyaki (female form of Ganesha) for the first time. Vinyaki presented her with a key but told her she could not pass through a nearby door. GF told Vinyaki she wanted to go through the door but GF took the key from Vinyaki without incident and passed through to many odd worlds. Food for thought...
All these suggestions look pretty appetising! I thank all of you for your contributions to this menu of CHANGA.

Ill start trying to come up with a recipe too to contribute to the page as well!
So many possibilities to try in so little time...

I know it's technically not changa, but my most recent (and favorite thus far) blend is: 2 parts Blue Lotus, 2 parts Mullein, & 1 part Peppermint. Very pleasant :thumb_up:
In the upcoming Nexian #2 Oly Mon has a detailed article on changa recipes, with a few different variations to try and some good rules of thumb to go by. We hope to have the zine available within the next couple weeks; stay tuned!
Guyomech said:
In the upcoming Nexian #2 Oly Mon has a detailed article on changa recipes, with a few different variations to try and some good rules of thumb to go by. We hope to have the zine available within the next couple weeks; stay tuned!

Stop teasing ! Few days ago you said it will be available in 1 week and now it's a couple of them. No, no, no !

I'm so frustrated than i gonna terminate my subscription to this magazine :p
BlazingSatva said:
feh.amsterdam that looks like shredded caapi vine. You need leaves for your changa. Just google it. :)
I will look into the possibility of buying a prepared Changa. Do not know if I set the mixture and some products are difficult to find in stores in my country. Thank you!
not necessarily my favorite, but one that comes to mind is a blend i made that was mostly chacruna(p.viridis)/caapi, with just a hint of every other herb i had on hand.
I use the 1;1 ratio as well although with the herb I use 40% mullein 40% passionflower 20% peppermint , it's smooth enough to take the full cone easily and you don't usually taste it till you come back and then it tastes just like freebase dmt ! :thumb_up:
Iwe been using mix 1:1:1 whit herbs: Palo Santo, Salvia Divinorum, Chacruna leaves, Binesteriopsis caapi bark, Mugworth, Moutain Mint, Camomile... and the best mix for me was whit Chacruna leaves, Salvia, and Palo Santo. Palo Santo holly wood i put in every changa that i make, it have the best tase and adds really nice spirit to it. Now im waitng for Blue Lotus and Wild Dagga then i will make speical colourfull blend. :)
The first blend I ever made was 1:1:1 white spice, harmine and calea Z and it was awesome, my journeys were Mayan themed :)

Some experimental blends I have drying (names pending):
1. blue lotus, calea Z, white spice (electric sheep I think this is called).
2. Salvia D plain leaf, damiana, powdered Mapacho, white spice, harmine.
3. passionflower, blue lotus, wormwood, skullcap, motherwort, white spice, harmine. (this mix minus the harmine changed the dmt visuals to a fast paced 3d/4d cartoony 8-bit video game theme).
4. mugwort, calea z, mullein, pink lotus stamen, gooey yellow/orange jungle spice.

Have high hopes for all of these, they all smell lovely :)
one of the more interesting changas i had:

put 6 grams of salvia divinorum, 6 grams of calea, 6 grams of sinuichi and 6g of capi leaves in ipa for a long time

filter and colect the ipa and put inside: 2g of jungle spice, 2g of full spectrum caapi alks, and 0.5g of each plant used (2g leaf total)

after it all dries, lotus and calea flowers as well as poewdered royalmint work like a charm.

in this blend the personality of salvia is definitly present, but not overwhelming. all plant are mexican, this jurema came from mexico also, so i called it mazatec changa :d

also making a 1:1:1 changa with junlge spice and caapi harmalas infused in as many flowers as you can imagine!(no leaf, just flowers) is delicious :love:
Dreamcatcher90 said:
Iwe been using mix 1:1:1 whit herbs: Palo Santo, Salvia Divinorum, Chacruna leaves, Binesteriopsis caapi bark, Mugworth, Moutain Mint, Camomile... and the best mix for me was whit Chacruna leaves, Salvia, and Palo Santo. Palo Santo holly wood i put in every changa that i make, it have the best tase and adds really nice spirit to it. Now im waitng for Blue Lotus and Wild Dagga then i will make speical colourfull blend. :)

I sprinkle Palo Santo in mine as well. Smokes really well and smells amazing. Coupled with blue lotus, you got a blend pleasing to all the senses.
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