After following this thread for some time, I was inspired to explore to give elemicin a try. Thanks to 69ron for all the information, innovation, and inspiration.
Here are a few notes from two experiences to date. No other substances were ingested during or 24 hours prior to the experiences aside from my usual cup of morning coffee.
Test 1:
Sunday: took about 2 ml of elemi oil from FV in a glass of milk. Figured this might be a good baseline (or at least a good allergy test -- don't have any DMSO). The taste was not particularly good, but was tolerable.
After about an hour, feeling is mostly a light stimulant. Can't rule out placebo effect, though. Not sure. Still, no ill effects and not sedating in the slightest.
Back to baseline after about 2.5 hours.
Test 2:
Saturday (1 week following):
Setting -- quiet, relaxed afternoon at home in backyard garden and sunlit living-room.
+0:00 -- After a small lunch of about a cup of pasta in butter, a few cooked carrots and some apple, drank 16 ounces of milk with 2ml elemicin extract from FV (x5). Taste was very pleasant. The extract reportedly contains roughly 3.5 times as much elemicin as the elemi oil sold by FV that was tried one week ago, so this was equal to the elemicin content of about 7 ml of that original elemi oil.
+0:25 -- definitely feeling some slight physical effects; a light euphoria and sense of well-being.
+1:20 -- feeling good; definitely visual enhancement, colors seem brighter, perhaps a little harder to focus attention (in the same way as with other psychedelics), but still the feeling is subtle. Light physical euphoria, feeling of well-being, but no stimulant effects. There is definitely something there; well beyond placebo. The visual/color enhancement is definitely happening, though not quite 'psychedelic'.
+1:50 -- Feeling very good. A bit giddy, actually. No overt visuals, but some interesting CEVs (above and beyond baseline). Feel particularly sociable, which is notable in contrast to my usual curmudgeonly hermitic ways.
+4:06 -- Mostly back to baseline. Slight fatigue, perhaps, but generally no worse for wear.
Overall conclusion: there was no doubt this was something different from baseline, with enhanced visual sensation and appreciation of music, and a definite physical sense of well-beling and light euphoria. It was all rather subtle, but promising. I will try increasing the dose in a week or so; there was enough there to make me think that higher doses might indeed be psychedelic.