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Worried before DMT

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Is anyone else like this ??

I get extremely anxious and worried before doing DMT, I know that the chances of dying from DMT is very unlikely and that the trip does not last that long. I still get worried before I start inhaling and at times I have started freaking while inhaling which has made me subconsciously cough substance out so I do not break through.

Has anyone ever been like this ?? How you overcome this ??
I always get a little pre flight jitters, but I always ensure I spend long enough before smoking getting into the right frame of mind. That is either meditation or just simply clearing my mind and thinking about why I am tripping and what I am trying to gain from it, or repeating a mantra that puts me in the right frame of mind. Once it starts to come on then I generally head into a very calm meditative state quite quickly.

The main thing for me is getting into my smoking position and just emptying my mind of all stresses and worries, sometimes it may take 15 minutes, then when I am ready I pick up the spice and smoke it.
Heck yeah I am worried before smoalking.

One suggestion is that whenever youre going to smoalk that day, prepare as well as possible throughout the whole day. Small actions taken during the day (especially things such as diet being body-friendly) are often at the forefront of the subconscious in my experience.

Once, before smoalking DMT, I had a glass of white tea with lots of the tea in the cup and I ended up eating all of the tea. I tend to eat the tea if its good. Later that day the trip went extremely well because I was experiencing in a magnified way the positive benefits of all the catechins and other phenolic compounds.

The more positive experiences you have the more alleviated you will be from the worry.

I dont think it ever goes away for most people, but a great part of the wonder of using DMT as an ally is that it takes courage and faith to blast off. We're all going to experience the tough ones, but DMT isnt a power-ball gamble, it's not russian roulette. It's more like love, it can be difficult at times.
Happens to me every time...

It would be strange to not feel some anxiety...

“nobody ever went into an Ashram with their knees knocking in fear over the tremendous dimension they knew they were about to enter through meditation.” -terence McKenna


I generally feel a good deal of fear during the flash, though for me this is not negative, and actually seems to validate and legitimize the experience.

One of the interesting characteristics of DMT is that it sometimes inspires fear - this marks the experience as existentially authentic. One of the interesting approaches to evaluating such a compound is to see how eager people are to do it a second time. A touch of terror gives the stamp of validity to the experience because it means, "This is real." We are in the balance. We read the literature, we know the maximum doses, the LD-50, and so on. But nevertheless, so great is one's faith in the mind that when one is out in it one comes to feel that the rules of pharmacology do not really apply and that control of existence on that plane is really a matter of focus of will and good luck.

I'm not saying that there's something intrinsically good about terror. I'm saying that, granted the situation, if one is not terrified then one must be somewhat out of contact with the full dynamics of what is happening. To not be terrified means either that one is a fool or that one has taken a compound that paralyzes the ability to be terrified. I have nothing against hedonism, and I certainly bring something out of it. But the experience must move one's heart, and it will not move the heart unless it deals with the issues of life and death. If it deals with life and death it will move one to fear, it will move one to tears, it will move one to laughter. -terence McKenna

I can take the first hit without hesitation. Then I get that feeling and remember how powerful this experience is. Fear/anxiety/worry sets in HARD. I always take a couple of deep breaths and mentally say "I respect you. I respect myself. Please teach me. I accept what happens." Then I just go for it.

I've smoked DMT 50+ times now. The only times I wasn't scared, I was drunk. DMT let me know not to do that when I'm drunk. I have been disrespectful and I regret it.

What are your reasons for doing DMT? I saw demons the other day. That was interesting... I have read other reports that to gain knowledge you must embrace the bad with the good. I had many good trips before seeing the demon faces, and I wish I had reacted differently. I said "please no," and rolled over asking to be saved from that. Angelic creatures lifted me out of it (weird). In hindsight, I refused knowledge being offered to me. I could've ridden it out, even though it was scary.

I can not imagine going into this experience without the fear and anxiety. There is no telling what you will see and experience. For me, I want the knowledge, so I push through that. I lay flat on my back and I submit myself to the experience. It owns me.
Salvia tends to dislike alcohol too. There seems to be a lot of similarities (as well as differences) between the two.

