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5g Golden teacher suggestions

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey guys im planning on doing the 5g heroic dose Terrence McKenna always suggests. But i was hoping you can answer me some questions and stuff about that. Im going to ask further down in the text first my psychedelic history and stuff, i hope this makes it easier to answer my questions and to write them in the first place.

So i did LSA first (10 morining glory seeds wich i vomited so i didnt absorb all the LSA)
2 times 180mu of LSD
~10 times of freebase dmt trips wich varied in amount, i got 2 breaktroughs so far.

So i never did shrooms before. And before doing the 5 gramm im going to do a 3g trip a month beforehand to see how that works out. I looked up the different doses on the internet and i think 3g golden teacher should equal the 180mu LSD trips i had.

So my questions would be:

How would you compare a shroom trip to a LSD trip?

Is the 5g silent darkness trip comparable to a DMT breaktorugh that just lasts longer?

Do you even breaktorugh or is it more like an extreme kind of trip where your still in your body?

Is it "a" or "an" LSD trip as you pronounce it Al AS DEE?

How should i eat the shrooms? Chew them fully, or just swallow it? I dont want to risk destorying it by making a tea.

Would you personally suggest getting more experienced with psychedelics before going for a heroic dose?

I will have a sitter in the house, just in case, not in the same room tough. I want to wear earplugs to completly silence any outside noises, is this a bad idea? Do the earpluggs freak you out or something?

That is all i have to ask. If you have any other suggestions or helpful experiences with shrooms in general please leave them here. I also would love to hear some of your experiences with shrooms in general especially how they compare to LSD and/or DMT.

I normally take psychedelics to improve myself. To find out the meaning of life, the usual psychedelic stuff. But the 3g trip will be more of a "fun" or "test" trip. Im not doing it in silent darkness but rather try to have fun with my freaked out mind listening to sphongle or something, looking into the mirror etc. I just do it to see if i react extraordanary sensetive to the shrooms or something like that. And if its anything close to LSD i will learn 1 or 2 lessons regardless from it.

And like i said the 5g trip will be in fully silent darkness, with the intention of improving, to find out what life is about, to take a peek into another dimesnion etc...
Hello! Ok so I have never personally done shrooms before but I do know plenty of people who have and I may be able to answer some of your questions.

First off:

"Do you even breakthrough or is it more like an extreme kind of trip where your still in your body?"

This is extremely variable based on dosage. Basically, either could happen. Their is a guy on YouTube called Koi Fresco who talks about his Out Of Body Experience (he called it ego death) from when he was on shrooms. Link: Ego Death Experience Video (Note Nexus Mods, I am not attempting to advertise this person but rather give Sedrick here some more info on what he may be getting into. I added this due to Koi asking for donations at the end of the video.)


"How should i eat the shrooms? Chew them fully, or just swallow it? I dont want to risk destroying it by making a tea."

I had a old friend who told me that he did it by making a shroomnut butter and jelly sandwich. Basically your favorite bread with peanut butter and jelly and the shroom cap in the middle. Now depending on what type of mushroom you get you may have to adjust how you make the sandwich. They will more than likely taste horrible and have a awful texture. A trick I used to use for eating vile Nutmeg was pouring some hot sauce in my mouth with water, swishing and spitting. That pretty much trumps any taste although it hurts allitle. You could also use some very strong mint. Yet another method would to be grinding them up to a powder and using multiple tissue parachutes (look it up if you don't know what it is). If you have a extended amount of time you could also put them into a jar of honey. They should dissolve into the honey overtime and then you just eat it.

"Is it "a" or "an" LSD trip as you pronounce it Al AS DEE?"

I believe when you speak when not referring to someone specifically tripping but rather the trip itself it is A LSD trip. But if you were talking about yourself: "Oh yeah, I had an LSD trip" that is how you say it. Although this is all chocked up to personal preference (at least for me). If you are worried about being grammatically correct I would wait for another responder to give better information on this.

"How would you compare a shroom trip to a LSD trip?"

Now again I have never personally done it but I would have to say it is dose dependent. Their are plenty of people who have gone further with high doses of shrooms than what they had previously experienced on LSD (which may not be around in its original form now and days with all the analogues) and the same can happen the other way around. The more acid you take the harder you will trip. I hear just 3.5 of some good shrooms is stronger than acid. If you have done DMT before and broken through I think you will be more than ready. Again another person with more experience than I in this field could probably answer this better.

"Is the 5g silent darkness trip comparable to a DMT breakthrough that just lasts longer?"

Don't honestly know what your asking lol. Is Silent Darkness the way TM described this dose?

"Would you personally suggest getting more experienced with psychedelics before going for a heroic dose?"

You have done DMT before and broken through. That in itself is quite the experience. But just to become more familiar with mushrooms I would recommend doing as you said and taking about half the "Heroic" dose before attempting it. Do this a few times slightly working up to 4g and then once YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE stepping it up from their, then do so.

