I use a plastic bottle with that sucking thing on it, as a seperatory funnel. However hard to open when its full and upside down. And its not very usefull actually, used it once for SC wash and splashed everything on my face
Using narrow and long jars that exactly fits when all the mixture is added, is better because taking pulls are easier. You should find the most suitable jar for yourself
i use one that exactly fits 50gr, and another one fits 100gr extractions. Also have a big one i never used.
For pulls i found that a syringe with no needle is good. Have a 3ml plastic pipette and a big turkey baster, but syringe works far better for me unless im extracting a huge amount.
heres a short lis of things i mostly use and their purposes ;
+A little deep, square and wide plate for evap,
+A wine/champagne glass for recrystalization,
+A small freeze precipt jar with no curves (straight glass is always easier for scratching all the yield) and wide mouth so its better to scratch it
+A bigger and very wide jar for freeze precipt (this one is really nice for drying after freeze precipt)
+3 little plates for drying the yield on it (one for the crystals, other for clean white stuff, and the last one for yellow-orange stuff to be purified)
+2 scales, one is 0.001-20 for dosing and stuff, other is 0.01-100 for weighing Naoh and mhrb
+A pH meter, (this is good for experimenting but not necessary if you have your ratios for the TEK and its working good). Also a thermometer is good while experimenting with recystalization but not vital for extraction.
+A pyrex with ml measure on it i use for mostly mixing naoh+water
+A plastic ml measuring cup mostly used for naphta
+A spoon, A knife, A scalpel, N95 dust mask, plastic goggles, latex(vinyl whatever) and dishwashing gloves (i find it easier to work with powder free latex gloves, but dishwashing gloves are good for washing the dishes
+I always keep few extra jars and a glass for naphta heating, naphta transfer and so on...
+Few glass vials for storing the yields. (I keep white stuff and yellow-orange stuff seperate)
if i remember more i will write later but its all i can remember now