I've yet to smoke dmt though. I'm waiting on some feedback on whether or not what I pulled is clean enough. I'm a little nervous but took a little tianeptine and kratom to round out the edges. I think tonight is going to be the night.

One thing that adds to the anxiety is I'm going to try the sandwhich method with some tobacco and an estimated dose of dmt so it could either be nothing or complete mindblow.

I'm doing this mainly for contact with "entities" since I hear that happens often. Some of my most profound salvia experiences involved entities of different sorts but then again I also got ran over by a lawn mower once so there you go.

1 Tomothy 4:4-5 - For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. (KJV)
True ecstasy is a union of opposites. It’s the felt experience of paradox, so it is exalting and illuminating at the same time that it’s terrifying and threatening. It dissolves all boundaries -terence McKenna

I wish I could do what sublimer describes, taking the first inhalation with out flinching. I often must build up my courage, it takes a good deal of nerve...

I dose high, and often only need a single inhalation, most times I'm in a breakthrough before I can even exhale, so it all comes down to being able to take just one inhalation...

Sometimes things get too weird before I can even inhale the dimethyltryptamine vapour, and not just internally, the external world can synchronize in a startling manner...

Once I was walking through a secluded nature reserve area near my home, it was fairly early morning and I had no plans for the day, in my back pocket rested a small plastic container holding a few grams of DMT. I set my sight on a grouping of trees in the distance where I intended to smoke, and slowly began to walk over. As I reached the location and began to pour the crystals into the pipe I could hear a loud almost buzzing noise surround me, I looked up to see that, seemingly out of no where, I was in the "eye of the storm" of a "hurricane" of black birds. Thousands of these birds swarming around me in a circular fashion...it was surreal. A bit shaken, I quickly stashed the pipe in my pocket and began to walk again, and just as quickly, the birds were gone, I couldn't see a single bird any place near me...a strange coincidence?

...I have had lighters and matches burst into flame in my pocket just before DMT was about to be consumed, I have seen strange weather and animal phenomena, and I have had even stranger coinciding strings of events related to DMT consumption which ended up turning into crucial turning points in life, often these phenomena occur just before s traumatic or prophetic DMT experience...

As a scientist I'm not allowed to speak about things like this, but my experience tells me that magic is real, and that certain Entheogenic substances are the facilitators of true magic.

Ok, I'll take off my "crazy hat" and put my "scientist hat" back on.

entheogenic-gnosis said:
True ecstasy is a union of opposites. It’s the felt experience of paradox, so it is exalting and illuminating at the same time that it’s terrifying and threatening. It dissolves all boundaries -terence McKenna

I wish I could do what sublimer describes, taking the first inhalation with out flinching. I often must build up my courage, it takes a good deal of nerve...

I dose high, and often only need a single inhalation, most times I'm in a breakthrough before I can even exhale, so it all comes down to being able to take just one inhalation...

Sometimes things get too weird before I can even inhale the dimethyltryptamine vapour, and not just internally, the external world can synchronize in a startling manner...

Once I was walking through a secluded nature reserve area near my home, it was fairly early morning and I had no plans for the day, in my back pocket rested a small plastic container holding a few grams of DMT. I set my sight on a grouping of trees in the distance where I intended to smoke, and slowly began to walk over. As I reached the location and began to pour the crystals into the pipe I could hear a loud almost buzzing noise surround me, I looked up to see that, seemingly out of no where, I was in the "eye of the storm" of a "hurricane" of black birds. Thousands of these birds swarming around me in a circular fashion...it was surreal. A bit shaken, I quickly stashed the pipe in my pocket and began to walk again, and just as quickly, the birds were gone, I couldn't see a single bird any place near me...a strange coincidence?

...I have had lighters and matches burst into flame in my pocket just before DMT was about to be consumed, I have seen strange weather and animal phenomena, and I have had even stranger coinciding strings of events related to DMT consumption which ended up turning into crucial turning points in life, often these phenomena occur just before s traumatic or prophetic DMT experience...

