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Whatsup :)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've never really been a faithful member to a forum until now.

Sometimes on a nice strong trip where I still have some control over simple thoughts I think "Wow how strong" and then the next thought is "Nexus" lol. The nexus represents such a strong experience that most will never experience even some members here will never experience what the nexus is representing. : )

I know exactly what you mean!!

But I got to say be careful!!
I sometimes ruin a good experience because I'm thinking about how I would explain it in type later!!
So instead of being in the moment 100% & letting my mind be clear & accepting, I'm sitting there freakin' narrating the whole thing to myself......then it starts to drift away & I'm all disappointed in myself for not paying more attention to what was happening, instead of finding the words to explain it to myself.:?

So just don't get too carried away with that train of though...😉

warrensagedI sometimes ruin a good experience because I'm thinking about how I would explain it in type later!! [/quote said:
Good to know..I thought it was just me!! I always have that constant dialogue going through my mind..
fractal enchantment said:
Good to know..I thought it was just me!! I always have that constant dialogue going through my mind..

Me too.....good to know it's not just me.

my inner monologue takes off when I'm just about to breakthrough.
If I "get through", it's not so much a problem. But the inner-babble makes it harder for me to "get through".

Catch 22.

Darkbb said:
I've never really been a faithful member to a forum until now.

Me too. I have posted a few times on mycotopia,drugs-forum & kratomforum, but "the nexus" is the only forum that i consider myself a devout member.

It's funny that you guy's were talking about articulating or expressing an experience because the last journey i had was probably the most Loving embrace that spice has ever given me, and as soon as that thought popped into my head during the experience.....the words of mckenna popped into my head "don't give in to astonishment",and as soon as that happened the loving embrace became even stronger.

As soon as you consciously take note of something, it's like it goes away and it happens to me in meditation.
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