On the earplugs notion all this will do is drown out external stimuli and make your brain create its own. Same as putting ping pong balls over your eyes will do. So on the freaking out notion, that is entirely up to you. Before you begin the trip I would recommend educating your sitter in how to calm you down if this does happen. Because a bad trip has the possibility of getting worse the higher you dose due to unusual sensations that may scare you. Remember, no-one has died from these (or at least specifically these. Some combinations I could imagine may be harmful and if you have a predetermined illness or heart problems those could lead to danger but I doubt it. RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH! Cannot stress that enough) so if you feel like you are "dying" inform your sitter and let them know before the trip if this instance happens to tell explain its just the drug and it will wear off so you just need to go with it. DO NOT BY ANY MEAN FIGHT IT.

I would highly suggest using Cannabis to help with the nausea during come up. I swear by it for this as it really does help nausea. Hell they give it to Chemo patients specifically for that.

Another note and this is VERY IMPORTANT... Be 100% sure the specimen is properly identified before you ingest it. Some dealers like to sell off random mushrooms they find in order to make a quick buck. Some of these mushrooms are poisonous and you do not want that so please do be careful. Poisonous mushrooms can shut down your organs.

These things are in deed here for us to learn from and to find ways to better ourselves and the world we live in. It is a shame they are regulated in most areas due to them bringing about radically different and extraordinary ways of thinking.

Peace and if their are any other questions I will be watching this topic and I am sure some more knowledgeable nexus members will be more than happy to help you on your way to enlightenment!
Sedrick said:
Hey guys im planning on doing the 5g heroic dose Terrence McKenna always suggests. But i was hoping you can answer me some questions and stuff about that. Im going to ask further down in the text first my psychedelic history and stuff, i hope this makes it easier to answer my questions and to write them in the first place.

So i did LSA first (6 morining glory seeds wich i vomited so i didnt absorb all the LSA)
2 times 180mu of LSD
~10 times of freebase dmt trips wich varied in amount, i got 2 breaktroughs so far.

So i never did shrooms before. And before doing the 5 gramm im going to do a 3g trip a month beforehand to see how that works out. I looked up the different doses on the internet and i think 3g golden teacher should equal the 180mu LSD trips i had.

So my questions would be:

How would you compare a shroom trip to a LSD trip?

Is the 5g silent darkness trip comparable to a DMT breaktorugh that just lasts longer?

Do you even breaktorugh or is it more like an extreme kind of trip where your still in your body?

Is it "a" or "an" LSD trip as you pronounce it Al AS DEE?

How should i eat the shrooms? Chew them fully, or just swallow it? I dont want to risk destorying it by making a tea.

Would you personally suggest getting more experienced with psychedelics before going for a heroic dose?

I will have a sitter in the house, just in case, not in the same room tough. I want to wear earplugs to completly silence any outside noises, is this a bad idea? Do the earpluggs freak you out or something?

That is all i have to ask. If you have any other suggestions or helpful experiences with shrooms in general please leave them here. I also would love to hear some of your experiences with shrooms in general especially how they compare to LSD and/or DMT.

I normally take psychedelics to improve myself. To find out the meaning of life, the usual psychedelic stuff. But the 3g trip will be more of a "fun" or "test" trip. Im not doing it in silent darkness but rather try to have fun with my freaked out mind listening to sphongle or something, looking into the mirror etc. I just do it to see if i react extraordanary sensetive to the shrooms or something like that. And if its anything close to LSD i will learn 1 or 2 lessons regardless from it.

And like i said the 5g trip will be in fully silent darkness, with the intention of improving, to find out what life is about, to take a peek into another dimesnion etc...

As much as I want to dive into detailed comparisons of substances and there subjective effect in relation to one another, I feel such a feat would be ultimately flawed.

Genetics, biochemistry, psychological state, emotional state, Set, setting, stress level, amount of sleep the individual has had, events in the person's life which would be on their mind, and even diet and how much food the individual had to eat before ingestion can all play a critical role in the outcome of the experience...

It's really a very hard thing to ask someone...plus asking for this type of advice is generally not allowed, though to ask "how to eat something" should have an obvious answer, how do you eat anything?...

You have to really know yourself and you must know your own limits and know what you can and can not handle.

Education is more important than anything else, do as much research as you can, the more you know the better off you will be.

The links below are a good start and should help.

I thought you are suposed use "an" if the following word begins with a vowel, and "a" if the following word begins with a consonant...

Though there are exceptions to this rule...

Though I really don't think it matters, everybody will understand perfectly what you mean whether you use "a" or "an" in this situation...

Thanks for the answers so far guys.

entheogenic-gnosis said:
As much as I want to dive into detailed comparisons of substances and there subjective effect in relation to one another, I feel such a feat would be ultimately flawed.

I would love to hear it regardless :p

I know in regards to psychedelic experiences in need to take everything with a grain of salt cause every single experience is different with the 1000 of factors putting into it. I would also love to hear some things around the topic that arent so much about my questions.