As a scientist I'm not allowed to speak about things like this, but my experience tells me that magic is real, and that certain Entheogenic substances are the facilitators of true magic.

Ok, I'll take off my "crazy hat" and put my "scientist hat" back on.


That is super interesting. What does your science hat tell you about the reason behind such events??

Curious how do you smoke DMT and what dose???

@Asher7 I take DMT because I'm intrigued by DMT and I find it truely amazing what it can create in our brain and how it changes reality to point you feel like you will not return and images are like nothing I have ever seen before. I'm also super nervous about doing DMT unlike my husband who has had bad experience he still doses high and has this attitude of I'm going to visit my friends now no fear.
I would suggest doing extended exhalation breathing before ingesting. The extended exhale stimulates the parasympathetic pathway, and relaxes the heart. Your heart rate will be calm. It also helps to get all of it in, in one huge lungful. And to keep it in as long as you can.
Yesterday i tried to take a really small toke at first, to "warm up". I relaxed through it, then took a larger hit, around 20mg (I'm not very experienced and it was my first fine alone). I still felt fear during the coming up but it all ended up in laughs, silver geometric shapes and glossolalia.
entheogenic-gnosis said:
I dose high, and often only need a single inhalation, most times I'm in a breakthrough before I can even exhale, so it all comes down to being able to take just one inhalation...


I'll second the question of how you take it. My first breakthrough was Changa and it took 3 huge rips on a water bong. Then I switched to freebase with a crack pipe (worst possible method IMO) where the hits have to be small or they burn, then started buying $5 bags of plant material and sandwich the FB in a bowl and use a water bong. How can you get there in 1 hit? I've loaded 100mg in a dabber before, I still prefer the water bong. Please share your technique E-G!!!
Try a quality mod w/tank or dripper. I like a dripper, another guy here likes a tank so that's up to you and what you like but so far all my hits have been single inhales with just a few drops on each of two coils. I have yet to saturate them and double or triple up on my hits.

Also I had some "leftover" FB and tossed it in with my juice so now its stronger, but nowhere near where anymore FB wouldn't dissolve so that leaves me with three options left to get even stronger hits.

The only downside I can think of is when you switch out cotton some of your juice is going to be in there but if you ring it out with needle nose pliers it will be a miniscule amount. Make sure to find a good tank or dripper though because that's going to make the difference. Two I can recommend are 13 heavens 9 hells and the Limitless Plus. The only mod I could recommend is a Kanger Kbox Mini as it's the only one I've used in awhile and haven't needed to replace. It's regulated and will work with all wires, has temp control and burns up to 75 watts, so everything you would need. It also comes with a tank but not a very good one so I would recommend switching it out, or just buy a newer mod by itself and save some loot. They make all kinds these days.
This is the norm for me, pretty sure everyone gets pre flight jitters before a blast off.
Usually to help combat the preblast anxiety Ill put on some more calm but upbeat music on and focus on my breathing for a few minutes. Once I feel at peace I begin my process. Also i vaporize my dmt in a dab rig for efficiency. Only one hit for your predetermine amount.
Sublimer said:
entheogenic-gnosis said:
I dose high, and often only need a single inhalation, most times I'm in a breakthrough before I can even exhale, so it all comes down to being able to take just one inhalation...


I'll second the question of how you take it. My first breakthrough was Changa and it took 3 huge rips on a water bong. Then I switched to freebase with a crack pipe (worst possible method IMO) where the hits have to be small or they burn, then started buying $5 bags of plant material and sandwich the FB in a bowl and use a water bong. How can you get there in 1 hit? I've loaded 100mg in a dabber before, I still prefer the water bong. Please share your technique E-G!!!


