You know you are a psychonaut when ...
Your parents ask you why you've returned to their house to harvest the leaves of a tree you planted years ago.
Someone spreads misinformation about a drug and it sends you on a rant.
You save every vial you've ever come in contact with.
You have a snake problem around your house and instead of buying mothballs you sprinkle DMT everywhere.
You're known as the guy of many theories, but has zero evidence towards any of them.
You're tired or having an off day and your friends ask if you're on something.
You have two bongs so you don't accidentally send yourself into a trip.
You have more lab equipment than your local university.
Your house is stocked with solvents but you buy more because they're on sale.
Your mailman mentions how all your packages come from the Netherlands.
You've been standing in the kitchen for 5 seconds or 5 hours, you don't remember which.
You tell your friends you're a practicing shaman.
You buy a chemical because it's being banned in China even though you're never going to take it.
You're not satisfied with your extraction because it's only 96% pure and you need 99.9% pure DMT.
You could no longer see the surface of your scale because it's covered in random powders.
You tell yourself it must be possible to feel this way sober.
You pay in cash when you buy your lye and naphtha so they can't connect you to the purchase.
You let your rye bread get moldy to trip but back out because you're not as crazy as the Romans.
You drink reindeer pee to see if it's active.