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Experience report


Rising Star
Intro, context
Hi, new to the Nexus, I've been wanting to write about this for a while. I want to talk about my naïve and utterly failed attempts at using DMT, what I perceived as an actual physical near death experience (separate to the 'feeling' DMT is known to give you), potential trauma from that experience, and I guess I want to ask what I should do regarding DMT use going forward. To be honest, I think I'm also writing this because I just want to get my thoughts on paper so to speak. I've spoken to friends about all this but, you know how it is. It's difficult to go into enough detail about it all to satisfy myself in a normal conversation. This also ended up being absurdly long so I've tried to divide it into sections. I would really appreciate if you read all of it.

Getting the contextual boilerplate out of the way - I'm 23, the previously mentioned experience was this year but I was also trying it at 22. I am not on any meds. I did not make the DMT myself, my father did. He said he followed the tek fine, was using the DMT himself to some success (though from what he's told me I don't think he's ever 'broken through'). He's also a chronic alcoholic, is currently in rehab for the 800th time, so it wouldn't be a stretch to assume his tek might've been a bit compromised. Not like I was with him at the time, not like I know for sure whether he was sober when he did it. After he permanently ruined his mind and hospitalized himself from drinking early last year, an event I was far more privy to than I wanted to be, I went to his place and took the last little vial of freebase he had. I let him know. I also found a hookup to start regularly buying weed. It was all to numb the pain.

Before his hospitalization and unrecoverable mental breakdown, my dad was really into psychedelics. Obsessive, even. It was his only interest. After decades of failed attempts to quit alcohol, he saw psychedelics as the last possible avenue to sobriety, ironic as that sounds. He'd drag me along to conferences where pro-psychedelic organisations would sell the benefits to you. I learned all about the history of LSD in America, the unwarranted demonization of these drugs, that everyone who thinks you should stay away from psychoactive drugs are just drones infected by government propaganda. I've more than half a mind to think this was the real propaganda. That there's a great deal of propaganda on both sides, and that neither side is helpful so long as they're pushy about it and trying to cuss out the other. But my dad was fully convinced. I think he genuinely wanted to use them for enlightenment, but I don't believe he ever tried very hard to integrate any of his experiences. Just like I ended up doing, it's possible he was convincing himself he was taking the drugs for some greater purpose than recreational use and escapism, while doing nothing additional that would bring himself closer to the enlightenment and freedom he desired. I told myself I would be different, that I'd "respect the substance", but I never did. Never even had a sitter.

First attempts. Get to the point, man.
Throughout last year, I would periodically attempt to use that batch of DMT. First I tried sandwich method, weed + dmt + weed in a bong. Later, I tried vaping it with my dad's Yocan Evolve. I never broke through, never saw 'hyperspace', never had any visual hallucinations at all outside of my hands looking weird and a bit of chromatic aberration. I don't have aphantasia, in fact I think my ability to conjure mental imagery is quite strong. Maybe it was a bad batch. Maybe it was old (I had no idea of its age, or even if that matters). Maybe I was breathing wrong. I don't know.

I did feel it though. And I sensed presences. People talk about jesters. I never saw jesters, but it felt like they were watching me, and from how others described their behaviour I felt sure that jesters is what they were. Sometimes they felt malicious, usually they seemed to just be laughing at my incompetence. At first I was scared of them, but eventually I learned to have fun with them. Mischievous little scamps. I liked them, intangible as they were. It was like they were my friends, but the sort of friends that are close enough to feel schadenfreude at your misfortune without it meaning they don't like you. I sorta miss them. But my jester friends aside, I felt a loss of sense of self, euphoria, bliss, newfound love for being alive and love for clarity and sobriety once the insanity simulator ended. But none of this was what I was looking for - which I now think is pretty stupid. What more could you want than a newfound love for just existing? I guess those effects were too fleeting, I'd quickly forget how I felt and what it meant to me. But I just wanted to see the cool stuff, hyperspace, entities.

I started using it less and less frequently going into this year, but last month I made my final attempt. It was early morning, I'd stayed up all night so I was a bit delirious and I guess I wanted to double down on that delirious feeling. By this point I wasn't under the illusion of using it for enlightenment any more. I wanted to use it for fun and I had accepted that. Maybe if I stopped lying to myself about my intentions, it'd work a bit better, I thought. This had been my train of thought the previous few times too, to no success, but I guess it takes me a while to learn my lessons.

