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2012 SHE to Welcome the 14th Baktun?


Rising Star
I think a SHE on the on the exact moment of the 2012 Winter Solstice, Galactic Alignment, AND end of a Mayan Long Count Calender would be an excellent honor to the ancestors who introduced DMT to the world!

2012 is NOT the end of the world, just a "Mayan Y2K." It's obvious that no one really knows a thing about the Mayans, including the anthropologists.

But let's go look for ourselves, it'll be fun!

Be ready: December 21, 2012 @11:11 (UTC)



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۩ said:
p.s. how does the galaxy align? Isn't that subjective?

ah sorry, to the Galactic Center

On the 2012 Winter Solstice, The Sun, Earth and The Tropic of Capricorn all align directly to the center of the galaxy!!!

edit: Due the width of Sun, precise alignment is a rough range, the Galactic Alignment "zone" is the year 1998 +/- 20 years (so 1978 - 2017, and keep in mind we don't know EXACTLY where the galaxy center is). However, this Galactic Alignment occurs only once every 25,800 years, and is possibly what the ancient Maya were pointing to with the 2012 end-date of their Long Count calendar...

neat eh?

I was about to make a thread about this but glad I looked back, 3 pages wasn't too bad to sort through heh.. im a bit surprised more people haven't replied, but in any event, its a great idea! Im confused about the time tho. Say you have someone on the east coast (US) and someone on the west coast. There is a 4 hour time difference between the two locations.
Say you wanted to sync up at 12am on the 21st.. the east coast would experience 12am 4 hours earlier than the west coast. What is the strategy for this?
the moment we've all been waiting for? haha i've been saying i was gonna be tripping or doing a ritual on this day since i was about 16 so i kina have to at this point
The Mayan calendar thing has got to be a Mayan Y2k....

Think about it, THINK. It was written on stone tablets. You ever use a chisel before? Get tiring after a while, right? Seriously, writing upon stone with chisel--that's hard work. You ever try and write down a calendar extending all the way to the end of time before?

Eventually, the scribe/masons wrist just gets so sore, he's like "screw it, I'll just let it end....here!"
Bedazzle said:
The Mayan calendar thing has got to be a Mayan Y2k....

Think about it, THINK. It was written on stone tablets. You ever use a chisel before? Get tiring after a while, right? Seriously, writing upon stone with chisel--that's hard work. You ever try and write down a calendar extending all the way to the end of time before?

Eventually, the scribe/masons wrist just gets so sore, he's like "screw it, I'll just let it end....here!"
Do you understand how the mayan calendar works? Do you realize its cyclical nature? I don't really to be honest, but I know it's not as simple as it just ending at a certain random date, they used periods and cycles which somehow lined up with galactic movement and real-time events on earth. Fascinating shit, it might be a total flop though but I hope something badass happens.
olio said:
We might not even need any DMT for this SHE :)

"You will never be the same once your hypothalamus secretions start. Have you ever ingested a psychedelic? How would you like to live, balancing that reality, twenty-four hours a day? It wouldn't work; it would be entirely too confusing. It is fine for what is called a trip. It is fine for a journey into learning--into shamanic, mysterious, Living Library realms. However, it certainly is not something you want to have for breakfast every day. The rest of your nervous is not in sync with that awareness. When you take what is called a trip, it is exactly that--like going to the country or to the shore for the weekend. You go, you experience it, and then you come back and contemplate it.

"Your hypothalamus is going to move you to to a new shore of being, a new domain that will be chemically induced. This is what the endocrine system does. It introduces various chemicals into your body without you taking anything--without ingesting any substances at all. The chemicals will simply begin to secrete themselves and influence the very way that you perceive and interpret reality.

"Your restored hypothalamus will take you on a journey and you will change everything so that you will be happy to dwell there. You will not want to dwell in the old place. It will be as if you move to a new land, or as if you move to a new planet without leaving Earth. It will be a splitting of you world. Earth and Earth's reality in the Living Library will change before your eyes because the chemicals that will be secreted from the hypothalamus will give you a new interpretation of reality."

from Earth, Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library, by Barbara Marciniak
tetra said:
olio said:
We might not even need any DMT for this SHE :)

"You will never be the same once your hypothalamus secretions start. Have you ever ingested a psychedelic? How would you like to live, balancing that reality, twenty-four hours a day? It wouldn't work; it would be entirely too confusing. It is fine for what is called a trip. It is fine for a journey into learning--into shamanic, mysterious, Living Library realms. However, it certainly is not something you want to have for breakfast every day. The rest of your nervous is not in sync with that awareness. When you take what is called a trip, it is exactly that--like going to the country or to the shore for the weekend. You go, you experience it, and then you come back and contemplate it.

"Your hypothalamus is going to move you to to a new shore of being, a new domain that will be chemically induced. This is what the endocrine system does. It introduces various chemicals into your body without you taking anything--without ingesting any substances at all. The chemicals will simply begin to secrete themselves and influence the very way that you perceive and interpret reality.

"Your restored hypothalamus will take you on a journey and you will change everything so that you will be happy to dwell there. You will not want to dwell in the old place. It will be as if you move to a new land, or as if you move to a new planet without leaving Earth. It will be a splitting of you world. Earth and Earth's reality in the Living Library will change before your eyes because the chemicals that will be secreted from the hypothalamus will give you a new interpretation of reality."

from Earth, Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library, by Barbara Marciniak
MMMM, these words resonate. I'm excited to start the new journey!
I feel very lucky to participate in my first SHE event on this special date... 😁

I´ll need the specific hour ... to calculete with my country...
Be ready: December 21, 2012 @11:11 (UTC)

11:11am or 11:11pm Greenwich Mean Time? Nevermind. Here's the answer: December 21, 2012 11:11 UTC – Time Conversion

This actually sounds nice: set my alarm for 3am roll out of bed, go pee, get a drink of water, take a few deep breaths, and then vape some spice.

If the circumstances permit, then I will definitely be joining in on this. Just think...you might not ever return from hyperspace this time!
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