entheogenic-gnosis said:
I dose high, and often only need a single inhalation, most times I'm in a breakthrough before I can even exhale, so it all comes down to being able to take just one inhalation...
I'll second the question of how you take it. My first breakthrough was Changa and it took 3 huge rips on a water bong. Then I switched to freebase with a crack pipe (worst possible method IMO) where the hits have to be small or they burn, then started buying $5 bags of plant material and sandwich the FB in a bowl and use a water bong. How can you get there in 1 hit? I've loaded 100mg in a dabber before, I still prefer the water bong. Please share your technique E-G!!!
My technique is actually fairly unsophisticated and quite inefficient. I either use a "peace-pipe" or a small cannabis pipe. I first place a layer of cannabis in the smoking utensil, followed by the crystalline dimethyltryptamine freebase, then, I place a small layer of powdered cannabis over the dimethyltryptamine. Then, I proceed to consume the entire contents of the smoking utensil in a single inhalation. The lighter is not placed directly on top of the outer most layer of cannabis, but is held close, and is held lit and in place until the entire contents of the smoking utensil have been fully consumed.
(For those who don't smoke cannabis any other preferred plant matter will be sufficient)
With this single inhalation I usually only have to count to about 10 before I'm in a breakthrough state, it's always before I even exhale, often as I feel it comming on I go into a panic and attempt to exhale every bit of smoke and vapour as quickly as possible, most times I could have easily held in the inhalation quite a bit longer, but chose to exhale out of the intensity and fear of the on comming experience... it's like trying to stop a speeding freight train with your bare hands, at that point there's absolutely nothing you can do about what you are about to go through...
Even though DMT free-base is not water soluble, the water in the bong may be cooling the vapour, allowing it to condense in the bong stem before it reaches your lungs, try that same technique of "sandwiching" DMT free-base between plant matter, but try it out of a small cannabis pipe with a fairly short stem, hold lighter lit above the bowl until you are done inhaling, and attempt to get the entire contents of the bowl into your lungs in a single inhalation.
As far as my dose range, it's unreasonably high. However, this does not mean it's a good idea to go out and attempt to consume large doses of DMT. It's a better idea to start low, and work your way up in small increments until you find the dose range Which induces the experience desired.
...Again, I've never had to take more than one single inhalation, and even if I wanted to take another inhalation I would not be able, as the entire contents of the smoking utensil is fully consumed on that initial first breath.
some people will require 2 or 3 inhalations, however, for myself, as well as for others I know, we will only require a single large inhalation...
...Though if it requires 3 inhalations for you to fully consume the material, and if I am consuming the same amount of material in a single inhalation, then I suppose that's the difference, because like i said, the entire contents of the bowl is consumed in a single inhalation in my case, I could not take a second or third inhalation if I wanted...