Anyway, I thought I'd effectively run out, but I still had the vial and I knew there was a bit stuck to the sides. I scraped it off, tapped the vial a bit and to my surprise there was still quite a bit left, so into the Evolve it went. First couple tokes, I felt amazing. I even felt like I was getting some light visuals, but I knew this was like 1% of the insane hallucinatory experience I've read so much about. I got a bit aggressive with it, I guess. This was the last of the DMT, might as well go all in, right? So I took what I felt was a massive hit. Pulsed the button, breathed in until I physically couldn't anymore, until my vision was blurry. Then I held my breath, because I've been told you should do that.

Respiratory arrest. Dying.
In hindsight, it seems pretty fucking dangerous when you think about it. Interrupting your normal breathing patterns, introducing some other chemical to your lungs at a concerningly high imbalance to oxygen, then holding your breath while you essentially lose all sense of yourself? It almost felt like a half-assed incomplete suicide. Because, yeah - I stopped breathing. And I couldn't breathe again. I zoned out for, I genuinely don't know how long. Complete inattention. I don't think I was even hallucinating, I was just gone. I think this might be what some people refer to as a white-out? Opposed to a black out where you actually lose consciousness, but the sort where you just... stop thinking. Everything stops. There was no trip.

I was lying back on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. I guess the effect started to wear off just slightly, enough for me to - without intention - look down at myself. I wasn't wearing a shirt, and I saw that my chest and stomach looked almost concave. My ribs were very visible. My skin looked cold, clammy, off-colour. I managed to move my hand to my chest and it felt that way, too. I felt like a corpse. It was like all the air had been sucked out of me, like my flesh was vacuum sealed to my bones, or if you've seen Dragon Ball, like how people looked after Cell would absorb their essence. Shriveled up.

I realised I hadn't been breathing, sobered up just enough to attempt to breathe, and for a moment I actually couldn't even though I was now actively trying to. It felt like my lungs were 'locked'. There was resistance.

After some considerable panic my lungs 'unlocked' - I swear I even felt a click in my chest - and I took a huge breath. Sobered up instantly. I spent the next 30 minutes or so rolling around on my bed concentrating on my breathing, feeling my chest, just recovering and making sure everything was okay and muttering to myself how fucking stupid that was. My chest remained clammy and shallow for maybe about 5-10 minutes, and gradually started, uh, re-inflating. I don't know if I was actually close to death (or not death, but a passing out from lack of oxygen which might lead to death) or if I just imagined it as being worse than it was, but the effect was the same whether it was real or not. It was terrifying. I spent the next few days feeling short of breath, like I couldn't breathe in to full capacity, just hyper conscious of it. Spent those days considering my mortality and how much time I've wasted.

Now, whenever I think or read about DMT, the act of inhaling it, if I try to picture it, I'm there again. I get an instinctive feeling to touch my bare chest, and my skin feels as clammy as it did back then, when normally it doesn't. I start to feel anxious and I start to feel existential. I get this idea in my head that I really died back then, and everything after that point has been an illusion. Like I'm a walking corpse. I know logically that's not true, but what I know logically often takes a back seat. I associate DMT now not with fun escapism, or enlightenment, or cool cosmic entities and other dimensions, but with my own death. I picture myself on that bed, hands flexed out like claws in rigor mortis, mouth agape, eyes wide open, and chest completely sunken in. My cats not understanding why their friend just randomly fucking died one morning. My body wouldn't be found for a while. I'd probably melt into the bed a bit before I was found. A foolish, dead kid with a warped and twisted body lying in black decomposed sludge. For no good reason. Two dead cats, unless they ate me. I hate thinking about it.

What was I even inhaling?
I've looked into it and apparently 5-MeO-DMT has been known to cause respiratory failure. It's been discussed on this site. But what I had was supposed to be N,N-DMT. The tek my dad followed was supposed to produce N,N, and even if he did it wrong from what I understand it's not like you can accidentally make 5-MeO, it's a totally different process. But I've also read that 5-MeO is more associated with 'feeling' and that a lack of visual hallucinations is normal. All signs point to it being 5-MeO except for the actual way it was supposedly produced. It doesn't make sense. If anyone can shed more light on what the fuck I've been inhaling that would be helpful.

Anyway, after all that happened I threw out the vape pen and the vial of DMT even though there was a bit left. I wanted it gone, the temptation had to be completely removed.

