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Whats Your Favorite Changa Mix?

Migrated topic.
MultiDimensionalTherapy said:
one of the more interesting changas i had:

put 6 grams of salvia divinorum, 6 grams of calea, 6 grams of sinuichi and 6g of capi leaves in ipa for a long time

filter and colect the ipa and put inside: 2g of jungle spice, 2g of full spectrum caapi alks, and 0.5g of each plant used (2g leaf total)

after it all dries, lotus and calea flowers as well as poewdered royalmint work like a charm.

in this blend the personality of salvia is definitly present, but not overwhelming. all plant are mexican, this jurema came from mexico also, so i called it mazatec changa :d

also making a 1:1:1 changa with junlge spice and caapi harmalas infused in as many flowers as you can imagine!(no leaf, just flowers) is delicious :love:

When you make changa, you use extracted harmala alkaloids or use enriched caapi leaves ?
which is better to smoke ?
Damiana leaf
Lemon balm
Caapi leaf
Free base DMT
Free base harmalas extracted from B.Caapi

All at a 1:1:1 ratio and I just am in love with it:grin:
Pretty fond of my latest blend ;)

Lemon balm
True OG
Jungle SPice/White Spice
Metanoia said:
This is my favorite blend that I use most of the time:

Spice + Salvia? - Welcome discussion - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

Besides that I really like a blend of 50:50 Damiana:Wild Dagga flowers. The soft petals are really absorbent and the Damiana tastes wonderful :) I usually use 1:1 DMT:Herb with a little added freebase harmalas.

Hey Metaonia,

Good one, but I can't get salvia where i'm. So forget that 😁
But yeah damiana is great I guess, haven't tried it, have ordered some. How does it taste? Is it smooth? I'm waiting for calea, blue lotus, spearmint, mullein, mugwort, damiana and b.caapi to be delivered. For 800 gm spice, isnt 300 mg alkaloids plenty?
Oh I understand, most people are very hesitant to even try a changa mix with Salvia included. It's definitely not everyone's cup of tea. :)

I would say that yes, 300mg freebase harmalas to 800mg spice would be a decent ratio. But I find that it can vary pretty wildly from one person to another as to how sensitive they are to harmalas. People like me are incredibly sensitive so it's really up to personal preference/tolerance. Some people will actually use 1:1:1 DMT:Harmalas:Herb which I would find much too strong.

Damiana has a sort of floral taste I really enjoy. I use it to flavor a lot of my herbal blends. It's a fairly smooth smoking herb as well. I enjoy mixing Blue Lotus, Calea, and Damiana. That would be a good blend IMO. Mullein and Spearmint would be a nice smooth smoke.

The next blend I'm doing is going to be a mix of Wild Dagga flowers and Imphepho.
Metanoia said:
Oh I understand, most people are very hesitant to even try a changa mix with Salvia included. It's definitely not everyone's cup of tea. :)

I would say that yes, 300mg freebase harmalas to 800mg spice would be a decent ratio. But I find that it can vary pretty wildly from one person to another as to how sensitive they are to harmalas. People like me are incredibly sensitive so it's really up to personal preference/tolerance. Some people will actually use 1:1:1 DMT:Harmalas:Herb which I would find much too strong.

Damiana has a sort of floral taste I really enjoy. I use it to flavor a lot of my herbal blends. It's a fairly smooth smoking herb as well. I enjoy mixing Blue Lotus, Calea, and Damiana. That would be a good blend IMO. Mullein and Spearmint would be a nice smooth smoke.

The next blend I'm doing is going to be a mix of Wild Dagga flowers and Imphepho.

You infuse your damiana in IPA/alcohol and then use that to dissolve harmala and spice? The forum by Olympus Mon about changa says, to avoid difficulty in smoking certain herbs/flowers like lavender has made him to infuse lavender in IPA and then use that IPA for further dissolving alkaloids and spice which I believe is a very nice touch as the IPA absorbs all the essence and gist of lavender leaving behind the negatively of harshness when smoking it.
What's your method? Also how you enrich b.caapi? Boiling in water or infusing it in IPA for a month?

Why i'm stressing on the harhsness of smoke is because I don't smoke anything, dabbing dmt works for me through water off a ceramic nail, but I feel a sudden urge to cough when the vapor passes down the first time. Switching to changa once I get my plants.:d

Olympus Mon has a blend where he uses 0.8 spice : 1.5 harmala : 1 herb.
Now that would be a lot of haramala for most, but I think that requires a well seasoned body.

