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WTF??? Vape experience gone wrong...

Migrated topic.
Any chance you blacked out but didn't realize you did? A couple things you wrote made me think that could be plausible. It's happened to me a few times that I am aware of and probably some I wasn't. 60mg is def capable of a black out and if you were already feeling it while still tugging that remind me of a particular journey that hit me so hard my body just expelled the vape like on auto pilot and thank god it did because ti was a doozy.
In ayahuasca circles it is more commonly accepted to have a variety of outcomes possible ranging from very nothing to very deep. In vape circles people start to wonder very soon if something went wrong if there is no festival noticed. Size of dose is related but sometimes not, people can simply be cut out. Reports tell of people being cut out even for a longer times no matter what dose they vape. It's a curious thing.
olympus mon said:
Any chance you blacked out but didn't realize you did? A couple things you wrote made me think that could be plausible. It's happened to me a few times that I am aware of and probably some I wasn't. 60mg is def capable of a black out and if you were already feeling it while still tugging that remind me of a particular journey that hit me so hard my body just expelled the vape like on auto pilot and thank god it did because ti was a doozy.

No, I didn't black out. (at least I don't think I did.)I took it all in at one hit versus two like I normally do. Maybe that was part of it. I definitely wasn't right in the head though. I just remember thinking the dmt had turned to poison and I felt that feeling of worry that I wasn't going to come down. I knew it would wear off at some point and I just had to ride it out. I had cev's but nothing that entertained me. It was intense, but not in a good way.

Using the vaporizer I use I always feel it coming on very strong almost immediately. 50-60 mgs is a breakthru dose for me, but this time I didn't break thru. I think I was just worried about my precious DMT going bad because I honestly dont know how long FB really lasts and I recently did a large extraction. My fear of that messed with my head. Plus for some reason being in the room I was in I can't break thru. I think I just feel uncomfortable in that room and it takes away from the experience. I went into a different room later that night and had no problem breaking thru.

I recently made some wax by dissolving it in grain alcohol and I used a ball of it in my vaporizer. I broke thru very quickly using that. I will only use this method now because I don't need to melt the crystals after I load the vaporizer anymore. The downfall of this method is that I honestly have no idea how many mgs dmt I'm taking it.it's too sticky to mess around with trying to weigh it. It is possible that I could be inhaling 100+ mgs if I am not careful. My plan is to dissolve FB harmalas into the wax to to make some sort of Changa minus the herb because I don't like bongs. I'm hoping the harmalas will somewhat balance it out and prevent a bad experience without taking too much intensity away from the vaping experience. I have never tried changa, but I thinking I'm going to go with 250 harmalas to 1 gram dmt. If that's not enough I should be able to redisolve and add a bit more harmalas.

Thanks for responding.
Jees said:
In ayahuasca circles it is more commonly accepted to have a variety of outcomes possible ranging from very nothing to very deep. In vape circles people start to wonder very soon if something went wrong if there is no festival noticed. Size of dose is related but sometimes not, people can simply be cut out. Reports tell of people being cut out even for a longer times no matter what dose they vape. It's a curious thing.

This sounds exactly like what happened on this occasion. Thanks for bringing this to my attention because this interests me and I do have a "theory" on this. I am a theist and my thoughts on this is simply that the great spirit of infinite consciousness is in control of the experience no matter the dosage. All you can do is hope for the best and be willing to accept whatever happens. DMT is part of our DNA but it is metabolized so quickly that it has no effect on our finite consciousness normally. (IMO). I think this is why when we introduce more of it into our body and it is not metabolized at such a rapid rate we are able to transcend beyond the dualistic finite consciousness and take a peak into the one ineffable consciousness.

On my last break thru this is what I experienced and I could see how everything fit together. I was made aware of how we are all connected by the double helix years ago, one in the quantum field and ultimately non-duality, peace and love, but for the sake of talking about the dmt, dna aspect of it, I think this is what dmt does. It is a window to gather more detailed info. (IME)

Toward the end of my last breakthru I came to the understanding that I need to radiate love as much as I can. That's mainly what I got out of it plus I'm able to see the double helix in great detail and how everything fits together. When I break thru I don't necessarily experience another world, I experience a window that I am able to take a peak into the one Infinite mind and bring back knowledge that can help me grow and become a better person, to advance my consciousness spirtually and to stay tuned into divinity. If that makes sense.

Any thoughts on this theory?
I've had sub-breakthrough experiences that felt exactly that: a viewing window of sorts, and access to the wealth of knowledge of the universe(s). I have also been propelled into a landscape entirely alien to even any THOUGHT I've ever had... I think I'm dying every time I break through: even knowing it's one of the cleanest and safest "drugs" available. I've learned to meditate through preflight, and embrace my own demise; seems easier to break through when I'm "ready and willing" "to die".
I said:
I've had sub-breakthrough experiences that felt exactly that: a viewing window of sorts, and access to the wealth of knowledge of the universe(s). I have also been propelled into a landscape entirely alien to even any THOUGHT I've ever had... I think I'm dying every time I break through: even knowing it's one of the cleanest and safest "drugs" available. I've learned to meditate through preflight, and embrace my own demise; seems easier to break through when I'm "ready and willing" "to die".

There is only one true (awakening) my friend. The one that claims to die is an illusion.


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