So that brings me to now. I've still never got to experience the magical wonders of DMT that everyone else seems to be able to. It gets called the most convenient psychedelic. Businessman's trip. Easy. Safe. Safe. Everyone else is having fun with it, but for me it seems to be almost fucking impossible to get anything out of it that isn't just 10 minutes of complete insanity. Euphoria aside, the other way I've interpreted the drug while using it is that it's just idiot smoke. It just makes me an idiot. For 10 minutes I can go back to being a stupid mindless baby who doesn't understand anything, staining my couch with drool, the somehow malicious-feeling sound of a whipper snipper buzzing in my head. And then I come out of it and there's nothing to even make sense of. There's no 'experience', not really. Unless I could properly hallucinate, of course.

I still want to see hyperspace and all the rest, although at this point I'm starting to doubt if it's actually real. Critical thinking would lead one to believe there's no way hundreds of people reporting seeing the same stuff are all collectively lying, but also maybe I've just been misinterpreting it. I don't know if you ACTUALLY ACTUALLY FOR REAL get visually and mentally transitioned into something like an Alex Gray painting. If that's actually what you see with your eyes. Or if it's just a method people use to communicate how it feels, and you just see your bedroom. I don't know. I think it's the former, but why the fuck doesn't it happen for me? Again, bad batch maybe? I'm getting sidetracked so I'll wrap it up:

I don't know what to do with DMT from here. I don't want to try it again any time soon, I don't feel like I even need it. This isn't meant to be a sob story post, in fact I think I'm in a better mental place now than I have been in a pretty long time. The horrible things I experienced and saw regarding my dad, I think I'm making really good progress recovering from it all, and I don't feel like I need to rely on drugs anymore. I feel good most days. I haven't smoked weed in about a week where before I was doing it daily, so we'll see if I can end up dropping it for good outside of the occasional smoke sesh every few months. That'd be nice.

But the next time I do try DMT... I don't know if I can ever go back to inhaling it. The trauma, the feelings I felt back then, I think they'd all come back and lead to an awful trip. Or, the same thing might happen again, and this time I won't start breathing again. I know you can make it into a tea, consume it with MAOIs or whatever. I think I'd much prefer that. Even when my respiratory system doesn't just give up, it's such an uncomfortable drug to take. Breathing it in feels like shit, it tastes like shit, you get light headed, if you don't do it just right, get it to the absolute perfect perfect temperature it just burns, like it's the hardest thing in the world to do properly. It's all incredibly prohibitive and uninviting. How are you supposed to lull yourself into some beautiful existential trip if the process to get to it is the most uncomfortable thing ever? Just drinking it sounds so much better, but I've also heard that MAOIs are - awesome! - another way to cause respiratory failure. So what the fuck? (Citation needed, I know, so correct me if I'm wrong here).

That's all, really. Just wanted to talk about my stupid, embarrassing attempts to take this deceptively inconvenient "most convenient" psychedelic. They resulted in nothing. Or, nothing might be an exaggeration, as I can take from it a new appreciation for life, which I've done, but my experiences with shrooms that I haven't even gone into were far more revelatory than this. I don't know. This post is pointless, I know, unless you want to see it as a cautionary tale or something. I just wanted to get it all off my chest, and hopefully some of you who are more experienced can give me some more perspective on it, explain why it never worked, or something else.

Thanks for reading.

edit: I just read that swearing and crass language is a bit frowned upon around here. Sorry about that. I'm Australian, we swear a lot, it's hard to not sprinkle that kind of language in, not that that's a very good excuse. I hope you can look past it and understand that I'm not trying to be vitriolic or condescending or anything else, those words are just how I express myself, and while I respect the attitude towards positive discussion I also don't want to self-censor for risk of this post not truly feeling genuine. With that said, I'll try not to swear in the first place going forward. Okay, I'm really done now. Thanks again for reading.
Hello thedai,
thank you for your post;

I am also relatively new to posting here, but I feel as though I understand what this place stands for since I have been spending a lot of my free time reading posts on this forum over the past year so keep that in mind as you read what I have to say.

