Trying to determine if this issue is related to my extract or my e-mesh process, which I am still dialing in.
My glass drip tip accumulates a tacky, clear/white residue during use. It does have the "new sneaker" smell, and i don't sense any other chemical aroma. It has the appearance of a...
Intro, context
Hi, new to the Nexus, I've been wanting to write about this for a while. I want to talk about my naïve and utterly failed attempts at using DMT, what I perceived as an actual physical near death experience (separate to the 'feeling' DMT is known to give you), potential trauma from...
Namaste, all. I'm looking for good recommendations for an RDA with which to vape DMT e-juice. Something sturdy, with good airflow and a good build deck. Or, for tips on what traits to look for other than these three as I search around myself.
I've been vaping DMT for several months now using an...
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