Are your blends all one hit breakthrough? I find it hard and clumsy hitting the second one, but when I dab I don't need a second one.
I want a blend where I can blast off in one hit.
I totally understand why you would make an infusion with IPA and evaporate that onto your base herbs. You can really make some interesting blends that way, including more herbs than you normally would be able to if you just chucked them in the mix.

That's basically what I do, however :lol: I weigh out certain ratios that I feel are adequate and them just mix them. Dissolve the DMT and harmalas then infuse the herbs, nothing special.

If you're a non-smoker then changa might be a bit of a learning experience. It is very easy to work with but even if you use a nice water bong you can't avoid the fact that you're inhaling smoke 😉

Olympus Mon is my polar opposite in terms of ratios :lol: I usually go 1:1 DMT:Herb. Then I'll add maybe 200 - 300mg of freebase harmalas. Extracted from Syrian rue usually. I tend to reserve the caapi vine for Ayahuasca. I have put some caapi leaf into my blends and it gives it a nice kick, no extraction/infusion required.

I would suggest Mullein and Spearmint for your first blend, that should be pretty smooth. Water bong is a must, IMO.

Typically yes, I can get my breakthrough dose in one hit. But these are ratios that work for me; it can take a bit of adjustment to find that sweet spot. I also take massive tokes so I burn at least 80mg of the changa, sandwiched along with some Damiana or Wild Dagga. Been a smoker for about twenty years.

A good place to start (if you want one hit breakthrough) is 1 gram DMT, 1 gram Herbs, 500mg harmalas. Now that could be too heavy (or light) on the harmalas for you but I've found a blend with those ratios to be great for introducing people to changa.
20 years? :surprised
I'm only 29 years old :d
I have never smoked, cigarette smell makes me nauseated and dizzy, but I can smoke a joint straight (100% weed), but I do that only once a year when i'm in my native where nobody cares about legality.

So you're suggesting a 1:1:0.3 (herbs:dmt:harmala) will be a 1 hit breakthrough ha?
I'm keen on trying 3 blends, 1 is electric sheep, 1 will be what you suggested with the essence of spearmint, sage, blue lotus and last I will make one with damiana, mugwort with the essence of lavender, spearmint.

Which is the smoothest herb you have smoked?

I don't have syrian rue, I have b.caapi, i'm wondering whether to extract harmalas or to use 10x caapi.
I started smoking tobacco at a young age, cannabis as well. Stopped the cigarettes at twenty years old but have continued with cannabis and various other herbs. So I probably will be a life long smoker as there's just something about it that vaporizing doesn't satisfy for me.

Just FYI Tobacco does contain harmala alkaloids, along with nicotine. That nauseated and dizzy feeling? Yeah, that's what harmalas will do :d Of course dosage is important, as I've been saying.

I would say that 1 gram DMT, 1 gram Herbs, and about 500mg freebase harmalas is a good starting point if you're looking for one hit breakthrough.

The smoothest herb I've ever smoked...probably Mullein. Or mint, due to that cooling effect it has. Blue Lotus is also very mild in terms of harshness I would say.

I would go the extra mile and do a freebase extraction on the caapi, but that's up to you. You could make an infusion (10x) but I've never actually done that myself so I don't really have any pointers. Here is the best method (IMO) for extracting vine alks Easy Caapi Vine Alkaloid Extraction Guide - DMT-Nexus Wiki
Thanks brother,

Will stick to the ratios you said.
I'm still thinking about using a 10x caapi or freebase harmala alkaloids extraction using the tek you shared which I actually was reading earlier today.
Things aren't as easy in dubai however.

I'm waiting for the herbs to delivered to start with changa sooner. But to get 500 mg alkaloids I need about 30 grams caapi right? Damn man all I have is 400 including vine and leaves, which I planned on making Ayahuasca.
To make the freebase alkaloids extracts, which is better ? Whole vine or leaves?
If you have some leaves you should just use those as your base for the changa :) Or mix some caapi leaf with some spearmint or mullein. The leaves on their own will impart some MAOI activity without the need for an extraction.

Vine is generally used for extractions. You should look for some Syrian rue locally if you live in Dubai. I found some for really cheap in a local Indian grocer/market. They were labelled as "esfand seeds". They usually have more harmala alkaloids per gram than caapi vine :thumb_up:
SO, i just ordered some Syrian Rue , 2 Oz (approx 60 grams), it says i should be able to extract 5% alkaloids from it. Thanks to you for the suggestion :d

I'm waiting for my herbs to be delivered, Blue Lotus, Calea, Silene Capsis, Lion's Tail Mullien, Mugwort, Damiana, Spearmint, Lavender, and white sage.
Additionally awaiting b.caapi(400gms) and chaliponga (200 gms).