I recently made my own DMT (about 6 months ago) to try to self-treat depression, and what you are describing is almost a perfect match for the first half of my own journeys. My first DMT experience was mild and euphoric with limited visuals, my second I experienced the jesters you describe, mocking me for my incompetence. After a few more attempts that felt like I never left the room i was in I experienced what you describe as the "white out", full ego death, reverted to nothingness no visuals, reverted to naked perception etc. fortunately I did not experience respiratory arrest which I think was a major factor in what I took away from it. I ended up feeling very confortable in that space and I too came back with a newfound appriciation for life. After that expirience I have had many breakthrough expiriences (almost always alone) that felt like they were simply extensions of the room I was in, they morph and fold and faces appear and dissapear, that being said I do feel as though I am in another place, it simply resebles the room I'm in (in vibes if in nothing else). I think you are correct to a certain extent that the idea of a "breakthrough" is all in the way we think about the expirience. Because I was able to conceptualize my white out expirience as the maximum possible DMT expirience doses that before would just show me jesters now push me through to strange rooms and passageways. I think striving to breakthrough interferes with one's perception of the expirience, I think this is the phenomena many people describe as being "blocked" from hyperspace, doese is not the only thing mindset matters just as much. I have grown increasingly proficient with pushing through to the other side on doeses as low as 20mg just by surrendering and tapping into that mental barrier. I currently have a very good relationship with DMT and am able to use it to work through personal issues by allowing my mind to escape negative thought loops.

I found your post fascinating because, I think if I had had the same expirience as you on my "white-out" trip, I would likely have come here posting something very similar to what you have just posted. As it is, I have instead overcome severe depression, found new meaning in life, and am happier than I have been in a very long time. DMT helped me identify why I was unhappy (lack of self-worth and lack of meaningul friendship) but did nothing to help me fix those things other than showing me the negative ways I view myself. That being said I think that you are right that both sides are wrong, psychadellics should not be demonized but they should also not be seen as a cure-all, the only way to get anything out of them is to be very intentional about use.

I have tried to use DMT recreationally a few times but even in those cases I have done my best to integrate them afterwards and have found that I was able to get something out of them. I agree that DMT cannot "enlighten" you, it can only show you new ways to think about your own brain, there is a ecent chance that I am just making up any meaning I have attained through my use. I think psychadellics, especially DMT are only beneficieal because they feel so profound. As an atheist I think the same way about religion or hypnosis or the placebo effect, it can be very helpful but only if you belive. DMT has utterly convinced me that it has helped me and so I have a powerful respect for it and the impact it has had on me. If you find that it does not do this for you there is nothing wrong with that. From what I have read you have a newfound appreciation for life and don't need or want anything else from DMT. There is a chance that oral brews will provide you with what I have described above, there is a chance they wont. Reality is incredibly complex and difficult to deal with and its nice to have a buffer like religion or psychadellics to help take the edge off but they only really work if you truly belive.

I don't want to be perscriptive this is just my own expirience. I think that DMT will be what you belive it to be not what you want or need it to be. I think your expirience is not abnormal. I also think there is danger in trying to chase a cure to all your problems wether through drugs or anything else. DMT helped me with one very specific problem and no more but only because I give it my complete faith. I think with the mindset I have described it could be possible to find this in a form of DMT you feel safer with, but it also might not. I'm glad that DMT helped you with cannibis use and with appreciation for life, and maybe that is all you really need.

At the end of the day I am just a girl who has smoked a lot of DMT, I hope you have gained somthing from what I have had to say. I wish you luck in this life, remember that anything in life can have meaning if you give it meaning, anything (I'm not just talking about DMT).

With love,

Tryptamine Enthusiast
He the dai, that is quite a story you have, especially with the history of your father leading you to dmt in the first place I can imagine that you have this curiosity about dmt and it’s effects.

As of now I don’t really have a answer for you on what could be the reason for your failed attempts. But my guess would be that it is either a very practical thing like your dmt is not dmt or your technique of smoking is not good enough or and that is where I would put my money on is that dmt just might not be for you.

So what now? I would recommend you just follow your own advice and not use dmt anymore, psychedelics and especially dmt are just not for everyone and there’s nothing wrong with that. There are great things to do other than tripping and can be just if not more fulfilling. I wish you the best and hope you find what works for you in other things.

