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why it's important to take prudence with psychedelics: a healty attitude on use. Essay

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Rising Star
First of all, i cant believe that Art Vandelay is the only guy who has the permission to do anything he want here. I think its maybe because Art Vandelay is the only guy i know that have all the knowledge in the history of the world, or may be is a terrenal god of full consciousness.

Well, my introductory essay will be as short as helpful, i hope.

Art tried years ago a full burgmansia dose with deliric effects -he hasnt control of himself for about 8 hours, and the world changed to a one totally different- i think that its the most poweful expereince. I mention to say Art tried one of the powerful trips ever, so the next experience i'll tell is nothing new in terms of power.

The first Ayahuasca experience of Art Vandelay was in Perú with a Shaman. Art was scared for what the medicine will show. He aprreciated a lot the oportunity of the experience and he learned two important things about DMT and Harmala psychedelics:

1. They can teach you what Peace is, or what totally peaceful consciousness is, with your chest almost exploding with full of irradiating white and warm peace.

2. They can show you, as a beatiful mental window, how is the end of the road which everyone has to walk in.

What's is the most important, because some Art's friends and people in general take this magical "windows" to enter in a paceful worls for a short period of time, but they do a lot times in a month or even week, so the question is: What miserable is the world of lucidity compared to psychedelics world. Many people say that DMT (with or without harmalas) helps with depression and so on, but, what happens when you (and Art himself) take periodically that magic and then when return to baseline and a couple of days after say: what is routine, what a waste of time is the lucid world, what a shame the human being is, and then you'll want, as Art, take another travel.

So, my conclussion on my introductory-simple-short essay is:

Take prudence about DMT, by one side for the corporal health, but, most important, take care with your consciousnnes, becuase DMT and -more specially- harmalas shows only the end of the road, not the road itself. Work with it when you lost the road, but dont ride with him

Art Vandelay has cured of these attitude and changed his life meaning with just meditate for a long period of time between each Ayahuasca session.

Now he has the experience for travel alone, and he want to learn how to prepare the medicine in a respectful and natural way. That's why he want to enter the nexus.

Peace for all.

Art recommend to all to travel to Perú and do the Ayahuasca with a shaman, it'll change your life.
Agree completely. One of my first thoughts after doing ayahuasca for the first time (which by the way, was a VERY positive experience) was "I think anyone that does this very frequently has something seriously wrong going on in their life". It was many months before I'd even vaguely consider doing it again.

Even Terrance McKenna, whom most would say was the biggest proponent of DMT/aya of all time, said that if he used it 2 or 3 times in a YEAR he considered that "hitting it hard". Also "The more successful it is, the less often you have to do it" (which I think could be interpreted as: people doing it a lot, are not doing it successfully).

These quotes can be found at the 1 minute mark of:

As for Shaman and Peru - personally I'd avoid, but to each his own I guess. In my view, the ideal scenario is one in which there is a reputable facilitator who does not do anything to "steer" your experience in any particular direction, who is there to comfort and keep you safe when needed, and little more than that. Finding places like this can be difficult, but that's what reviews are for. Peru has quite a lot of crime and hucksters/pretenders. They also seem to love tobacco down there, which is not a good ingredient to mix with aya (in many youtube videos you can see these shaman in Peru putting tobacco leaves right on top of their aya brew!). Of all the poisoning incidents connected to aya (including deaths) I think they all happened in Peru (in addition to tobacco, datura and brugmansia [toe'] have been involved in several incidents).

I went to a great place in Costa Rica called "Sound of Light" that I'd recommend, very reputable, they make the aya from only the 2 ingredients that should be in aya, and they make it with passion, and they make it only with ingredients they grow themselves on their own property. Its in the rain forest, tree frogs will sing to you all night, as will the facilitator :). Beautiful really. They only charged $100 too (which included overnight stay and breakfast). Costa Rica is an incredibly beautiful country outside of its cities, phenomenal rain forests and sights to see, and airfare there is really affordable from many countries, especially the United States ($200 round trip is still possible).
GordoTEK said:
Agree completely. One of my first thoughts after doing ayahuasca for the first time (which by the way, was a VERY positive experience) was "I think anyone that does this very frequently has something seriously wrong going on in their life". It was many months before I'd even vaguely consider doing it again.

Even Terrance McKenna, whom most would say was the biggest proponent of DMT/aya of all time, said that if he used it 2 or 3 times in a YEAR he considered that "hitting it hard". Also "The more successful it is, the less often you have to do it" (which I think could be interpreted as: people doing it a lot, are not doing it successfully).

