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Why Fractals?

Migrated topic.
Sometimes I wonder if when we are in higher dimensions, the only way our brains can "see" or process the other realm is in fractal form, basically the best our brains can do. That that other realm or higher dimension doesn't really look like that, but that that is the best we can do to see it, and so are still not seeing it in its true raw form which our brains probably can't handle.
It may could be visual transposition of thought(s). In any given experience the visual cortex is interpreting signals from an external pov .

Psychedelics could maybe 'cross'wire neurokinetic chemical messaging that interprets thought or consciousness into visual formatting ,

fractals would by most means outside of vision s or dream s themselves be perfect for representing that .......I'd assume .....this whole topic s question would take serious neurological based and possibly theological research just to get anywhere near empirical evidence for disclosure ,

but I really , really like the question :thumb_up:
When the grand unifying theory comes about it will be written in maths most of us won't be able to comprehend.

And my many strong DMT experiences start from nothing, metallic blackness and then the energy post-singularity flowed into hyperdimensional jagged, solid in all dimensins much more angular fractals.

All the psyches always suggested to me there are no straight edges but rather upclose it's fractal.Creation I can see, but can't express it in language or maths.

DMT-thanks for showing me a truth. No thanks for not being able to express it except having "you know dude?!" "I know to Dude!?) conversations!

But it did show me how from nothing reality could not help flow into mathematics. Damn my liberal arts law degree .
The structure and function of the visual cortex might shine some light on this. The visual cortex first processes input from the eyes by identifying shapes. Next, spatial relationships between those shapes are identified. Increasingly large groups of shapes in space are formed and their orientations are determined.

Fractals are repeating patterns at changing scales. If the visual cortex believes that it is repeatedly receiving the same basic input - some shapes organized in some way - then the result of higher order processing of those inputs will be repeating patterns. Why would the scale change? Since the visual cortex is processing these repeating inputs as different objects, the objects must be arranged somehow. It's easy for the brain to arrange them by distance, leading to varying scale.
The neurons in brains are connected into fractal circuit and since you're seeing with your brain when you hallucinate, then that could translate like that. Also psychedelics can divert data flow to abnormal directions, so if some data pathways get diverted into a circular path, then you will start seeing the same information withing itself and withing itself as the same data flows around in a circle and gets embedded within itself, which would also yield a fractal.
We have learned that using fractals in computer simulations is very efficient:


It then follows that IF our reality is being generated by some kind of simulation, then that simulation would use fractals to be practical.

We use simulations to understand our own universe (Galxy movements, big bang details, etc). A striking example of an insight can be learned from simulations we create is illustrated by an inductive theorem in phylosphy. The theorem (if I got it right) shows that if we ever create an sentient AI, then by induction that snetinet AI will figure out how to make it's own AI, and we ourselves are an likely an AI in another AI's simulation (why would we be the first). Because of how computing information works all these chained AIs would have something in common: use of fractals.

The intelligence at the top of this chain of simulations (if one exists) may be able to recognize itself by a lack of fractals in its reality.

If psychedelics take us to a higher plane of existence, they may be making more obvious the fractal nature of reality, hence fractals take center stage.

In short:

Why fractals? Because we live in a computed simulation.

And of course all this is just pointing out an interesting possibility, not claiming that this is the case.
Praxis. said:
But why aren't they an ordinary part of our perception? What is it about the mechanism of action of psychedelics that gives us the opportunity to think and 'see' in fractals, as opposed to other substances?

...First off, psychedelic drugs act upon different areas and receptors located in your brain than most other drugs. Some drugs actually offer better reality-based focus and clarity (like Focalin and Modafinil).

I saw a great deal of fractal-based imagery on mega-doses of LSD. Since I have yet to try DMT I can't accurately state in this regard. However, I don't consider the crazy imagery you see on hallucinogens as really having anything to do with your eyes. True, you can look at things that appear to melt, fractalize and look really cool (like "liquid music" ) but it's really just a specific part of your brain producing what is tantamount to a psychotic episode in Psychology terms. When this is combined with open-eyed data and audio data, then you have your brain, ears and eyes all fighting for control over the data.

This is why you can suddenly look at someone's face and it appears fairly normal for a second or so, but then melts into unintelligible abstract forms the longer you stare at their face. The initial optical data gets quickly processed in a different area of the brain and the "raw" optical data becomes no longer relevant.

LSD Example: Listening to Pink Floyd's "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" (Parts 6 through 9) with your eyes open in a passively-lit room with lots of interesting colors and shapes to look at will produce a very enjoyable "sensory overload" experience. ...But turn off the music and close your eyes and you'll have an equally powerful mind-blowing experience, but far more "spiritual and internal" within its scope.

I consider the fractals and drug-induced hallucinations we see as kind of like opening up your laptop computer and looking at all of the intricate wiring, microchips and circuit boards. It's all hidden inside your computer because "seeing all of this crap" is not the intended purpose of your computer.

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