You see i watched a lot of yt videos read a lot of experience reports etc, but i like to actually interact with the people who had that experiences as you can ask them certain things you dont understand correctly. Most expereicne report threads on other sides i asked something were dead already and youtubers with over a 100 subs rarely answer due to the sheer mass of messages they get.

The thing is, even tough i researched a lot about the 5g dose i absuloutly dont know whats gonna happen. The only things i repeadedly read is the 3g dose and the 5g dose is like a complete different drug. Thats all. Everything else doesnt repeat from experience to experience. Some said this some this. So i just wanted to personally interact with people who done this before in this thread as i think this will help me the most to prepare myself for that trip. As far as you can prepare for a heroic dose at least :lol:
Personally I would start with smaller doses and work up .
Getting used to the feelings can help you manage larger doses . Having a few coping tricks like chanting etc
Can help manage intense trips.
I like outside in nature on a beautiful sunny day
But everyone has they're thing.
All the analysis comparison and discussion can easily
Go out the window when the stuff starts hitting you .
I say eat a cap n stem on a nice day and see what happens before you go deep.
They are a truly wonderous and amazing things.
Glad to see you have an interest in the mushrooms, they are amazing. Definitely get to know the nature of pislocybin gradually. Work your way up 1g at a time stating at 3grams. Low doses are are nice and comfortable, mabey a little silly too. Higher doses, aroud 4g-6g become visionary,IME CEV at first then OEV.
The OEV can become over whelming at 5+ grams, filling your field of vision. You definitely can break through on pislocybin, though it has its own flavor of hyperspace. IME at 7grams+ I have completely lost my physical form and are in hyperspace for 4-6hrs. Do not take an ego death dose lightly.
When I do this "heroic dose" I spend time to subdue my ego before I start. Then I slowly munch on the measured amount of mushrooms for the next hour or so. You'll likely throw up if you try to eat a bunch at once, drawing it out lessons any nausea.
Sensory deprivation is very helpful, I use it alot of the time. Wraping your self in very soft blanket (100%polyester) is a great trick I've learned.
I wish you safe and wonderful travels Sedrick.

These are some Golden Teachers I picked yesterday.


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The psilocybin mushrooms do the same things that DMT does, although the experience builds up over an hour and is sustained for a couple of hours. There is the same confrontation with an alien intelligence and extremely bizarre translinguistic information complexes. These experiences strongly suggest that there is some latent ability of the human brain/body that has yet to be discovered; yet, once discovered, it will be so obvious that it will fall right into the mainstream of cultural evolution. It seems to me that either language is the shadow of this ability or that this ability will be a further extension of language. Perhaps a human language is possible in which the intent of meaning is actually beheld in three-dimensional space. If this can happen on DMT, it means it is at least, under some circumstances, accessible to human beings. Given ten thousand years and high cultural involvement in such a talent, does anyone doubt that it could become a cultural convenience in the same way that mathematics or language has become a cultural convenience? -terence mckenna

My testimony is that magic is alive in hyperspace. It is not necessary to believe me, only to form a relationship with these hallucinogenic plants.

I will add a cautionary note. I always feel odd telling people to verify my observations since the sine qua non is the hallucinogenic plant. Experimenters should be very careful. One must build up to the experience. These are bizarre dimensions of extraordinary power and beauty. There is no set rule to avoid being overwhelmed, but move carefully, reflect a great deal, and always try to map experiences back onto the history of the race and the philosophical and religious accomplishments of the species. All the compounds are potentially dangerous, and all compounds, at sufficient doses or repeated over time, involve risks. The library is the first place to go when looking into taking a new compound. -terence mckenna

You asked:
How should i eat the shrooms? Chew them fully, or just swallow it? I dont want to risk destorying it by making a tea.

The tea just extracts the substance, doesn't destroy the mushrooms. Honestly, I have always found that my body can work with the tea better than the solid version becuase they I don't have to deal with anything in my intestines that my body is throwing out. The tea is just water and the substance, which your body can handle better, less nausea, no intestinal issues.

Would you personally suggest getting more experienced with psychedelics before going for a heroic dose?

Absolutely! The hero's dose for someone new to all this could actually leave you crazy! You have to come into these things slowly. It's like asking a kindergardener to write a thesis at the college level. You don't want to be blundering around in this experience, you need to go in like a warrior to really face yourself.

I will have a sitter in the house, just in case, not in the same room tough. I want to wear earplugs to completly silence any outside noises, is this a bad idea? Do the earpluggs freak you out or something?

Honestly, I would not do this at your house. I would go somehwere where you can be in nature, so your body can resonate with the frequencies of the earth, even be touching the earth so you have the grounding you need. Go rent a cabin and be on the front porch or something, have the person stay with you there, and don't listen to music or spongle, listen to nature because nature really responds to your conditions and interacts with you in ways you never imagined. Certain power animals can come to you, and even an insect that comes could be there with some kind of communication for you (not mosquitos of course! just kidding). If you are not paying attention to the nature, where mushrooms come from, you are missing a huge part of what this is all about.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents. I prefer to be with these medicines in nature rather than in a man made structure, or at least sitting on a porch. So much happens!
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