These quotes can be found at the 1 minute mark of:

As for Shaman and Peru - personally I'd avoid, but to each his own I guess. In my view, the ideal scenario is one in which there is a reputable facilitator who does not do anything to "steer" your experience in any particular direction, who is there to comfort and keep you safe when needed, and little more than that. Finding places like this can be difficult, but that's what reviews are for. Peru has quite a lot of crime and hucksters/pretenders. They also seem to love tobacco down there, which is not a good ingredient to mix with aya (in many youtube videos you can see these shaman in Peru putting tobacco leaves right on top of their aya brew!). Of all the poisoning incidents connected to aya (including deaths) I think they all happened in Peru (in addition to tobacco, datura and brugmansia [toe'] have been involved in several incidents).

I went to a great place in Costa Rica called "Sound of Light" that I'd recommend, very reputable, they make the aya from only the 2 ingredients that should be in aya, and they make it with passion, and they make it only with ingredients they grow themselves on their own property. Its in the rain forest, tree frogs will sing to you all night, as will the facilitator :). Beautiful really. They only charged $100 too (which included overnight stay and breakfast). Costa Rica is an incredibly beautiful country outside of its cities, phenomenal rain forests and sights to see, and airfare there is really affordable from many countries, especially the United States ($200 round trip is still possible).

Also agree completely. But, I have to say, with love:

1. Shaman Art visited is a western one, a woman who only take care of you and let the travel go to its own way. Who wants can pm Art.

2. Art live in Chile, and knows that Peru has a lot of retreatment centers who offers ayahuasca in the ayahuasca tourism way. That is all bull***t. The woman has learned in the Selva with shipibos.

3. There's was no tobacco in the brew, only the mapachos used to control the travel if it goes to a very dark place. (She puts smoke above your head and the effects are awesome effectively and unbelievable -im asking everyday how can do that-).

You can go wherever you want, but most important you must go with your mind and soul clear.

I can't understand why people do 4-aco-DMT or even smoke spice for recreation. But, again, everyone have his reason.

4. Sorry my English, not my language and never learned in a regular way.

Also, the chat isn't working. Says server error, I want to do the questionnaire but...

Peace and love
There is no limitation in the use of ayahuasca. If you want ayahuasca, just take it. No matter if it is your first, second, third, or hundredth time. It is of no importance to ‘feel the need’ to take ayahuasca.

Moreover, the beauty of the trip should be the reason to drink the brew. Everything extra is your bonus.
As Mr. Van D'lay's longtime chef, butler and all-around Man Friday, I can assure you that a) he does not live in Chile, b) has never been to Peru, and c) would never touch any scopolamine containing plants with a ten foot pole.

Perhaps you are confusing him with another. It's a fairly common name within the Dutch community.
scelsi said:
...so the question is: What miserable is the world of lucidity compared to psychedelics world...

strtman said:
...the beauty of the trip should be the reason to drink the brew...

Cheers on the nice experiences but aya is mostly pure filth for me, heavy detox feeling no joy just suffer, and more. I wouldn't call that my personal favorite escape place, more like 'the work'.
Working with extracts differs imho.
Bill Cipher said:
As Mr. Van D'lay's longtime chef, butler and all-around Man Friday, I can assure you that a) he does not live in Chile, b) has never been to Peru, and c) would never touch any scopolamine containing plants with a ten foot pole.

Perhaps you are confusing him with another. It's a fairly common name within the Dutch community.

I thought he was a person that been in New York for a while in the 90's
strtman said:
There is no limitation in the use of ayahuasca. If you want ayahuasca, just take it. No matter if it is your first, second, third, or hundredth time. It is of no importance to ‘feel the need’ to take ayahuasca.

Moreover, the beauty of the trip should be the reason to drink the brew. Everything extra is your bonus.

Exactly, that's why is my introductory essay, to share my thoughts about it with all of you.

Everyone has or hasn't their own bonus
scelsi said:
Bill Cipher said:
As Mr. Van D'lay's longtime chef, butler and all-around Man Friday, I can assure you that a) he does not live in Chile, b) has never been to Peru, and c) would never touch any scopolamine containing plants with a ten foot pole.

Perhaps you are confusing him with another. It's a fairly common name within the Dutch community.

I thought he was a person that been in New York for a while in the 90's

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