My technique is actually fairly unsophisticated and quite inefficient. I either use a "peace-pipe" or a small cannabis pipe. I first place a layer of cannabis in the smoking utensil, followed by the crystalline dimethyltryptamine freebase, then, I place a small layer of powdered cannabis over the dimethyltryptamine. Then, I proceed to consume the entire contents of the smoking utensil in a single inhalation. The lighter is not placed directly on top of the outer most layer of cannabis, but is held close, and is held lit and in place until the entire contents of the smoking utensil have been fully consumed.
(For those who don't smoke cannabis any other preferred plant matter will be sufficient)

With this single inhalation I usually only have to count to about 10 before I'm in a breakthrough state, it's always before I even exhale, often as I feel it comming on I go into a panic and attempt to exhale every bit of smoke and vapour as quickly as possible, most times I could have easily held in the inhalation quite a bit longer, but chose to exhale out of the intensity and fear of the on comming experience... it's like trying to stop a speeding freight train with your bare hands, at that point there's absolutely nothing you can do about what you are about to go through...

Even though DMT free-base is not water soluble, the water in the bong may be cooling the vapour, allowing it to condense in the bong stem before it reaches your lungs, try that same technique of "sandwiching" DMT free-base between plant matter, but try it out of a small cannabis pipe with a fairly short stem, hold lighter lit above the bowl until you are done inhaling, and attempt to get the entire contents of the bowl into your lungs in a single inhalation.

As far as my dose range, it's unreasonably high. However, this does not mean it's a good idea to go out and attempt to consume large doses of DMT. It's a better idea to start low, and work your way up in small increments until you find the dose range Which induces the experience desired.

...Again, I've never had to take more than one single inhalation, and even if I wanted to take another inhalation I would not be able, as the entire contents of the smoking utensil is fully consumed on that initial first breath.

some people will require 2 or 3 inhalations, however, for myself, as well as for others I know, we will only require a single large inhalation...
...Though if it requires 3 inhalations for you to fully consume the material, and if I am consuming the same amount of material in a single inhalation, then I suppose that's the difference, because like i said, the entire contents of the bowl is consumed in a single inhalation in my case, I could not take a second or third inhalation if I wanted...

My method is foolproof for myself.
I use a dab rig to vaporize my dmt.
Weigh out the desired dosage beforehand
Heat the nail up like you would for a dab
Just let it cool a few seconds longer
Drip it in, hold for 16 seconds and blast off

One hit whole dose
Hashketchum said:
My method is foolproof for myself.
I use a dab rig to vaporize my dmt.
Weigh out the desired dosage beforehand
Heat the nail up like you would for a dab
Just let it cool a few seconds longer
Drip it in, hold for 16 seconds and blast off

One hit whole dose

This method is great, you just have to be extra cautious when dealing with torches and hot smoking utensils, when using this method I can significantly lower my dose.

GVG works great as well.

...though for whatever reason I still prefer my method, even though the above are clearly more efficient and more effective.

@EG, I'm having trouble in understanding the fine line between holding the flame above and not touching anything and the entire contents of the pipe being cashed.

Are you just kissing it with the flame like when you smoke kief and then letting the orange "cherry" do the consuming of the pipe contents? Actually burning it but slow as physically possible?
Asher7 said:
@EG, I'm having trouble in understanding the fine line between holding the flame above and not touching anything and the entire contents of the pipe being cashed.

Are you just kissing it with the flame like when you smoke kief and then letting the orange "cherry" do the consuming of the pipe contents? Actually burning it but slow as physically possible?

You gain a feel for it, generally it just depends on how the situation is moving along, and you simply react accordingly...

you could probably place the lighter directly on the contents of the bowl and it would still work just fine...don't worry about burning the DMT when using this method, I think people end up cheating themselves out of large inhalations because they are afraid of burning their product.

The lighter is held very close to the outer most layer of cannabis, maybe only a centimeter or two above the cannabis, and it's held in place and lit the entire time. The DMT will turn into a liquid and absorb into the surrounding plant matter when you are smoking like this, so when it gets close to the end I just fry everything without concern for burning it.

I always get quite anxious before blasting off, and even talking about it in a very detailed manner will make me anxious. Once I hit it though theres no going back, and once it starts the effects everything about me relaxes and I think "why was I anxioooouuuuss...." then infinity for a while.

The only time I was fearless was the first time because I hadnt really experienced it. Approached it with respect, but not fear or anxiety. I give into whatever happens after my first hit because there is just no going back after that, Acceptance is key for me.
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