I have with me 3 grams of spice now.I intend to use 2.7 out of it, remaining i will keep as freebase, just in case :roll: :d

First one I intend to make one Electric Sheep for sure because of all the excitement around it.:)
900 mg spice : 900 mg herbs ( 450 mg blue lotus + 450 mg calea) : 500 mg alkaloids extracted from Rue all dissolved in IPA infused with lavender, spearmint and sage 😁

Second one i intend to make the blend recommended by Olympus Mon for experienced travelers (which I'm the opposite of) of which his ratio is 0.8 spice : 1.5 harmala : 1 herb.
I intend to make 0.9 spice : 1 harmala : 1 herb ( 250 mg mullien, 250 mg damiana , 250 mg Silene capsis , 250 mg lion' tail) all infused/dissolved in IPA infused with spearmint, peppermint, clove.

Third one i intend to make the real changa with my own blunders added to it,
0.9 spice : 0.5 harmala : 1.5 herbs ( 20x caapi infused to 1.5 gram caapi leaf) all dissolved in IPA infused with blue lotus,sage, lavender, mullien.

Looks like my mugwort is going waste, i might as well make a tea and drink it.

See how confusing it is now. Too many herbs/flowers and too little spice :roll: ;)

Btw which tek do you use for extraction from Syrian rue ? This one ?

Tao of Rue extraction is quite popular. You might also benefit from avoiding the filtering steps by following the extraction by SAKKADELIC in the FAQ sub-forum or Jees "rue workflow" post in the Other subforum in the Extraction section.
I recently extracted a few grams of extract from Syrian rue, also I have some dried mullein leaf. I will be performing a limonene extract on 75g of acrb for that jimjam over the next few days.

The limonene extract should yeild around 1-1.2g of freebase (i will post my work flow after).

My question is, what ratio would be a good starting point?
I was thinking herb:spice:harmala/harmine = 2:2:1

1g mullein
1g full spectrum dmt
500mg harmala/harmine extract from syrian rue

I had my first experience with the SR extract last night.
I vaped 30mg of the extract at 10pm to see how it feels - not a lot of effects.
Very relaxed, kind of dreamy. Couldn't sleep.
I thought since i couldn't sleep i might let my mind wander with some spice.

I vaped about 50mg (pure dmt, not jimjam) at 11:30pm in one hit with my gvg.
The come up was slightly slower than usual - I had time to think, "hmm, it hasn't worked".
Then it hit me - a massive trip that i cannot remember much.

When I came too i found that I had kind of a glow for about 30-40 min after.
It was hard to walk due to my balance being affected by my visuals being extremely warped - so I laid down in a blanket and watched an episode of Through the Wormhole. This was very entertaining while in this state.

I was seeing artifacts on Morgan Freeman's face as he narrated. The interviewed woman seemed exceptionally beautiful. Colors seems super saturated. I felt smiling was entertaining to me.

I am sure there were more effects - but hard to recall now.

Next time I might try smoking a little more of the SR extract, and the spice sooner after.

I seem to have derailed my own post - oops! :shock:
My changa question - is this a good ratio?
hey jayrocca...
i think harmala to spice as recommended by most is 1:1 , but some suggest 1 part spice to 1.5 part harmala as recommended by Olympus Mon for experienced travelers, but he himself says for not experienced ones much less is better, so i think 1 part spice to 500-750 mg harmalas would be perfect. I intend to make my first one with 900 spice to 700 harmalas to 900 herbs !

Having said that, i feel smoking harmalas first and then an hour or half an hour later dmt would be much better than smoking it all together...that's just my opinion since harmalas take time to inhibit the MO-A.
hello jayrocco,

there is no set amount for harmalas to DMT ratio, different people like different amounts, i dont like high levels of harmalas in changa as smoking harmalas makes me feel sick. its a trial and error thing, just make several batches and see what you like the most.

but please do some reasearch before posting questions, what you are asking has been covered ad nauseum, and is answered 6 post before yours in this thread. In the last week its been gone over several times by Make Shift, just look at the posts Make Shift has made.
Thanks for the response guys.

3rdI: Sorry. Yes you are right it was answered above my post. Unfortunately I failed to notice the second page to this thread, and only read the first page before replying. Computer wizardry is not my strong point.
I am a newbee in this magical world. What do you think of trying DMT the first time in combination with the herb Wild Dagga ? Due to the information I got from other threads about the GVG I will start with a low dose, 15 mg.

A good choice or is this combination far too powerful? Or just a wrong combination?

From searching the internet I have noticed that Wild Dagga ( leonotis leonorus) is not the same as Damiana ( turnera diffuse ). To avoid any misunderstanding I do mean Wild Dagga as it is easily available here.
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