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Whats Your Favorite Changa Mix?

Migrated topic.
ive never noticed any difference in experience when using different herb bases for infusion, so i dont think it makes any difference. however some will swear there is a difference.

Lions tale will be fine if you like the taste.

The addition of harmalas is the only thing that i think effects the experience and anything else is down to the infinite variability of the DMT experience.
Thank you. I am going to order Wild Dagga.

By the way, I like your text under your avatar. It says ‘ veni, vedi, spici ‘.

But if it is derived from the famous quote of Julius Caesar the second word should be vidi.
any reason you have chosen wild dagga? ive used it to jazz up a mix before but i would recommend mullein as a good solid base.

By the way, I like your text under your avatar. It says ‘ veni, vedi, spici ‘.
good spot:thumb_up:
Not a specific reason. Just looking for a herb to cover the screen(s) in the GVG so that the DMT on top of it can not get through after melting. Smoking DMT and using the GVG will be my first time so I guess it will not go that smooth.

Don't want to burn my DMT and ruin my GVG right at the beginning :x .
if you set up your GVG properly then you wont need a herb to catch the melted DMT, it also means there will be less vapour to take in if there isnt any herb in there.
Together with the GVG I ordered some Vapor Genie Liquid Pads.

I might use those with solely DMT. Like you say, less to inhale. The more I read on this Forum, the more options arise.
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