Hi all,
I had a quick question regarding when to take the questionnaire.
I had a previous user profile on this board about a year ago or so, and took the questionaire very soon after registering. Shortly after reading the Rules/FAQ/Attitude Guide.
I think i should've waited because there were many questions in the questionnaire that either didnt apply to me, or more specifically, things I couldnt comment on because I am not as far along on my journey as others especially when it comes to other paths.
I realize there are certain things I will never be able to give a genuinely valid or specific response on, especially with topics and roads I have not walked yet.
Can, or rather should, questions be skipped if they dont apply?
Also, if one is not able to answer questions because their experience has not covered a specific area, is it impolite to leave it blank?
I dont want to be too specific since I know the questionnaire is quite private but I recall about 75-100 questions from the last time i took it and maybe only 20-30 i really had an answer for, and not very much has changed since then (Edit: changed for me), due to preferences and predilection to certain things, where as others just dont interest me as much
I had a quick question regarding when to take the questionnaire.
I had a previous user profile on this board about a year ago or so, and took the questionaire very soon after registering. Shortly after reading the Rules/FAQ/Attitude Guide.
I think i should've waited because there were many questions in the questionnaire that either didnt apply to me, or more specifically, things I couldnt comment on because I am not as far along on my journey as others especially when it comes to other paths.
I realize there are certain things I will never be able to give a genuinely valid or specific response on, especially with topics and roads I have not walked yet.
Can, or rather should, questions be skipped if they dont apply?
Also, if one is not able to answer questions because their experience has not covered a specific area, is it impolite to leave it blank?
I dont want to be too specific since I know the questionnaire is quite private but I recall about 75-100 questions from the last time i took it and maybe only 20-30 i really had an answer for, and not very much has changed since then (Edit: changed for me), due to preferences and predilection to certain things, where as others just dont interest me as much