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Why did you choose your name?

Migrated topic.
Do the Noongar people have a historical use of Acacia? Do any of the Aboriginal Australian people?
Just about ever Australian indigenous peoples used acacia in some way or another from food to medicine. In terms of psychotropics only a pituri (a stimulant) has been formally documented in their use, as far as I'm aware.
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Just about ever Australian indigenous peoples used acacia in some way or another from food to medicine. In terms of psychotropics only a putri (a stimulant) has been formally documented in their use, as far as I'm aware.
Do you mean pitchuri, Duboisia hopwoodii? This discussion needs to go either in an Acacia thread or an Australian ethnopharmacology thread...
To return to the question of name... I wanted something fake and phony, but so fake that I would personally detest it, hence I chose Heidegger's Dasein, I have never read Heidegger except for the first 4 incomprehensible pages of... I think being towards death. But now I kinda wish I had chosen another name because... I've grown more attached to this place...
To return to the question of name... I wanted something fake and phony, but so fake that I would personally detest it, hence I chose Heidegger's Dasein, I have never read Heidegger except for the first 4 incomprehensible pages of... I think being towards death. But now I kinda wish I had chosen another name because... I've grown more attached to this place...
Heidegger or not, I personally rather like your choice of name - and it seems all the more fitting in light of what you say about being here.

On a plus side, I believe we now have the option to change our monikers here every six weeks or so, so you are by no means stuck with your choice.
I was one of the members that had an account on the old forum and wasn't technically inclined enough to make the transition over to the new forum...

But that's ok, I like my new name. So far I have been seen by many as "the impossible kid" during my lifetime. I don't think I really am, but I guess it's a side effect of what we're all into here. I'm also not a kid anymore... at least when you look at my age.
Because that’s just kinda how I roll.
Aside from my soulmate and our children, I really don’t fuck with friends, family ect.
I have high standards, people are fake and selfish I’ve found a lot of times. I’m a very sensitive soul and would rather walk away then risk damaging my emotional well being.
Took me a long time and a lot of pain to lean boundaries. Now I protect them fiercely, I’m a Scorpio.

I’m an introverted extrovert, because of my beliefs and life experiences, I can’t deeply identify with most people. Always on the outside.
They just don’t really know it haha.
My first DMT experiences were with Mimosa hostilis extract.. completely awe inspiring and changed my perspective on reality.. also my perspective on how or whether you even can define reality. I heard that there were some species of wattle (Australian acacia) that had good amounts of DMT and so I became more interested in sourcing it from a native plant. I joined the DMT nexus and stumbled upon a couple of really fantastic threads on Acacia and started learning to identify and research them and absorbing the knowledge of other more experienced members. Soon I was completely fixated on Acacia.. most spare moments of my days were spent bush walking (or around the neighbourhood in parks) and getting to know the various Acacia species. As time went on it continued to become a kind of consciousness in itself.. I came to the feeling that there is a very powerful spirit behind these plants and that my interaction with them was forming a sort of "acacian consciousness" in me.. it continues to this day and far transcends the interest in their DMT content :)

Bless the sacred Acacia tree
When I was a kid, back in the days of dial up there was a website called Sputnik 7 this was back when the internet was still wild and free and the not the handful websites most people flock to these days. The website use to host obscure music, AMV's and Anime, I remember specifically watching the daft punk anime music videos on that website over and over lol! fucking good times man. Now can you imagine trying to watch anime movies back on dial up back in the late 90s and early 2000s, it was a slog but anyway there was one anime that I was watching and the name escapes me after all the this time, but my name derives from a misunderstanding on my part on a name I heard from this particular movie. So what I thought I heard was "The demon king Maskero" or something among those lines, I don't remember what the actual name was, but I've used that handle ever since. My original account on here which I don't have access too anymore was Maskero. Obviously you can shorten it to Mask , hence my current handle which most people shorten it to anyway. I also feel like it has an air of mystery to it since the name is so obscure, especially since its also synonymous with the object the namesake copies.
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When I was a kid, back in the days of dial up there was a website called Sputnik 7 this was back when the internet was still wild and free and the not the handful websites most people flock to these days. The website use to host obscure music, AMV's and Anime, I remember specifically watching the daft punk anime music videos on that website over and over lol! fucking good times man. Now can you imagine trying to watch anime movies back on dial up back in the late 90s and early 2000s, it was a slog but anyway there was one anime that I was watching and the name escapes me after all the this time, but my name derives from a misunderstanding on my part on a name I heard from this particular movie. So what I thought I heard was "The demon king Maskero" or something among those lines, I don't remember what the actual name was, but I've used that handle ever since. My original account on here which I don't have access too anymore was Maskero. Obviously you can shorten it to Mask , hence my current handle which most people shorten it to anyway. I also feel like it has an air of mystery to it since the name is so obscure, especially since its also synonymous with the object the namesake copies.

@Maskero could be recovered for you, if you really wanted. Doesn't look like you made any posts back then, in keeping with the air of mystery 😂
@Maskero could be recovered for you, if you really wanted. Doesn't look like you made any posts back then, in keeping with the air of mystery 😂
Nah its fine , I also had another account that I was just recently able to get back into but I realized the issue was that I had those accounts before there was email integration 😂 Im not sure about the Maskero account but the other account JackCastle didn't have an email attached to it lol, but I appreciate you brother ill just stick with this account already went through the motions.
It's been a while since i thought of myself as a new member :)

For the past year or few, i've been playing with turtle themed /nicks in chat. During the initial phase of the new forum, before the users or threads were migrated, i signed up as Hyper Turtle - once the migration took place, The Traveler offered to merge the old and the new account, and i could choose which name to keep.
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