Take care and thank you for your very well written report.
i am too unexperienced to give you concrete advice, just can tell you, that in my 3rd ayahuasca ceremony i had the situation, that i stopped breathing, when i stopped waving with this hand fan. somehow strange, that this functioned, cause i wasn t able to feel my pulse on my wrist anymore when i searched it while laying there. from how i am seeing it now, i could imagine that this could have been some form of " being afraid of letting it go".

interestingly in this ceremony one of the facilitators came to me and reminded me, that i shouldn t forget breathing..
Breathing on DMT is one of the biggest attributes the drug brings to me, I was hoping to write a post about it one day. On perfect trips I find my heart rate, blood pressure, and breath falling to states one might find in very deep meditation. The Buddhists say 2 breaths per minute is ideal for meditation and I think I have exceeded even that in a very comfortable way on many occasions. WIth time slowing down and practically stopping this does seem like I am no longer breathing at times but I have never had physical attributes that made me worry that it was to much on my body. My point in this is that breathing is a part of the whole experience, for me. I am hitting those places the members talk of with break thrus everytime, over many hundreds of trips, but I would only execute the size dose I need for these trips on spice I trust. If I have a new batch I slowly work my way up to the hit size I want to be at and start at half or less than. My dosage method has been through a bong for over two decades now, as I find it to give you exact dosing when taking large pulls and holding them for ten seconds. Upon ingesting unclean batches on only a handful of times through out the years I have had trips that were the opposite of good. DMT is good and what I experienced was not on these trips. It is my belief that DMT is our source to eternity and existence and puts us in sync with that. I have no advice that I would ever give as I do believe that mental state is hereditary and can have huge impact on the situation. I do fully understand the conclusion of "how would you ever go back to something with that kind of PTSD attached." For me I have simply because of what I got from all the other trips and for you that is not there. If you ever did find a reason to go back my only advice would be that bong pulls give a very standard dose rate, you can start as small you want. And not all batches of spice are good, there is a chance your father made an error. One of the first batches I ever got off someone tasted pretty suspect and sent me to some scary outerspace place with some pretty horrible imagery going on, I was dying for it to be over. That was all the batch IMO. So I would find someone who knows spice and feels confident in what they have as their stash. Spice differs in so many ways and it is a catalyst as well, like in the case of changa. DMT will let you see into certain plants like Blue Lotus and the Mexican Dream Herb. It amplifies their characteristics past the point of the DMT. Smoke something bad with that catalyst DMT and bingo you got a super bad trip. So I am very prejudice against people that assume all spice is the same, its not.

I hope by supplying you this info you can make the right choices for yourself, they are not easy. It might seem like everybody is having fun and you can't figure it out, maybe it is simple or maybe it is not. Extract the info that you feel might best pertain to you.

PS I have smoked so much Damiana80% Caapi Vine10% Mullein5% peppermint5% 50/50 Changa mix and had such magical experiences that this is what I would give a loved one for the safety concern of them having a good trip. For me there is no way to go wrong with a prevailing herb as a spirit guide for the DMT to enhance. Some herbs are a little weird (pau d'arco is real weird) but that Damiana is as good as anything I have ever had in twenty years when the mix is right.
PS I have smoked so much Damiana80% Caapi Vine10% Mullein5% peppermint5% 50/50 Changa mix and had such magical experiences that this is what I would give a loved one for the safety concern of them having a good trip. For me there is no way to go wrong with a prevailing herb as a spirit guide for the DMT to enhance. Some herbs are a little weird (pau d'arco is real weird) but that Damiana is as good as anything I have ever had in twenty years when the mix is right.

50/50 changa mix as in 50% DMT 50% harmala? Or 50/50 as in enhanced leaf with 50% DMT 50% herb mixture? I get confused about how these things are written out. Either way, sounds like damiana is something worthy of exploration.
I match equal weights of DMT to the suggested ratio of herb mix so for every G of the Damiana combined with the Caapi and other herbs I add a G of DMT. This ratio is contingent on how strong your DMT is. I usually don't smoke pure white DMT by itself I like it in the full spectrum form of a bright yellow, but if you do any of the clean up methods on this site you will notice you lose substantial weight during the cleanup. So if you have the purest crystals in the world then a 40% DMT to 60% herb mix might be enough, and if it is a diluted yellow full spectrum DMT you are adding that might be reversed to 60% DMT with 40% herbs. On my hardest Damiana trip I saw a beaken of light coming from what looked like a light tower, circling its projected light around my field of vision. It was all shades of lime green and I swear I instantly counted 40 million different shades of lime green. That was one of the hardest trips I ever had and it was on the Damiana with some very pure crystal added in the mix. These days I have been mixing in a full spectrum acacia DMT and have not gotten the same intensity to my trips all though they are still magnificent. I do not like pure crystal smoked alone but when you amplify the herb with the pure crystal you see the true potential of the herb, it is unreal and so different than smoking just DMT alone. The Caapi adds just enough MAOI for myself to blast off even further and helps the trip I am sure of this. If my ratio still does not make sense I will try to write it a different way I get stuck on things written out sometimes too.
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