Hi there. Just wanted to share something about this RC.
Okay, my set and setting wasn't perfect and stuff, but I write this down just in case so for you to know and don't do this.
I'm tripping since 21 March. Is kind of some strong HPPD. To be honest now I feel like I need help. If anyone knows something that works to get out of my state please share.
I had a few (4 if I recall correctly) microdoses of 10 mcs of 1p LSD prior to this experience , 12 10 6 and 3 days before. Then had a 240 mcs trip. I panicked and tried to abort it. Did something very stupid.
-Opened a 40mgs sulpiride capsule, and put the dust under my tonge. 1 min later split it out as I thought that is stupid. Then did that again. Opened another one, put it under my tongue, stayed 1 min like , split it because thought again it was stupid. Put it under my thongue thinking "Oh well , sublingually will absorb faster". It looks like it had not absorbed nothing , but it could have absorberd a tiny bit , and who knows , whith the high afinity for receptors that have modern drugs, it could have interacted somehow blocking the LSD into the receptors and didn't let it go out. or that's my theory and I could be totally wrogn. And that way im still tripping or wtf.Keep in mind Im tripping. I'm surprised I cand write all that. Im scared and want to end that as soon as posible.
- Then took a 0,5 of Lorazepam , and tried to "sleep" under my blanket.
Time passed and guess what , keept tripping , very mildly but still tripping.
My recent memory is narrowed and my long term memory enhanced , I can remember things people told me long ago and get very distracted by short term things and cant finish them , because I start thinking into Ideas and stuff. Yeah. Like tripping.
Im aware that im in a psychosis like state.
So yeah , just in case , dont do that , is good to have a report arround here.
Does anyone know how to recover from this hppd? Is going back to tripping and back the way out ? I dont know. If you know something please tell me. Thank you
Okay, my set and setting wasn't perfect and stuff, but I write this down just in case so for you to know and don't do this.
I'm tripping since 21 March. Is kind of some strong HPPD. To be honest now I feel like I need help. If anyone knows something that works to get out of my state please share.
I had a few (4 if I recall correctly) microdoses of 10 mcs of 1p LSD prior to this experience , 12 10 6 and 3 days before. Then had a 240 mcs trip. I panicked and tried to abort it. Did something very stupid.
-Opened a 40mgs sulpiride capsule, and put the dust under my tonge. 1 min later split it out as I thought that is stupid. Then did that again. Opened another one, put it under my tongue, stayed 1 min like , split it because thought again it was stupid. Put it under my thongue thinking "Oh well , sublingually will absorb faster". It looks like it had not absorbed nothing , but it could have absorberd a tiny bit , and who knows , whith the high afinity for receptors that have modern drugs, it could have interacted somehow blocking the LSD into the receptors and didn't let it go out. or that's my theory and I could be totally wrogn. And that way im still tripping or wtf.Keep in mind Im tripping. I'm surprised I cand write all that. Im scared and want to end that as soon as posible.
- Then took a 0,5 of Lorazepam , and tried to "sleep" under my blanket.
Time passed and guess what , keept tripping , very mildly but still tripping.
My recent memory is narrowed and my long term memory enhanced , I can remember things people told me long ago and get very distracted by short term things and cant finish them , because I start thinking into Ideas and stuff. Yeah. Like tripping.
Im aware that im in a psychosis like state.
So yeah , just in case , dont do that , is good to have a report arround here.
Does anyone know how to recover from this hppd? Is going back to tripping and back the way out ? I dont know. If you know something please tell me. Thank you