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Which brand of Naphtha is good in 2018?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Yes, I already performed a search and couldn't seem the find an answer that is recent. I was planning to get Klean Strip and then read that a few people said it no longer evaporates clean. It seems like all the brands that was previously used has changed or have other additives in them now. So basically, what is a good brand of naphtha to use nowadays. Anybody still use Klean Strip and can confirm it's still good?
SWIM is curious about this as well. He figured that Q21Q21 naphtha route was the simplest for first timer. However, could not proceed because of concerns of carcinogenic additives and toxicity of naphtha products (currently found on Amazon) so he opted out for the FASA route which is slightly more involved and it took longer but was successful nonetheless.
HD1230HD said:
I use Jasco. Evaps nice and clean and have done several good runs yielding white fluffy magic

Have you bought a can of Jasco recently? Just want to make sure that this wasn't a few years back and now maybe the formula for Jasco has changed too. I also heard that Klean Strip and Jasco are made by the same people.

Also, any other place I can get find Jasco besides Lowes? Did a search and that's all that came up.
HD1230HD said:
I got mine at Lowe’s about a month ago. Just evap check it. Mine left no residue or smell. The glass it was on came out perfectly clear without any oily substance

If we could ask, what brand was it? I believe they sell a couple brands, and knowing me if there was a brand that didn't evaporate cleanly it would be the one I'd pick.
Jasco has worked well for me. It has been almost a year since i last used it but it sounds like there are some other people getting good results recently.

I would still evap test every container.

IIRC it did not leave any greasy residue but if you do an evap test on a pyrex dish & tilt it just right in the light you can feintly see the outline of a puddle. It is almost invisible.

Im not sure whether or not that should be a cause for concern but i have not had any health problems while using what i extract.
Algernop_Clone said:
HD1230HD said:
I got mine at Lowe’s about a month ago. Just evap check it. Mine left no residue or smell. The glass it was on came out perfectly clear without any oily substance

If we could ask, what brand was it? I believe they sell a couple brands, and knowing me if there was a brand that didn't evaporate cleanly it would be the one I'd pick.

jasco vmp. Click the link above for an image of it.
concombres said:
Jasco has worked well for me. It has been almost a year since i last used it but it sounds like there are some other people getting good results recently.

I would still evap test every container.

IIRC it did not leave any greasy residue but if you do an evap test on a pyrex dish & tilt it just right in the light you can feintly see the outline of a puddle. It is almost invisible.

Im not sure whether or not that should be a cause for concern but i have not had any health problems while using what i extract.
Absolutely. Evap test any new can. Better safe than sorry
HD1230HD said:
I got mine at Lowe’s about a month ago. Just evap check it. Mine left no residue or smell. The glass it was on came out perfectly clear without any oily substance

That's good news. I know you mentioned that you did an evap test for the container you bought a month ago. But have you had any success with extraction using this container?
Toluene + HCl salting/titration and subsequent hot heptane pulls for re-x = get all (I do 3%), have immediately np for next pull, know whether you need next pull (titration), have two fractions (white and orange) and no more buying more solvent. recycle:thumb_up:
looloo said:
HD1230HD said:
I got mine at Lowe’s about a month ago. Just evap check it. Mine left no residue or smell. The glass it was on came out perfectly clear without any oily substance

That's good news. I know you mentioned that you did an evap test for the container you bought a month ago. But have you had any success with extraction using this container?
I’d say so
Until/unless there are confirmed brands that evaporate clean (realizing that testing each bottle is still a really good idea prior to using it), wouldn't food-grade D-Limonene be a safer bet? And yes, I'm thinking of the Q21Q21 tek 1 in particular.
Algernop_Clone said:
Until/unless there are confirmed brands that evaporate clean (realizing that testing each bottle is still a really good idea prior to using it), wouldn't food-grade D-Limonene be a safer bet? And yes, I'm thinking of the Q21Q21 tek 1 in particular.

D-Limonene (basically oil from oranges) is safer bet for sure (food safe), - you can get it ORGANIC on Amazon. However, Q21Q21 tek 1 is a bit more complicated than tek 2. SWIM did tek 1 as his first extraction with some success but would like to try tek 2 for its simplicity and potentially cleaner end-product.
ridnovir said:
However, Q21Q21 tek 1 is a bit more complicated than tek 2. SWIM did tek 1 as his first extraction with some success but would like to try tek 2 for its simplicity and potentially cleaner end-product.

I'm about to enter the same boat, and starting with tek 1 using said organic D-Limonene from said online vendor. I'm curious about tek 2 and would eventually like to do both, however the D-Limonene seemed like a safer bet.

That said, I can appreciate wanting to try tek 2 for simplicity and potentially cleaner end-product. I was torn between trying the purer crystals and the more full-spectrum product. This thread sort of tipped me over to tek 1 (although I'm pretty much fine with either). If/when I end up with a clean evaporating naphtha, I will probably test drive tek 2.
HD1230HD said:
I got mine at Lowe’s about a month ago. Just evap check it. Mine left no residue or smell. The glass it was on came out perfectly clear without any oily substance

I got a can of Jasco and just did an evap test and it left behind some residue. Not sure what to do... Does it matter where you do the evap test? I did mine on the bottom of a glass container. Bought mine at Lowes in July.
From your mention of Klean Strip, I assume you're in the US ? doubt I could recommend something if that's the case. However, thought I'd post for EU members: I can recommend a great solvent I have used very recently in my first extraction that evaporated clean with no residue (and once evaped after freeze precipitation left absolutely no smell except for the DMT one from the xtals), and produced great white crystals. It's called:

* "Essence F" in France.
* (apparently) "Wasbenzine" in the Netherland.
* (apparently) "White gas" in the UK.

I'm using Wikipedia for the equivalent in NL/UK, so it may not be entirely the same - make sure to check the bottle + evap test. In any case, it's basically a very de-aromatized (much more than white spirit) C7-to-C9 solvent that produced great results for me.

In France at least, it's available basically everywhere - not only in even smallish DIY store but also in most large supermarkets.
SWIM grabbed some Klean Strip naphtha as the simplest option.

SWIM poured 25ml into a clean, 400ml beaker and covered it with cheesecloth. It took almost a full week to fully evaporate.

What remained was no odor, but the tiniest smirk of oily residue at the bottom.

Has anyone tried to distill contaminants out of their naphtha? SWIM said there are hydrocarbon azeotropes in naphtha, but we aren't trying to crack it, so that wouldn't matter. As long as the better polar solvents come over, one could even leave the last, say, 5%. SWIM would happily sacrifice 5% for cleaner spice.

SWIM's distillation rig can handle 120C which she said would be enough to boil all the typical naphtha constituents.

Thoughts? SWIM said she was new to organic chemistry so she wasn't sure if her plan was viable.
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