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When to take the questionnaire?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi all,

I had a quick question regarding when to take the questionnaire.

I had a previous user profile on this board about a year ago or so, and took the questionaire very soon after registering. Shortly after reading the Rules/FAQ/Attitude Guide.

I think i should've waited because there were many questions in the questionnaire that either didnt apply to me, or more specifically, things I couldnt comment on because I am not as far along on my journey as others especially when it comes to other paths.

I realize there are certain things I will never be able to give a genuinely valid or specific response on, especially with topics and roads I have not walked yet.

Can, or rather should, questions be skipped if they dont apply?
Also, if one is not able to answer questions because their experience has not covered a specific area, is it impolite to leave it blank?

I dont want to be too specific since I know the questionnaire is quite private but I recall about 75-100 questions from the last time i took it and maybe only 20-30 i really had an answer for, and not very much has changed since then (Edit: changed for me), due to preferences and predilection to certain things, where as others just dont interest me as much
(QUESTIONNAIRE) for new members to get a faster promotion to full membership

The questionnaire is designed to help full members get to know new members. It also allows us to see if you are willing to do your own research and come up with thoughtful answers, and introduces new members to some of the rules and basics of the site.

I would not recommend skipping answers. If you don't know the answer, feel free to look it up. As for when to take it? That is completely up to you. People can be promoted without taking the questionnaire, it is not mandatory. But if you are interested in full membership, it definitely helps to take it.
if i recall correctly there were certain questions whos answered hinged directly upon experience, and thus could not be looked up unless i was either lying or retelling someone elses experiences, those are the questions im concerned with.

Yes there were several questions that had info that needed to be looked up but im more concerned with the questions that are asking about life experience with certain things, and should i wait to answer those questions until i have that experience, or, if i dont care to walk that path, if it would be acceptable to pass.
I think you are over thinking this a little bit. Most (around 90%) of the questions can be researched and answered accordingly. There are a couple of questions that are subjective and experience based like, "What do you like the most/least about DMT?" If you haven't taken DMT, then that can be your answer.

I just reviewed all the questions a couple of minutes ago and I can assure you that the questionnaire can be completed by anybody, regardless of experience with psychedelics, safety measures, or extractions. Like I was trying to point out in my last post, it isn't so much a test of knowledge off the top of your head, but rather a test to see your intentions and desire to find the answer to the questions through a little bit of research.
thanks for allaying my concerns, perhaps im just remembering things wrongly. i didnt want to have a poor experience.
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