Cosmic Dragon
69ron said:damiana said:The elemi x by itself doesn't do very much for SWIM. It does a little, SWIM feels it, but it is very subtle. I think it wouldn't do very much even if SWIM took the whole bottle (15ml)
I don’t know about this elemi x stuff, but with elemi oil, the effects are pretty subtle until you get to the point that your whole body is strongly tingling. At that point you start having definite hallucinogenic effects.
Did you reach the dosage level that causes strong tingling in the body, almost like you’re about to go numb? A dose lower than that isn’t really hallucinogenic by itself. I’m guessing that you didn’t reach that level of tingling sensations from the elemicin because you didn't mention it, and you just need a higher dose.
For SWIM 2 ml of elemi oil (extracted with DMSO) is absolutely psychedelic. Not just a hint of it.
Yea, I think you might be correct about that, SWIM will have to try a larger dose. Things are starting to get really interesting.