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2012 SHE to Welcome the 14th Baktun?

Hey I actually saw Ac Tah speak in person, the guy in that video posted. Interesting to hear an actual Mayan's words first hand. We also built a Labyrinth and had a little ceremony the next day when he was in the city. He's in Mexico now.

Anyway, I'll be at an event in Ohio during this SHE, likely on acid. If it feels right, which it probably will, I will blast off as well. This will be my first SHE and probably gonna be the most intense several minutes I've ever had.
Who's in? :d

Guess most people live in Europe and the States. Considerable time difference.. Should arrange a time for all, say: 15:00 UTC / 18:00 EST / 23:00 GMT / 00:00 CET? For the West Siders it will be a true businessman's lunch lol. Or we could all do it at 23:55 local time ;)

Im gunna just chill on the 21'st and drink ayahuasca on the night of the 20th going into the 21st. I can imagine the possability of many things happening on the 21st..insane people doing insane things..government stuntz..too many people have lived their lived basicaly in anticipation of this day, so there is alot of pressure to MAKE something happen on that day. That makes me uneasy.
This will be my first s.h.e.

I have a feeling it is going to turn out to be great.

This will be the earliest in the morning I've ever used dmt. I don't even get up that early for work haha.

A few close friends and I will be participating in the morning for sure, peace to all of you.

See you there! :)
I've got a cactus hat trick going myself although it more modest quantities I think. Pach, Bridge, and Torch. Should be a good night! Lets manifest positive energy together!
Awesome S.H.E.!!!!!
It's hard to explain in words but it felt like the entire universe was torn apart, time froze, the new universe was assembled, and then time started again.
great_blue said:

I was about to make a thread about this but glad I looked back, 3 pages wasn't too bad to sort through heh.. im a bit surprised more people haven't replied, but in any event, its a great idea! Im confused about the time tho. Say you have someone on the east coast (US) and someone on the west coast. There is a 4 hour time difference between the two locations.
Say you wanted to sync up at 12am on the 21st.. the east coast would experience 12am 4 hours earlier than the west coast. What is the strategy for this?

All synchronized events take place according to GMT or UTC time. Google is your friend :)
Be ready: December 21, 2012 @11:11 (UTC)
DMTripper said:
great_blue said:

I was about to make a thread about this but glad I looked back, 3 pages wasn't too bad to sort through heh.. im a bit surprised more people haven't replied, but in any event, its a great idea! Im confused about the time tho. Say you have someone on the east coast (US) and someone on the west coast. There is a 4 hour time difference between the two locations.
Say you wanted to sync up at 12am on the 21st.. the east coast would experience 12am 4 hours earlier than the west coast. What is the strategy for this?

All synchronized events take place according to GMT or UTC time. Google is your friend :)
Be ready: December 21, 2012 @11:11 (UTC)
lol^ You know December 21st already happened?
Botanical Bliss said:
DMTripper said:
great_blue said:

I was about to make a thread about this but glad I looked back, 3 pages wasn't too bad to sort through heh.. im a bit surprised more people haven't replied, but in any event, its a great idea! Im confused about the time tho. Say you have someone on the east coast (US) and someone on the west coast. There is a 4 hour time difference between the two locations.
Say you wanted to sync up at 12am on the 21st.. the east coast would experience 12am 4 hours earlier than the west coast. What is the strategy for this?

All synchronized events take place according to GMT or UTC time. Google is your friend :)
Be ready: December 21, 2012 @11:11 (UTC)
lol^ You know December 21st already happened?
I was just thinking that. Google Calendar is your friend. :d
Funny stuff! I'd like to hear more from any of those that parcipated. I didn't manage to get up in time. Drank some caapi the night of the 20th around 8:30pm, it started to kick in and i was in a great headspace. Got really relaxed and kind of had a drunken feeling. Drank some mimosa tea and laid on the couch..... next thing i know i'm dead asleep and wake up at like 3am. lol. I just went back to bed at that point.

So I didn't end up getting much out of the experience and didn't get up early enough to participate in the S.H.E.
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